October 2023's Monthly Musings: Thanksgiving Prep

It's the last Thursday of the month and time for Monthly Musings with Patty and Holly. This month we're talking all about Thanksgiving. 


1. I'm not 100% sure of our Thanksgiving plans, I mean I know I'll be cooking for our little family and I'm assuming my mother, step-father, and mother-in-law will join us but we haven't asked anyone yet.  I'm still not even sure what we're making! 

2. I have so many favorite Thanksgiving dishes and I have shared just about all of them on my blog through the years-- mashed potatoes (here), chocolate chip pecan pie (here)my mom's apple pie recipe (here)my favorite bread stuffing (here)... but my husband and mine's all time favorite is actually a dish we make with the leftovers for the day AFTER thanksgiving ingeniously called "leftover pie" (here)

3. My best food prep tip is to plan ahead and prep as much food as you can before the actual day. 

4. Most of our traditions have fallen by the wayside now that all my boys are getting older but one thing remains the same-- after Thanksgiving dinner when we're all cleaned up and ready to relax the whole family sits down to watch Elf together and that kind of finishes up our fall and starts our Christmas celebration. 


5. We eat turkey on Thanksgiving.

6. Apple pie but only my mom's recipe shared above.  This year I honestly don't think we'll be having any pie since I STILL don't have a working oven and apple season is nearing it's end up here.  I only make my homemade pies with orchard fresh apples (so snobby of me, right?! LOL  Honestly it's because our local stores don't carry the variety I use). 

7. We don't watch any sports games of any kind any time of the year but as you've already heard Thanksgiving night does kick off our holiday movie season!

8. After Googling last year to find out the difference between stuffing and dressing I learned that we are a dressing family even though we have always called it "stuffing"  but since we don't stuff anything that's not it's official name.

9. Neither; I don't think we have a turkey trot up here though there is a turkey dip where people run into the lake on Thanksgiving day (even on years where they have to break through the ice!).  I've never participated or watched that either. 

10. I have never done a friends-giving. 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, 


  1. Glad I am not the only one who doesn´t have plans firmed up yet about the day! Your food all sounds yummy... I love a chocolate chip pecan pie and apple pie with fresh apples sounds so good!

    1. I always end up waiting until the last minute before we invite anyone! Thankfully our parents have learned to just expect that.

  2. That pecan pie looks and sounds amazing! I need to try to make that leftover pie too- genius :)

  3. The food looks so good! We don't have our plans ironed out either. It seems so far away, yet I know it will be here fast.

    1. I keep thinking the same thing too! It feels to far away to worry about but then I'll be scrambling at the last minute to pull a menu together.

  4. Leftover Turkey Pie is being made this year! I love your recipes. ❤️

  5. Your recipes looks delicious! I don't blame you for using orchard-fresh apples...I'm sure they taste so much better. I need to google stuffing and dressing, because I thought they were the same.

    1. They basically are just one is actually stuffed in the bird (stuffing) while dressing never goes in the bird.

  6. I would rather make things ahead of time too ...it seems to make things so much less stressful!

  7. I love the Turkey Dip idea! This is why I love this lineup!


  8. Well we don't have Thanksgiving, obviously, so don't have to worry about that. But your food always looks delicious.

  9. Your pecan pie recipe sounds delicious! What type of apples do you use for your pie? I've been on the lookout for a US equivalent to UK Bramley applies, their flavor is amazing. Granny Smiths are closer but not quite as tart.

  10. A few years ago, we started ordering a smoked turkey from a local restaurant. It's so good, and, even better, I don't have to worry about the turkey being too done or not done enough. There are only 10 of us (my kids and their families and us) so everyone pitches in on the sides. I always take requests for desserts and what kind of potatoes to make. I like your tradition of watching Elf.


    1. Thank you! My husband wants to try smoking a turkey this year. Usually I use a counter top roaster to cook our turkey and it always comes out perfectly cooked (and I love that it leaves my oven free to heat/cook other dishes).

  11. We've always called it stuffing too!

  12. We don't have firm plans yet either. So much up in the air! All of your food looks amazing. I love your tradition of watching Elf after Thanksgiving dinner!

  13. Spending Thanksgiving at the beach is one of my favorite vacation: relaxing to the max, no hosting and no stress about family gatherings. I usually pack something cute to wear and we do a small Thanksgiving meal there.

    1. That sounds wonderful! But since only my mother in law and mom and stepfather come I have no stress with the family and it hardly feels like hosting since we have them over for dinner often.

  14. I LOVE your tradition to watch Elf at the end of the day! Such a fun way to kick off the holiday season!

    1. It really is! It wasn't started intentionally either but just sort of happened and now at least one of my boys asks each Thanksgiving if it's time to start the movie yet.

  15. This is a fun post. I THINK this year TG will again be at our house with the kids and this year with Rick's mom. (Since no one in our family but me likes to plan ahead, who knows. Drives me NUTS!) If so, we'll have the kids decorate the big tree. They love doing that.

    1. That sounds fun! I tend to be the only planner in my family too.

  16. I'm not sure what my plans are for Thanksgiving. I've done Friendsgiving through my 20s but it has fallen through the wayside since friends are dispersed in different parts of the world. I'm more of a ham fan than turkey. I think the only year I was okay with turkey when I prepped it dry-brine style. It was so simple.

    1. I've been hosting Thanksgiving since I was in my 20's; I think the first Thanksgiving I hosted we were still in college and we had both our families in attendance. They have definitely gotten smaller through the years but I kind of like it that way.

  17. The leftovers are often the best part of any big meal like this! My kids used to always look forward to the turkey pot pie I made with leftovers more than the roast turkey itself. And one of my favorite desserts is Cranberry Oat Crisp made with the leftover cranberry sauce. I love that Thanksgiving is the kickoff to the Christmas season - Elf is a favorite holiday movie!

  18. Okay, now I need to know which apple you use! And I'm sorry your oven is STILL out of commission. Boo. I've never heard of a turkey dip but that might be kind of nice here when we have Thanksgiving in October!


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