Evan's Pregnancy/ Birth Story

 With Evan's birthday so close and him turning 16 it seemed like a great time to recount his birth story.  Since I've already shared both his brother's stories (Ian's here) (Alec's here) it was only fair that I share Evan's too.

He was a pretty good baby sleeping through all the noise of his brothers playing

All three boys and no two pregnancies or deliveries were even remotely the same! Thankfully I wasn't feeling sick while pregnant with Evan like I did with Alec. This time around I had to switch doctors/ offices for this last pregnancy so it really felt quite different.  Ian and Alec were delivered by a doctor who had been my primary care since I was in college but just before I got pregnant with Evan she stopped delivering babies altogether since she was in a private practice and malpractice insurance rates were just too high. 

I met a few new doctors, settled on one, and then 1/2 way through my pregnancy he had a minor stroke and had to retire so I was passed off to his college; she was a very nice and somewhat younger woman. But the whole office was quite different; whereas I only ever had one early ultrasound with my first two this doctor's office did ultrasounds at each appointment so for the first time we decided to find out whether we were having a boy or a girl-- and weren't all that surprised to find out Evan was a boy.  

Other than being so tired from chasing around a 3 year old and a 1 1/2 year old all day much of my actual pregnancy is a blur.  I do remember that it took me forever to get the tiny wall mural done and have his room all put together.

Evan's room was all farm themed; Ian picked out the mobile and I went from there. 

Luckily I kept a journal up for most of my pregnancy and first year of Evan's life too so I can go back and look things up.  I had my last appointment on a Friday and the doctor was pleased that I was already 3 cm dilated and warned I could go into labor at any time.  I had some minor contractions off and on all weekend and woke Sunday morning with contractions steady enough that we found ourselves checking into the hospital in the morning.

They hooked me up to a monitor and noticed that my contractions were getting further apart and they were going to send me home but then each time I had a contraction Evan's heartrate dropped just a bit.  They weren't hugely concerned but didn't want to send me home in case.  They started me on an IV of antibiotics against strep B and the doctor went to break my water just before lunch (around 11). She said she'd check back after and my husband warned her not to go far; that I'd deliver within an hour of having my water broken. She assured him she was just going to eat lunch and we had plenty of time. 

Since the baby's heartrate had been dropping with contractions, I had spent the morning lying in all different positions and we found one where I was nearly flat on my back that stopped that from happening; only problem was I was having tons of back labor with these shooting pains radiating from my hips to my knees.  I asked for an epidural at noon after the nurse assured me I was only at 6 cm. 

Twenty minutes later when the anesthesiologist arrived I was already at 9 cm; they had me sit up I nearly passed out and felt like I was going to throw up.  I told them I recognized this feeling and was ready to deliver.  Telling them that I had seriously felt the baby drop and I felt like I was sitting on his head. They assured me I was fine and that they wouldn't do a full epidural but just give me a small shot of something just to take the edge off.  Meanwhile the doctor came bustling into the room and yelled out "good call dad, I didn't even get to finish my lunch!"  To which my husband replied "this isn't my first rodeo." LOL

First time meeting his brothers

I was delivering that baby before the anesthesiologist had even left the room because just 4 or 5 short contractions and pushes later he was out-- at 1:02 in the afternoon.  Just a short few hours with very little effort Evan was born into the same room that Ian has been born in and since the ward wasn't that crowded we got to stay there for a couple of days. Evan was my 

Evan weighed in right in the middle of this brothers at 7lb 9 ounces and was the shortest at 20 1/2 inches long. 

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  1. What a fun birth story to read with the sweetest ending- the birth of your healthy son! Love the brothers´ meeting each other for the first time pic! Beautiful baby!!

  2. Wow! What a beautiful story and love how Evan just had to get here- he didn't want to miss out on anything! :)

  3. What a sweet story! I love that the doctor didn’t get to finish their lunch. Ha ha! Y’all knew he was coming fast!!

    Lauren @ Don’t Mind Our Mess

    1. We sure did; while my body did not seem to ever want to go into labor, once my water was broken things usually progressed pretty quickly.

  4. What a great story, it's so lovely remembering birth stories. You've made me just go back and read mine (sadly they are not published because as my kids have grown they have asked me to take them down from public view)

    1. Oh I understand that. I wouldn't have shared my boys' stories either if they cared one way or another.

  5. It is amazing how not one pregnancy is the same. I imagine you had your hands full with your other two sons being so young. What a sweet story.

    1. Oh yes, I was completely panicked my whole pregnancy knowing I was going to be home alone with 3 boys under the age of 4.

  6. Such sweet memories and pictures!

  7. I loved reading your story. Such beautiful pictures and the mural you painted looks amazing!

    1. Aw, thanks! I had a lot of fun with that mural... even if it did seem to take me forever to paint it.

  8. Beautiful story and love the photo of the four of you.

  9. That was so smart to keep a diary of the events, and what a cute photo of all three boys on the bed.

    1. Thank goodness I did; I would never have remembered anything from Evan's first year of life.. it was all such a blur of exhaustion.

  10. That was quite a rollercoaster with all the change of docs. Every birth story is so different.. the only thing similar about both of mine is that each boy came over a week earlier than planned. Thanks for sharing the story.

    1. Funny enough I think my first was 2 weeks late, my 2nd was a week or two early, and I think Evan showed up right on time!

  11. What fun! Thanks for sharing - and what a sweet baby photo of little Evan!! Precious:)

  12. I love reading about birth stories. We were watching old home movies last night. I can't believe our babies are almost all grown up.

    1. I know! It went by so fast. Oooh, we should watch some home movies; I know I have a few from when the boys were little. Though I'm not even sure we have a DVD player around anymore...

  13. Love the wall mural! Your explanation of each delivery being different from each other is perfect, because I have yet to hear a story that goes " you know it's interesting all my deliveries were the same!". Thanks for sharing with SSPS!

  14. I love birth stories! They are just so different and bittersweet (for me anyway). My shortest labor was 8 hours! And, my smallest baby was 8 lbs 2 oz! The biggest was 9 lbs 11 oz! Thanks for sharing these stories with us, Joanne!


    1. I love hearing birth stories too! Especially now that mine are behind me.

  15. That photo with the boys meeting their brother is precious. Wow, how time flies. Happy 16! Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #8 linkup.

  16. Very sweet and go you for knowing what was going on!

  17. Such a sweet story, Joanne.
    Love the beautiful memories and photos.

    Hugs and blessings

  18. Oh I love hearing pregnancy and birth stories. This was such a treat for me to have read today.
    Visiting today from SSPS 280 #23

  19. Joanne, this is an absolute adorable post! I have so many pictures of my kids but in 35mm format. I have been looking at one of those gizmo's to scan negatives to convert them into digital. You simply took another picture of your's correct? Or am I wrong about your's being from negatives and not digital? :)
    Take care and best wishes!

    1. Aw, thank you! I have been looking at some negative scanners too as pretty much all of my oldest son's photos and many of our first family photos are on 35mm. But for this post yes, I took photos of photos. I'm pretty sure Evan's were digital photos but they were uploaded to an old computer and I don't think I did such a great job saving them so I'd always have access to them.

  20. Such a beautiful birth story for Evan to also read about when he grows up. Amazing, Visiting from SSPS #280

  21. I’m so happy to let you know that this post will be featured Monday in the new Linkup SSPS Party.


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