My Fall Bucket List

 Normally I am so happy to see all things fall showing up in the stores and feel those crisp morning breezes but I am so reluctant to embrace fall this year since I'm just so sad that summer is over.  We had a pretty rainy and rather cool summer which made it feel like the time just flew by!  Luckily, we still had a ton of fun and today I am writing up a list of all the fun things I want to make sure to do and enjoy during this short season too. 

1. Start hiking with our hiking group each week and find a few "new" places for Evan and I to hike too.

2. My mom, Evan, and I are taking a trip down to see my sisters! So visiting family is high on my list.  

3. Mix up some soups, stews, casseroles, and chili recipes

4. Celebrate Evan's 16th birthday and teach him to drive

5. Decorate the house for fall

6. Go apple picking

7. Enjoy some cider donuts

8. Participate in a fall photo scavenger hunt (with lensball photos!)

9. Bake up some pumpkin and apple treats

10. Put some puzzles together

11. Pull out painting supplies and paint something!

12. Plan one "field" trip each month

13. Take a few RZR rides with my husband

14. Finish scrapbooking our summer vacations

15. Find some fun "fall" books to read

16. Plan some monthly date nights

17. Hike Mount Monadnock or Mount Greylock with my husband

views from atop Mount Monadnock in 2021

18. Go to the movies

19. Make chocolate chip pecan pie

20. Host Thanksgiving dinner/ watch Elf

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness,


  1. Yes to this list! I always want to eat apple cider donuts in fall and getting excited to decorate my house with fall decor.

    1. I'm hoping to get some of my fall decor out next week... or maybe even this weekend.

  2. Sounds like a great list, Joanne! You live in a quintessential beautiful fall area so I would think that makes fall even more special. Your fall baking goals/ ideas sound delish!

    1. We really do! We just went on a beautiful 3 hour hike today and I could not believe all the pretty colors already.

  3. What a fun list- can't wait to watch you check things off!

  4. These are all great things to look forward to! That new RZR looks like a blast. I'm hoping to add riding the back of a motorcycle to my list of things to do this fall. Todd is getting more comfortable with being alone, so before long, I'll jump on with him!

  5. Lots of fun plans! We have 2 vacations coming up this fall so I don't have much on my bucket list apart from doing some hiking and enjoying the outdoors with the kids. We have started playing pickle ball in our cul de sac and badminton in our yard!

    1. I have been hearing so much about pickle ball but I don't think it has become a real big thing up here yet. I don't know anyone that plays.

  6. I like your list! I always love soups in the fall.

    1. I have one planned for next week's menu already.

  7. Our summer was a pretty rubbish one when it came to the weather too. It sounds like you have some great plans. I can't wait to cook more soups and stews and this year I am determined to bake something with pumpkin!

    1. I love cooking and baking with pumpkin; sometimes I end up being the only one eating it though.

  8. Lots of fun things on your list!

  9. Any list with cider donuts on it is a great list! Happy Fall!

  10. These are all such great bucket list items for fall! I can't wait for some apple picking and apple cider donuts!

  11. Sounds really good! I'm planning to go to the cinema for months now! Ha ha, I wonder if I will go this season.

    1. I haven't been that motivated to go to the movies... but I do miss it.

  12. What a fun list! I'll look forward to your progress!

  13. I love the idea of a hiking group. It's always more fun and I bet you find some great places that way.

    1. We actually just all hiked a new trail yesterday and it was beautiful! I had no idea where we were (thank goodness for GPS!) but I can't wait to go back there.

  14. I love your list, you have so many fun things planned. Apple-picking, baking treats and decorating sounds so good!

  15. Joanne, I love this idea of a seasonal bucket list! So much to anticipate, so many fun things to do ... especially those that take us just a bit our of our well-worn comfort zones. You're speaking to me, friend.

    1. Thank you! I started making seasonal bucket lists a few years ago when my boys were little and we were homeschooling. I wanted to make sure we were taking the time to soak in each season and it's been so much fun that we just sort of stuck with it.

  16. What a great list! The view from the top of that mountain is beautiful.

    Lauren @ Don’t Mind Our Mess

    1. We really lucked out with such a beautiful clear day!

  17. Great list! Those hikes look beautiful. I wish it was closer to NYC so I could convince Jon to do them one weekend.

    1. That would be wonderful... though we often make a weekend out of longer hikes like those since they are a few hours away from us.

  18. You always impress me with how much you plan on your bucket list and then accomplish. I really need to get on the ball and do it!

  19. This is such a great list! I'm mostly excited about all of the pumpkin treats! We've already been enjoying them over here!


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