10 on the 10th in November: Our Favorite Things About Thanksgiving

This month for the 10 on the 10th, Marsha just asked us to list/tell about 10 of our favorite things about Thanksgiving. I thought this would be so easy but our holiday is very low key so I started listing things that I love about Thanksgiving weekend. 

1. I love that our Thanksgiving is so small; other than my husband and boys we really only have my mother, step-father, and mother- in law over.  After more than 10 years of having 15-20 people over these nice small get togethers are so much less stressful! 

Thanksgiving is one of the few times a year I use the plates from our wedding

2. Our Thanksgiving is very low key and comfy. I can wear whatever I am comfortable in; most years that is a pair of jeans or jeggings with a nice sweater.  Growing up getting dressed pretty fancy for holidays (and always being uncomfortable) I was happy to embrace my husband's family more laid back lifestyle and I love it. 

sub out the flip flops for closed toed shoes and I'm pretty sure that's what I'm wearing this year

3. The food, of course!  Since I host I get to make all the dishes my way and serve just my favorite desserts (of course our guests are more than welcome to bring what they'd like but they are usually content with whatever we're having).

4. That my boys are old enough to help now; of course Alec is the biggest help.  Usually he makes us a yummy dessert and cooks up some fresh rolls.  This year my husband is planning to help by smoking the turkey on his smoker so I have one less dish to make. 

Alec's rolls

Making chocolate chip pecan pie

5. I love that somehow a tradition grew that each evening when the meal is over we watch Elf and eat dessert.  It's a fun way to wrap up the day and usher in the Christmas holidays. 

6. I love that it's usually cold enough for a fire but warm enough that we can go out for a morning hike if the weather is sunny and there's not too much to do. 

7. Leftovers!  We are a family that happily eats leftovers on any given day and often the complaint is that there are not enough leftovers to go around.  With Thanksgiving that is not a problem. In fact, as soon as we are done eating and ready to clean up I put together our "leftover pie" that we eat the very next night while trimming the tree. 

8. Thanksgiving with teenagers is so much quieter than it ever was with really young kids.  I loved those years but they felt so chaotic. Now, our holiday is peaceful and pretty relaxing. 

9. The day after Thanksgiving all my guys work together to help me decorate the whole house for Thanksgiving. We get everything up in one day and leave the tree trimming for Friday night. 

10. We've started inviting my parents and mother in law back over for leftover pie and to watch Christmas Vacation with us while we decorate the tree on Friday night.  

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. What fun and meaningful traditions! l, too, love the ages of my kids now- sure there´s lots to miss about the old days of their childhood excitement about everything... but they can help now and there´s less stress overall. Have a great weekend!

  2. Sounds like the perfect Thanksgiving to me! We also eat smoked turkey too which is the best. You son is so talented and I would love to taste that pecan pie!


    1. I have never had smoked turkey; he's doing a trial run this weekend so hopefully we all like it because I think we're going to have leftovers galore by the time Thanksgiving is done.

  3. I joined in today too. I'm going to try to put it on my calendar so I remember this one going forward. I'm not cooking this year but will be with my oldest daughter and her family. We won't see them at Christmas so will help put up the tree and do a couple of fun holiday activities while we're there too, Zoo Lights I think for one. I'm sure I'll be helping in the kitchen too, but that's part of the fun for me. Have a great weekend!

    1. I keep a blogging calendar and track all the monthly link ups so I don't forget them (I may not aways chose to participate each month but at least I'm not kicking myself for forgetting them). I like being in the kitchen and cooking too.

  4. I love walking outside in the morning and then feel like the big warm meal is such a great reward. We are actually going to light a fire this year and I can't wait. I need to try to make your "Leftovers Pie" too..it always makes my mouth water!

    1. I hope you like it! We make it up right as we're packing up the leftovers.

  5. Oh what fun. I loved reading this. It’s harder to get the kids together now because they also have to go the girls families but none the less I’m giddy with excitement for any amount of time within them especially at the holidays.

    1. I can definitely see how it will get harder as they get older (especially since 2 of mine plan to move out of New England... we'll see if that happens or not but I'm betting it will).

  6. I look forward to Thanksgiving. I couldn't think of 10 things I love about it though!

  7. I love low-key holidays! I see some who have such big to-do's & the clothes & the decorations & that just gives me such anxiety. I go to my brothers & its all about sweats & games & lazy hanging out - that's my vibe!

    1. Yes! My favorite Christmas was the year I wore Pj's to my mother in laws and we all watched Despicable me and my husband and I fell asleep on the floor. It was so relaxing for such a major holiday!

  8. Pecan pie is one of my favourites. But hold the fort, chocolate chip pecan pie? Do you simply add the chips or is there more to it than that? I'm intrigued.

    1. Yep, we add 1 cup of chocolate chips; usually right into the pie shell before pouring the filling in (they tend to sink anyway since they are heavy) and it adds an amazing kick of flavor. He's our recipe:

  9. I love this post! Your home is so cozy and makes me look forward to Thanksgiving! ❤️

  10. I really like smaller celebrations with my parents! After years of doing a lot of hosting, less chaos is my jam.

    1. Yes! I hosted HUGE family gathers for ALL the holidays and occasions for the first 10 years my husband and I owned our home and then I just decided I had had enough. Small and easy are my jam.

  11. We always dress casually, too, in fall colors. I love leftovers! And we decorate the tree the day after Thanksgiving, too.

    1. With a household of boys; I am the only one that thinks of dressing to go with the season. I'm just happy if they even remember to wear "real" clothes.

  12. I was in the US during Thanskgiving once and it was such a lovely time. The food and the decorations were wonderful. We don't have Thanksgiving in Australia but perhaps we should have some form of Gratitude day. The food looks amazing and I particularly like the pecan pie. x

  13. It's the traditions like these that I relish. Yet each year I want to change it up...seriously, what is wrong with me?

    1. Ha! I am the same way; I love the traditions but do think of shaking things up now and then (luckily the family balks and reminds me that's what traditions are all about).

  14. Thanksgiving with older kids/teens is really nice! I'm looking forward to our small Thanksgiving this year. Have a good weekend.

  15. Joanne, great post! I'm so ready for Thanksgiving to arrive. I just love all of the traditions and spending quality time with the ones I love. :)

  16. Joanne, Your Thanksgiving celebration sounds lovely. I like small family gathering, too. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  17. What wonderful traditions - so cozy and family-focused, I love it. The rolls and those desserts look fantastic - I think I drooled a little! LOL

  18. Sounds like you and your family had a lovely Thanksgiving. I do get slightly envious of your Thanksgiving weekends,

  19. I love your tradition of watching Elf while having dessert after the Thanksgiving meal. Ruth@playworkeatepeat

    1. Thank you! I can't even remember how it started... but we love it.

  20. Great post, Joanne! Low-key, all your favorites, family traditions shared with extended family, a great Thanksgiving moving right into the Christmas season.

  21. Oh wow, Joanne, your Thanksgivings look a lot like ours these days. We are very low key as well and I like it that way! We will spend the weekend putting up our Christmas decorations as well while Jeff watches us. Haha. He is having carpal tunnel surgery the Friday before Thanksgiving so this year will be even more low key than usual. The holidays are definitely getting quieter now that the children are getting older. And I am enjoying every moment! Wishing you a blessed holiday, my friend.


  22. That sounds like the perfect Thanksgiving to me. We're still in the "wild and crazy" times as all our grandchildren are still so young. I love all your traditions.

    1. Oh I bet. I'm sure we'll be back there one day with grandkids but probably not for quite a long time..

  23. Thanksgiving leftovers are also one of my favorites.

  24. We don't have Thanksgiving here of course, but yours sounds like the best!

  25. I also like to dress more casually on holidays when there is a lot of eating. It's simply more convenient and as a housewife you always have to work around in the kitchen. It's the people that count, not the fancy clothes.

    1. Yes! I used to buy a fancy outfit to change into after cooking... but by then I was too tired to bother.

  26. It sounds like your Thanksgiving is a lovely time for you and your family. What lovely traditions you have.

  27. Our Thanksgiving crowd has changed over the years too. Some no longer come at all (and I very much miss those!!!) and others have growing families they bring, so we have more littles again. We are definitely laidback in our clothes now too, which is nice. :) Those rolls look amazing! And the chocolate chip pecan pie? I didn't know that existed. I'll look into that.

    1. Yeah ours got considerably smaller when my two sisters (and their families!) moved away.

  28. In years past, we have watched Christmas Vacation for dessert! It is a nice way to bring in the holiday vibes! Love your sweater you'll be wearing for Turkey day!

    1. We watch Christmas Vacation while trimming the tree (another tradition that I don't know when or how it started but one my boys make sure we stick to).

  29. What a wonderful list and photos. Thanksgiving is such a lovely holiday and I can tell yours will be beautiful!

  30. We're down to smaller Thanksgiving celebrations too - just my husband, my son, and me - and I like it better than the big, hectic gatherings we used to have (though I miss the people we used to gather with, 2 of whom have passed away). Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday for a long time - I get to cook enough food for all 4 days, then I can lounge around, take a walk/hike, start decorating for Christmas... whatever. So relaxing.

    1. YES! Thanksgiving has long been one of my absolute favorite holidays as well. I also like the feeling that comes along with it and that reminder to be thankful.

  31. Our Thanksgiving is much smaller these days, and I miss the chaos of the bigger ones. But, maybe it's the people I miss...even my cantankerous grandma. These days, we order a smoked turkey; I make a couple of desserts; and everyone brings something or other. It's a good day. Thanks for playing along, Joanne!


    1. I definitely miss the people and not the chaos.

  32. I am late in reading/responding, but I love all of these traditions!

  33. Alecs rolls and that leftover pie look so good! I love your answers.

  34. Your leftovers pie looks really yummy and very creative! My favorite thing to do with leftover mash potatoes is putting it in a ramekin or jar and putting an egg on top (recipe in reference: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/473863192042882439/).

  35. Yes to the sweater and flip flops! That's totally me. Love the sweater in that pic too. Perfect for this time of year.

    1. Thank you! I try to wear my flip flops right up until the first snowfall if I can.

  36. What heartwarming traditions you have around this holiday. I think Thanksgiving really need to be spent with those we love most. I would be most uncomfortable having a huge group to serve and entertain. We will have my daughter, son-in-law, 2 granddaughters and the grandpup. That will be perfect. Like you, the holidays are the only time we use our better place settings. But in the last couple of years, I've used pretty paper plates to eliminate time cleaning up in the kitchen.
    Is the chocolate chip pecan pie like a plain pecan with the addition of chocolate chips? It sounds divine.

    1. We've used paper plates a few times too! And yep; the only real difference with the pean pie is the edition of 1 cup of chocolate chips.

  37. I love all of these traditions, Joanne! Love that you have a smaller Thanksgiving, too. We have to do three big Thanksgivings and it's pretty exhausting. Thankfully they're all potluck so nobody has the burden of cooking the whole meal, but eating three times in three days is a lot.

    1. That used to be us but as more and more family move away and grow up our traditions keep changing and this year I have been streamlining our menu even more with fewer desserts and sides since I don't really want tons of leftovers either.


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