Field Trip Thursday: Photos from our Zoo Trip

Evan and I did take a little field trip at the end of September and headed to the local zoo.  We hadn't been to Southwick's in ages!  Evan wanted to bring the big/real camera and try to capture some of the animals. 

We had a great time and it was so fun to see all the changes in the zoo and reminisce about different trips, animals, and sights we remembered.  He had  great time playing around with the lens and trying to work around the fences and things too. 

He took 66 photos but I'll only share some of our favorites here today. 


blue and gold macaw

white rabbit

capuchin monkey

ruffed lemur

the hyenas were sleeping


the cheetah was rather sleepy too!

the tapirs were also sleeping


gibbon and baby

the coati was hard to capture with the glare off the glass


ring tailed lemurs

prairie dogs


cotton-topped tamarin

They make the cutest little squeaky sounds

snowy leopards


white Siberian tiger


We ended our day with a ride on the sky ride; taking photos from the air. 

Another shot of the wallaby on our way out. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot, 


  1. Great photos! So many great animals at the zoo captured nicely!! (I guess ¨capture¨ has two meanings: pertaining to their zoo existence and the pictures your son took!)

  2. What a fun day at the zoo. The tamarins are so cute. I love giraffes. We are hoping to go to a small private zoo this weekend.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. This was privately owned zoo as well that does not rely at all on federal, state, or local funding so we like to visit often to help support them and their animals.

  3. Evan did a fabulous job taking images at the zoo!
    Thank you for linking up at Gma'Photo LinkUp Party!!
    Take care and best wishes.

  4. Wow! You guys saw SO much! Looks like the perfect zoo day! Even though I don't like birds, that blue bird is just gorgeous

    1. We have had some really beautiful weather for zoo days. I love those blue macaws (as long as they are unable to fly and not very close to me; I was once bitten by a macaw and I'm a bit leery of them).

  5. Great pictures. Makes me feel like I was there!

    1. Thank you! That is such a lovely compliment.

  6. These pictures are amazing! Always love bringing my real camera with me on occasions like these.

    1. It is fun; we get to see them in much more detail this way.

  7. I'm amazed at the quality of your photos. Whenever I take pictures at the zoo, I'm always too far away to get good close-ups and long distance lens always seem to come out so dark.

    1. Aw, thank you! Lighting can be tricky; especially when trying to view through windows and reflective surfaces like the metal fencing too.

  8. Evan took some great photos! I miss our zoo days - Sophia was in Zoo School when we homeschooled, sort of a behind the scenes program that was a lot of fun.

    1. Yes! We did a couple of zoo school classes here and there at different zoos and at different times. For the longest time we all thought for sure Alec was either going to be a zoologist or a marine biologist he was just so gung ho about learning every single thing he could about ever and all species.

  9. I love all these photos! Zoos still hold so much magic for my kiddos. Also, very partial to that porcupine ;)

    1. Thank you! I love zoos and seeing all the animals.

  10. You captured some great photos - I love being able to see the details on the faces of animals. That tamarin is so interesting looking! Kinda looks like a human face!

    1. Thank you! We find the tamarins (as a whole species) to be so interesting.

  11. Oh I love a good zoo, Joanne! It's been years since we've been. Your post is a good nudge to look one up next time we travel. Thank you!

  12. I always love seeing the big cats! Your photos are amazing!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  13. You have an amazing photographer there! And, an equally amazing zoo! I miss going to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo which was so gooood! I went there as a little kid. So did my kids and grandkids. It just gets better and better. I need to go to a zoo now!

  14. I haven't been to the zoo in a long time! These were fun to see!

  15. Love the zoo! It never gets old, even as adults! Great shots of the animals.

    1. I feel the same way! It sure is different visiting the zoo with teenagers though. FUN for sure but totally different.

  16. I really enjoyed the photos. I'm feeling like one of those sleepy animals on this Friday afternoon myself :D

  17. Very nice photos. Thanks for sharing them.

  18. Field trips are always so much fun! It sounds like you all had a wonderful time exploring the zoo. I loved all of the photos. Thank you for sharing with us at Crazy Little Love Birds link party #8.

  19. These are some great shots. Love that one of the sleeping male lion. Amazing. I miss my zoom lens. I'd never be able to get the shots I used to with the one I have now. I need to save up for a new lens!

  20. Joanne, what fun! I was so delighted to see your photos.
    Visiting today from Crazy Little Love Birds #1


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