Highlights and Happenings in October: One Sentence a Day

 We had a lovely October and I'm kind of surprised by how fast the whole month just flew right by! 

1. I spent my morning working on scrapbooking and then my husband, Evan, and I headed out hiking just before lunch; trying out a new trail (that met up with a few old favorite trails!) and ended my day grocery shopping.

I really only needed my cardigan in the early morning

2. Monday was another beautiful day so after working out and tackling Evan's schoolwork we headed out on another hike.

3. We planned a tiny little "to do" for my husband's birthday (on a night all the boys would be home) so I spent my day cleaning, prepping some crock pot lasagna, and buying an ice cream cake (I still don't have an oven!).

4. Evan, Alec, and I got up early to drive Alec to Johnson & Wales so he could shadow in the bakery department for the morning while Evan and I headed to Roger Williams zoo-- we had to leave the house at 5:40 and drop Alec off by 7 so Evan and I went to a diner for breakfast, then walked around Roger Williams Park for an hour and a half or so waiting for the zoo to open up. After 2 hours at the zoo we decided to drive over to the mall for 11 when it finally opened up and walked the whole 3 floors window shopping before finally deciding to just head back to the college and hang out on campus. It was a beautiful day and Alec had an amazing time- finishing up with a lunch with several department heads and teachers. 

5.  I was so thankful to have nothing planned for the day and after tackling school with Evan, I settled in to read my book! 

6. It rained so our hike was canceled again this Friday but Ian did take (and pass!) his CDL class and is so happy to have that behind him. 

7. With Alec and my husband off at work the rest of us huddled inside on yet another rainy day then we all ended our night taking Ian out to dinner to celebrate his new license (where I completely forgot to take a single photo). 

8. Ian took advantage of the sunny Sunday to take out the jet ski and get it winterized which found me driving his truck and jet ski trailer so he could drive the jet ski to the boat launch (thankfully I just have to drive it straight over and he takes care of all the backing up and whatnot when we arrives at the dock). Evan and I headed out hiking after lunch; it was a beautiful day!

9. The holiday Monday found me getting up and ready same time as usual to go meet my mom at Curves and then I spent my afternoon packing my suitcase and working on a new card (really I made 2 but ended up throwing part of the first card away and remaking it). 

I love how this background turned out; I started with a sheet of plain black paper!

10. I spent my morning at the gym before helping Evan with some schoolwork and then Evan and I went for a short hike before lunch. 

11. I went to the gym, ate breakfast and then Evan convinced me to go hiking; not that it took much convincing! 

12. My mom picked Evan and I up at 7:30 for our flights, we had an uneventful travel day and then met up with my sisters and their families at Uncle Louie's for pizza. 

My travel outfit

13. After a quick breakfast at the condo we went walking on the beach then did a quick grocery shop before meeting up with my sister for another walk.  We had the family over for burgers from P.T.'s.

14. We headed out to the art museum before having lunch at the Sweet and Savory Cafe then headed to my aunt's house for a family party.  

15. Enjoyed our last beautiful sunrise then headed to brunch with just my mother and my sisters.  We spent our afternoon along the waterfront before spending our last night in the area at my aunt's house eating leftovers.

Gelato from Gelarto's along the waterfront.

16. We were up before the sun for our flights home and I was so happy to arrive home in the afternoon. 

cool metal sculpture in the Wilmington airport

17. Went grocery shopping first thing then Evan and I headed out hiking at Bigelow. I spent the rest of my day running errands and doing laundry. 

18. My mom and I went to workout and then Evan and I worked on his schooling; extracting one of his own DNA strands for science. 

And yes, without a strong microscope a strand of DNA is oddly globby and slimy looking. 

19. After a quick morning of schoolwork, Evan and I headed out to hike at Mashamoquet. It was a beautiful day! 

20. I did make it to the gym with my mom and finished up school with Evan but then I took it easy for the rest of the day since I was fighting  off a head cold. 

Alec had made some lemon panna cotta for his SCAP (Senior Culinary Arts Project) and I paired it with some fresh berries for a delicious snack

21 I spent most of the day in bed trying to rest and sleep off my cold- I mostly watched movies and worked on the blog. 

22. Another day spent mostly watching TV and movies-- starting to feel better.

23.  While I still wasn't feeling 100% my mom and I went to the gym, I went grocery shopping, worked on school with Evan and then we headed out to walk around Roseland park.  Ian was home sick though.

Roseland park:

Walking up the road to get the mail:

Weirdly now that all my plants are dying; the hydrangeas decided to start blooming...  

24. I ran to the library and the store with Evan after his schoolwork was done and then spent the rest of the day cleaning the whole upstairs. 

25. I had to drop my car off to FINALLY get retrofitted with some missing features that were supposed to come with the car when we bought it. I then headed to the gym with my mom and then dropped Alec off at his friend's house so he could head out shopping with a few friends for the day (and I'd have his car to use!).  I even took Evan out for a mini driving lesson. 

26. After a quick morning of school, Evan and I headed out hiking and then I spent my afternoon cleaning the downstairs.

27. After a workout with my mom at Curves and helping Evan with some math, both him and I headed out to lead a hike for our hiking group.  We walked for nearly 2 hours; it was cloudy but so warm out!  Alec headed out to housesit for my mother in law for the weekend but stopped by the house later so I could get a photo of him all ready for the Homecoming dance. 

More leaves are on the ground and in the water than on the trees now.

28. I finally broke down and went stove shopping with my husband; we picked out a double oven that will be delivered on Thursday.  Then we went to Home Depot and BJ's before calling it a day. I managed to complete 11 scrapbook pages before lunch (they only needed titles/ embellishments).

29. We spent the rainy Sunday working on the boys leaky tub faucet; it turned into such a bigger job than I had thought!  Alec went to a Halloween party at work. 

30. My mom and I met at the gym, I worked on school with Evan, and then I spent the rainy day watching TV and getting all the photos from the year organized and labeled. I ended my afternoon playing cards with Ian and my mother in law. 

31. Evan and I headed out hiking as soon as he finished school; we went to Edwin Way Teale memorial sanctuary- it was a bit chilly but we still hiked for nearly an hour. 

Alec got to wear his Halloween costume to school

Linking up with:


  1. Your hiking trails are amazing! I love hiking near water.

  2. What a great month. Your beautiful pics always amaze me. Love your sparkly pink nails.

  3. What a beautiful month! Your pics of your toes in the sand is making me long for the beach so much- Happy Friday!

  4. I love all the fall photos- what beautiful places you have nearby. Cute outfits and congrats to Ian.

  5. Love all of your hiking pics - so beautiful! You've captured fall perfectly in those pictures. Hope you had a good trip! Happy Friday!

  6. What a great month, I love all the fall colors! I agree that October went by WAY too fast!

  7. Another great month of amazing hiking - and cute outfits!! Love the bathroom sign - lol!! Have a great weekend ahead!!

    1. Thank you! I thought that bathroom sign was hilarious (it was in the mall).

  8. I need to become your neighbor so I can get back to hiking =) We still haven't done any!

    1. That would be awesome! In another year or so I'm going to be losing my hiking buddy.

  9. It does sound like you had a lovely October. It looks like you've had some wonderful weather, all those blue skies are pretty amazing, send them this way. I am sick of rain and clouds.

    1. We have had some lovely blue skies and I am loving it. Usually by this time of fall it's all gray and cloudy skies... something I am not looking forward to.

  10. What a fun October summary post! It's never a good think to see your husband about to take a saw to the drywall.

    1. LOL! Especially when I'm the one that spackles and paints! But it had to be done and the boys love how much better their shower works now.

  11. Having nothing planned for the day like #5 is our favorite kind of day (although there is usually content creation involved even though we don't leave the house).
    How fabulous you were abot to get away.

    1. I try to schedule lots of those do nothing days each week! :)

  12. What a beautiful month! Your hiking and family trip photos are gorgeous. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  13. One of the things I really like about this kind of post this time of year is seeing the change in nature through your photos! They were beautiful as always but always changing!


    1. Yes, you can really see how it keeps changing from day to day and week to week.

  14. It looks like a great month full of beautiful fall views and family. Love your outfits!

  15. Your photos are just breathtaking, Joanne. What a glorious fall you had, too. Beautiful colors!

  16. You always share lovely pictures, Joanne. Great coffee post.

  17. What an amazing month! It really is amazing how it all adds up, isn't it?!

  18. It sounds like it was a beautiful month, and I love all the photos!

  19. I do love a sentence a day. As usual your photos are great, especially the outdoors.

  20. Lots of walks of course. Isn't it beautiful in nature this time of the year!

    1. It really is; I'm trying to get in all the walks I can before the really cold, snowy, icy days hit.

  21. Where do you live? This place is absolutely stunning. I kept getting lost in the beauty of the pictures. Unreal. Sounds like a very busy and family fun filled month. I love how much outdoor time you and your family spend. Also, tell me more about your nails?


    1. I live in Connecticut but we hike a lot in Mass and Rhode Island too since neither is much of a drive for us. I use Colorsteet nail wraps on my nails; they usually last me a full 7-10 days (as long as I don't pick at them) and I try to do them in the evening so they have all night to "set" then I often put a clear coat of polish over them in the morning just to help them last even longer.

  22. I am so envious of your beautiful hikes that you get to do, Joanne!
    Your outfits and nails are all super cute! Enjoy November! 🍁🍂🍁

  23. Beautiful photos and such cute outfits! That panna cotta looks delish!

    1. I loved his panna cotta but he wants to try making it one more time and strain out the lemon peel this time.

  24. Hi Joanne,
    Sorry to hear that you got sick but it sounds like that's all past now.
    Love your photos. They always make me want to return to NE and just get lost in those woods.

    1. Yes, I am feeling much better now; thank you!

  25. The fall woods & trees are beautiful. I like the coral/peach outfit.

  26. So many beautiful photos here, Joanne! I admire the determination and discipline it takes for you to keep up with your days this way. I keep a one-line journal and my one-second-a-day video; even though neither one take much time, it's still a struggle at times to remember to do them! :)

  27. I'm determined to get around to commenting haha!!! That bathroom sign was hilarious! Look at those leaves. Looks like you guys had a great trip. I know I've said this..lol, but I always love your outfits. And you've motivated me to do my nails.

    1. LOL! I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks so much for taking the time to comment.

  28. You take some beautiful hikes, Joanne. What gorgeous scenery. I love the water photos, and the fall colors are magnificent. Some of them were just breathtaking. I like your nails, too. Have a great November!

  29. What a great month!! So cool that Alec got to shadow at Johnson & Wales. I've heard nothing but amazing things about that school!


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