My Favorite Tear Jerker/ Drama movies

 It's been awhile since I've shared a favorite movies post; I'm having so much fun with this little series and I hope you are too.  As always, I'm trying not to repeat movies from any of my other posts (and I have a future post planned with "based on a true story" movies where many would have fit this category too!).  Here are some of my all time favorite movies that always make me cry. 

1. I Am Sam

2. Hope Floats

3. Steel Magnolias

4. The Notebook

5. The Fault in Our Stars

6. If I Stay

7. Little Women

8. Ghost

9. The Pursuit of Happyness

10. Stepmom

11. Beaches

12. My Girl

13. Love Story

14. Dear John

15. Rainman

16. About a Boy

17. Bed of Roses

18. City of Angels

19.  Still Alice

20. Pay it Forward

What are some of your favorite tear jerkers?

Others in this series:

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot, 


  1. I love this list of tear jerkers and I've seen a lot of them. Some I haven't so I will have to add them to my list of movies to watch. I think my favourite movie is Steel Magnolias and that scene with Sally Field at the cemetary just sends me into instant sobs every time. I also remember when I watched Titanic for the first time at the movies. I was ugly crying so hard and so were most of the audience. When the lights came on at the end almost everyone had red eyes and I remember crying all the way home in the car.

    1. Yes, that scene at the cemetery is a killer; breaks my heart every time! I think I probably cried over Titanic the first few times I saw it too.

  2. Oh many killers here...Steel got me

  3. I have not seen all of these. Thanks for the recs. Some I´ve seen but so long ago that I´ve forgotten them. I will rewatch some of these.

  4. I cry during so many movies! Steel magnolias, Beaches and the notebook got me the most! This was a great list and now I’m going to rewatch some with a box of Kleenex, lol!

    1. LOL! I tend to cry pretty easily over book and movies (and even some old commercials!).

  5. Some of my favorites are on here! Rain Man is one of my favorite movies but I don't think it's made me cry! Beaches and My Girl are definitely tear jerkers though!

  6. I love My Girl. Regine

  7. Great list - I'd add Me Before You.

  8. Oh I cried a lot at pursuit for happiness! Such a good actor.

    1. He is a very dynamic actor and never seems to disappoint.

  9. Wow, I can say I've seen so many of these. When I was a kid, the one I cried at the most was The Champ.

    1. I have never even heard of that one; I'll have to check it out.

  10. I am probably the only one here who can say they saw "Love Story" when it originally came out! I also didn't know "Still Alice" had been made into a movie. There are many here I haven't seen. Thanks for sharing them!

  11. Mine are Me Before You and Dragon Heart.
    I still cry buckets watching them for the umpteenth time 😭

    1. I have never seen Me Before You but you are the second one to mention it; I'll have to find it so I can watch it.

  12. Yep, so many of these have made me cry too. I love The Fault in Our Stars and Ghost and had forgotten all about My Girl. I think that was the first film I ever cried at.

    1. I think the first movie that ever made me cry was Alix, the Life of a Child-- a biography we watched in 4th grade about a girl with cystic fibrosis. I can remember my teacher having to hug and soothe me after the lights came back on.

  13. I have only seen seven of these, which is not nearly enough as a lot of these movies are real classics! This has given me a few ideas about what I can watch over this weekend — thanks!

  14. During my teen years, I remember watching Step Mom, Bed of Roses, and My Girl on repeat. We watched My Girl a couple of summers ago with Hayden, and I cried. I used to love the Bed of Roses song. This was a good stroll down memory lane.

    1. I definitely remember belting out the lyrics to Bed of Roses (I had the soundtrack on CD)... and My Girl makes me cry every single time.

  15. I watched several of these back in the day when I still watched more movies. Two of my favorites dramas not on the list are The Bodygard and Legends of the Falls. I feel like I intentionally don't watch dramas now because I don't want to cry!! I can get so emotional!

    1. Oh the Bodyguard is a good one! My husband's step-father was obsessed with that movie and we watched it together all the time. I'm not sure I've ever seen Legends of the Fall though.

  16. I've seen a bunch of these and agree that the ones that I've seen made me cry! I haven't watched a good tear jerker in a while.

    1. I haven't either; then again it seems like I cry over so many of the books I've been reading lately, I don't really need the movies anymore.

  17. I love your movie blogposts and was wondering if you would include the film that ALWAYS makes me cry. I have watched Top Gun so many times and it makes me cry every time!


  18. Oh there are so many good ones here!! Stepmom does me in every single time. I watched that recently for the millionth time!

    1. It's so much worse watching it now that I am an actual mom and I really feel for Susan's character so much more.

  19. I love this series! Do you mind if I do the same on my blog also? I love movies soo much, what a fun idea!

    1. Of course not! It will be fun to compare lists!


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