Weigh- In Wednesdays: I'm back!

 I haven't written a weight in post since Sept and have been doing so well!  After wanting to skip my September post entirely I am so pleased with how I've been doing in October and November (thank goodness this post is coming out before the long holiday weekend!). 

As of writing this post I am weighing in at 161.6; so I am down a few pounds and more importantly the last time I've seen 161.anything on the scale was last May! Oddly I feel like I have been eating more carbs and supposedly "high point" food versus my usual array of zero point fruits and veggies.  BUT I do think I have been eating less overall since most days I am only eating 2 meals instead of 3.  

I am finding those high point meals to be rather filling and I'm just not hungry.  

I haven't been great about logging food on my Weight Watcher App at all and am even debating about dropping it... we'll see.  I figure I'll keep it until the New Year (and probably until after our cruise!) and evaluate then. 

What can I say? Between life feeling extra busy this month (seriously, just adding in Evan's driving classes has made our evenings feel so hectic-- we are so NOT used to doing anything in the evenings!) and I just seem to have lost my appetite lately.  I'm not looking all that hard for it and I'm hopeful I can keep this up through the holidays but, again, we'll see. 

In the meantime I'm still going to Curves 3 days a week and hiking whenever the weather seems even remotely nice. 

Linking up with


  1. I've been trying to move regulary lately and added some bike riding back in. I hope to keep it up in December.

    1. Good luck! I definitely feel us winding down a bit as the cold weather really moves in..

  2. Great job on lots of movement! I have found that the older I´m getting, the less I need to eat. It´s kind of depressing because I like to eat. But it just doesn´t take as much food to make me full so I have started to eat less. Is the meal you´re not eating breakfast? I have not been eating it lately and find that I don´t miss it! Great job on the scale movement, too!

    1. Thanks! Oddly I'm not really eating dinner.. I tend to eat a very late breakfast after the gym and then that means I'm not hungry again until 3 or so which means I'm never hungry for dinner.

    2. Joanne, that sounds like you might be "accidentally" doing 16:8 Intermittent Fasting! I've been doing that every day for about five years now and, combined with my never having more than 6 teaspoons of sugar in a day, my weight is stable. I always say, if you do these two things, you'll never need to diet. It's pretty amazing. I did a blog post about both of those topics.

    3. I have to really watch myself though; having struggled with eating disorders for years my default is to start skipping meals... so I really don't like the intermittent fasting I have been doing but by the time I am hungry for dinner it's late and we're out and running about and I refuse to eat at all by the time we get home.

    4. Joanne, I definitely don't recommend skipping meals, which is a common misconception about 16:8 Intermittent Fasting. I don't skip any meals. But the concept can raise issues with those who have had eating disorders, so your "watching" yourself as you are is really important. Looks like you've worked out what works for you; keep up the good work.

  3. It's such a boost when our efforts are rewarded. Reducing your number of meals must be the main reason. Great to hear you're enjoying gym sessions and other exercise. Thanks for linking

  4. Awesome job Joanne! You look great! Glad you are happy :)

  5. Such beautiful hiking photos, Joanne. I'm glad to hear you are feeling healthy and finding the eating style that works well for you. Take care of yourself and enjoy the holidays!

  6. Glad to see you are happy about going well! I understand changed of appetite too! Denyse

  7. This is the hardest time of year for me to eat right. Between multiple birthdays and holidays in November and December, I "reward" myself too often with sugary treats. Congrats to you with staying on track with your goals.

    1. We start with our round of birthdays in October and it seems like they go right through January so this time of year I try extra hard to make good choices when I can since there are so many wonderful treats and reasons to eat them.

  8. Congrats on the weight loss, Joanne! It's a struggle for sure. I've managed to drop some pounds and feel better mentally than I have in a long time. I did, finally, drop the WW app because it just seemed like I could have too many 0 point foods and actually gain weight. I'm doing what I did when I joined WW years and years ago. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


    1. Yes! That's what I'm finding too... odd since it had worked really well for me for a few years.

  9. Three cheers! You are a wonderful motivator and congratulations!

  10. OOMPPH - I dont know that I want to step on the scale the rest of the year LOL - Start fresh in 2024

    1. This time of year I weight myself extra so I'm not letting too many treats slip by!

  11. 2 tips for losing weight ~ restrict dairy as much as possible! I'm lactose intolerant, so it's easier for me, but I cook/bake with unsweetened plain almond, cashew or oat milk ~ and drink unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Much less in calories than regular milk too! I've never used a lot of cheese, but when I do make something with cow cheese, I only use white (mozzarella, provolone). I read somewhere that white has less fat ~ and it melts better anyways and has a milder taste. I try to stick to regular cheese once a week. ** Cut down on gluten too ~ if possible, substitute gluten free whenever you can. (I actually need to GAIN weight, so I "save" my gluten for donuts later ~haha). If nothing else, cutting down on gluten & dairy will make you feel less bloated. ** Oh, also apple cider vinegar pills also helps you feel less bloated! ** My mom was on WW ~well, it seemed like always! Even in the late '50s I remember her on WW. Her favorite thing was to put cottage cheese (that was big in the '50s) on a thin piece of bread (I think Pepperidge Farm makes the thin slices), and then she'd put a little jam on top and stick it all in the broiler until the cottage cheese was a little melted. She said it tasted like a "Danish". I'm sure WW is much changed now, but that's always been a memory for me.

    1. I have never been a milk drinker and I cook/bake with almond milk too; my eczema really flares up with dairy products so I try to limit it as much as I can and only use non-fat cheese when I can't seem to get around it for a recipe (for some reason the non-fat dairy doesn't seem to bother my skin nearly as much!)

  12. Hi Joanne, what a beautiful place to hike and well done on your weight loss! That's something I always have to watch but have lost the plot lately with all that is going on with Mum. Hopefully I can get back on track soon. Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy and have a wonderful weekend!

  13. I think you are doing so well with your weight loss journey. I really need to make more of an effort. I'm all about the comfort food at this time of year so it gets even harder to be good!

  14. Joanne,
    Good for you!! That is great...I have been stuck for the past 3-4 months so I am just hoping not to gain any weight that the Holiday season has started, Joe has finally started adhering to a better diet because of his Diabetes and I hope that it will also maybe jump start things for me again...Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you are enjoying the Holiday weekend!!

    1. That's what I hoping for too; to just stay steady through the new year!

  15. That's so great Joanne, well done!

  16. Glad you're down a few pounds. I un-subscribed from the WW app. I never used it because I always cook from scratch and it's so hard to use when you don't have something to scan.

    1. I always cook from scratch too but I've had the app so long that most of our recipes are already in my log.


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