Not Just a Mom-- A Look at our Favorite Comfort Foods

This month the Not Just a Mom group is looking all our favorite comfort foods.  I am an unabashed foodie so my list is long and I've tried to include links to specific recipes when I can!  I hope you'll join us.

When I think of comfort foods my mind immediately goes to soups, stews, casseroles,

Chicken Parm. casserole (I love a good chicken parm. but looking for something quicker we found this casserole recipe we love).

Leftover Turkey Pie (made with ALL the Thanksgiving day leftovers!)

Any sort of thick chowder served in a bread bowl (like this cheesy chicken chowder)

I hope you'll join us next month when we look at our favorite books/ series.  

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  1. Enjoyed your reading your list, admittedly, mostly to get ideas for meals to try :). I have never had Sheppard´s pie for some reason- I like everything in it individually; I have just never put the ingredients to together for it as the recipe calls for. Thanks for the links. Have a great Monday!

  2. Oh my goodness! I could eat every one of those - especially the creamy ones and I do love a good pot pie!

  3. I can't wait to make lasagna soup again. I think it's just so good! You have a ton of recipes here - will be coming back!

  4. I love this time of year for the comfort food. You can't beat a pie or casserole but these are all perfect meals for a cold day. I am feeling quite hungry now.

    1. I made myself hungry writing up this post; in fact nearly every single recipe here made it onto November's menu.

  5. You have rounded up some of the best comfort foods around- yum!

  6. Joanne, thanks for this fun theme this month. I love all of your dishes you make and the sheppards pie looks like a winner.

  7. All of the chosen comfort foods just make me hungry. The idea of homemade beef pot pie is amazing. Yum! #MMBC

    1. We had that over the weekend and even my pickiest eater had some!

  8. I think I pushed the save button on this quicker than anything in a long time! These all look absolutely delicious and I love comfort foods in the fall and winter and holidays!

  9. Thanks for a bunch of new recipes I want to try. They all look so good.

  10. Great list, lots of new recipes to try!

  11. Shepherd's pie is one I left off my list!

    1. I knew I'd find some recipes on each person's list that I had forgotten myself.

  12. I’m hungry now. They all look delicious.

  13. Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party!! Have a great week.

  14. Everything looks delicious, especially the soups right now as a cold virus is going around the house. They are always so comforting to eat! I'm making chicken soup today!

    1. Yes! I always turn to chicken soup when someone is sick... it's the best. Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

  15. Oh yum.. I am saving so many of these recipes.

  16. So many of them look delish....but anything with the words mac and cheese in the title has to be the hands down winner!!

  17. Ooooh roast beef pot pie?! That sounds amazing!

    1. It's probably my favorite pot pie recipe of all time.

  18. So many good suggestions. I will have to bookmark to read later!

  19. Yes to all the soups, stews, and casseroles this time of year! YUM!

  20. Comfort food always involves something warm and thick for me too. I love the idea of lasagne soup.

    1. I guess if we tackled this list in the summer my answers might be a bit different and probably include ice cream but mostly I think of warm and thick when I think comfort foods.

  21. I might try that chicken parm recipe. We love it and this looks like a good twist on it. Mashed potatoes, chicken soup, and pot roast all say comfort to me.

    1. It's such an easy recipe on a night when I don't have time to make real chicken parm.

  22. All of these look very delicious. I can especially relate to the Mac and Cheese. I like mine with those little smokies! I am also really interested in the ones you labeled Weight Watcher!! Thanks for posting these, all of them.
    Take care and best wishes.

  23. These all look delicious and definitely are comfort foods! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Oh cheese had to be in comfort food right! Sounds delicious!

  25. I am all about comfort food this time of year and you certainly have some mouth watering ones here!

  26. They all look delicious! I've seen lasagna soup all over my social media, I need to try making it (or rather sending to Chef Jon to make :) )

    1. It's so easy! If you can brown burger and open cans then you can make lasagna soup (last night I didn't even have the tomato sauce so I used a jar of spaghetti sauce and omitted the parsley, basil, and Italian seasonings).

  27. Joanne, I can virtually taste these! Oh yum!
    Visiting today from Unlimited Linky 138 #14&15

  28. This all looks so good. A post to make you hungry for sure. ;-)

  29. That Tuscan Chicken Pasta will definitely be in our meal plan soon!! It looks amazing!!

  30. YUM, now I'm hungry. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 138. Pinned.

  31. I just made a chicken parm pasta in the crockpot, and it was soo good.

  32. These are my favourite kind of meals! I love every one of yours, especially the cheesy chicken chowder. I 'm going to try this so thanks for sharing. :)

  33. These all look delicious Joanne! Thank you so much for sharing with us at the Senior Salon Pit Stop. I will be featuring your post at Monday's party. Congrats! Pinned

  34. Congratulations, your post will be featured at SSPS 288 as one of the top 5 most viewed posts on Monday. See you there.

  35. I love this series, Not Just A Mom, because we all are so much more! Thank you for sharing with SSPS! We appreciate it.

  36. Replies
    1. Sorry! LOL I made myself so hungry writing up this list and I had complied it right before sitting down to make our monthly menu... which found me putting nearly every single dish on this month's calendar.

  37. All of these look amazing. Mac n cheese is definitely my go-to comfort food! I could eat it every day!


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