Share 4 Somethings in November

This Saturday is the last Saturday of the month & time for the Share 4 Somethings link up with Jennifer.   Since I won't be blogging on Thursday or Friday or Saturday, I thought I'd tackle my post today. 

As always we're looking at what we Loved, Learned, Read, and Ate this month. 

Loved: So many things... let's see.. Alec got his first official college acceptance in the mail, Ian and my husband had a wonderful day of fishing and stocked our freezer full of pollock, Evan and I have gone on many hikes, I've had lots of lazy days around the house to read, we got the boys' bathroom and hallway repaired and repainted (post coming soon), and this weekend the WHOLE family pitched in to clean the entire house!  Help with house cleaning is always loved. 

Ian with their fishing buddy posing for my husband

Learned: At the last minute, my husband and I began planning a cruise to the western Caribbean for January and I have learned a lot about the ship we're taking, the stop we'll be making, and the types of excursions we want to try. 

Read: I read another dozen or so books this month-- I am going to have the hardest time ever pulling together a list of favorite books for the year.  I feel like each month I am reading so many great books. 

Ate: I lost my appetite somewhere in mid- late October and while it is slowly coming back I still find that I am not all that hungry and weirdly my favorite fruits and veggies are not holding much appeal.  I mean, I'm still eating them but long gone are my large bowls of salad and my fruit/yogurt breakfast parfaits. 

I've been eating chocolate rice cakes with peanut butter and apples... 

After eating a few pumpkin bagels with cinnamon cream cheese I decided to make some of my Weight Watcher 2- ingredient bagels and have been enjoying them either with a side of fruit or some eggs and veggies. 

Linking up with:


  1. Such beautiful views on your walks! I love seeing all the autumnal colours. Well done to your son on his first official college acceptance. #MMBC

  2. Way to go on Alec's first college acceptance!!! And to the CIA no less!!! And I can't wait to hear about your cruise -- what a great trip!

    1. I am so excited that I find myself wishing the holidays were already over so I can start packing! LOL.

  3. What great things to love this month! Many congrats to Alec and to the fishermen in your family- that haul is so impressive! The cruise sounds exactly like what you were hoping for- to get away to the Caribbean.

  4. Congratulations to Alec on his acceptance to CIA- so very exciting for you all!

  5. Congratulations to Alec on his college acceptance! The cruise in January sounds like it will be a fun getaway.

  6. That's so cool Alec got into CIA! Congrats.

  7. Wow! Great news on the CIA acceptance. I like the look of that cinnamon cream cheese, I'll have to try it!

    1. We just added some cinnamon and sugar to regular cream cheese; it was delicious.

  8. Always love seeing the beautiful scenery from your walks, they look especially stunning in the fall! And how fun that you are planning a cruise, I have never been before but have been thinking about an Alaska cruise for many years!! I'm sorry to hear you lost your appetite especially for your favorite things, hope you'll get it back soon. Still got some delicious food here.

    1. Thank you! We haven't been on a cruise since our honeymoon but I have always wanted to go again.

  9. Wow! I am amazed at the size of the fish you caught. I'm so surprised. You must have a nice freezer to handle that. #MMBC

    1. They filet them right on the ship and then the haul was divided between the 3 guys but, yes, thankfully we do have a very large chest freezer in the basement.

  10. Many congratulations to Alec!! I love seeing your photos from your hikes. Autumn ones are particularly beautiful. I am glad to hear that your appetite is coming back, the food looks delicious!


  11. I discovered flavored cream cheese this fall. It is so good!

    1. It really is! (though we made the cinnamon ones ourselves since we can't find that in any of our stores)

  12. Fun post you shared of 4 somethings in Nov. Saw it at SSPS #288. Looks like there's much to see and many more good lifestyle posts I want to read. My shares this week are #65 through 69. Enjoy and be well. Nancy Andres @ Colors 4 Health

  13. Congrats on the CIA acceptance...what an accomplishment. So sorry to hear about the loss of appetite. That's no fun before the holidays!

    1. Thanks! I actually don't miss it at all so I'm okay if I never find it again. :)

  14. Congratulations on Alec's first acceptance. Those all look like great books. I have read the Silent Patient and am waiting to read the Katherine Center book.

  15. Congratulations to Alec with the acceptance letter and well done to everyone helping clean the house.
    Oh wow! The cruise already sounds amazing, I would love a trip to the Caribbean.

    1. Thanks! As we plan our shore excursions and things I find I am getting more and more excited.

  16. The CIA? Bravo! I'm impressed. And I love your healthy looking snack!

    1. Thank you! He picked the top 2 culinary/ baking & pastry arts school in the United States and applied to them both.

  17. I think that's the caribbean cruise we went on. Do tell more!! And how exciting for your son, Congrats,

    1. We love this new line of Celebrity ships; the rest of the ships seemed much too large to me with 5-6,000 people on board. I'm much happier with 2-3,000.

  18. Congratulations to Alec! What an exciting time for all of you! I can't wait to see your bathroom remodel. A Caribbean cruise in January will be fabulous. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  19. Congrats to Alec ! 🥂
    I always enjoy seeing the gorgeous views during your walks, Joanne.
    Glad to hear that your appetite is coming back.
    The food looks delish 😋

    Hugs and blessings

  20. Congrats to Alec on his first college acceptance - it would have been a wonderful letter to open. Enjoy planning your cruise - and I've never seen chocolate rice cakes before - maybe they'll arrive in Australia in the years to come...

  21. Congrats to Alec, that's such incredible news!!

  22. Culinary Institute??? OH WOW... that is just so exciting!!!!!

  23. Wow Joanne what a great month. Congratulations to your son being accepted to culinary school. Woot Woot! What an abundance of fish. I'm always amazed at how many books you read each month. I've been in a reading funk for quite some time and reminisce how I used to read that many books, I used to be an avid reader (insert sad face here). I've got to tell you that those chocolate rice cakes and peanut butter sound yummy.
    Visiting you today from SSPS 288 #52&53.

    1. Thank you! He has since been accepted by another culinary school so he's quite excited. I find that I am reading more and more and ignoring the house more and more.. LOL

  24. Congrats to your son! Looks like a lot of fish, I love fish and hubby loves fishing! He will be in a tournament tomorrow. You sure read a lot, way more than me. The bagels look good, have you posted the recipe? What's the spread on them? Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 139. Pinned.

    1. Thank you! I took a bit of cinnamon/sugar seasoning and added it to some whipped cream cheese.

  25. Lots of good stuff happening at your house! Thanks for sharing with SSPS!

  26. I enjoyed reading your post. I hope you will enjoy your cruise...I did a couple many years ago and from what I can tell they are much nicer now. Congrats to Alec!

  27. Congratulations on the Culinary school acceptance - that's very exciting (not a big fan of fish so less enthused about that!) . You're nature shots are stunning. And I love planning an upcoming trip! #ShareFourSomethings

  28. Way to go Alec!!! A good friend of our family is a professor there!!

  29. Beautiful pictures! Those are indeed things to be celebrated. I'm glad your appetite is coming back--that probably makes a big difference. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #16 linkup. Come share another post or two at #17 which opens December 4. Have a great week.

  30. Congratulations to Alec! That is such great news!

  31. Yes Joanne, congrats to Alec and how exciting. All of that food looks so good.


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