What's Up Wednesday: August 2023

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer and Shay. My youngest two boys start school tomorrow (Ian started earlier this week).. and sadly it feels like our summer is over.  I know it's not officially over yet but it sure does feel like it. 

What We're Eating: I have no idea... I sort of fell out of step with menu planning in late summer and have yet to do a good job of planning since.  I often don't feel like cooking what I have planned for dinner when dinner time rolls around so I've been throwing together simple/easy meals like tacos, BLT sandwiches, meatballs & sauce in the crock pot with spaghetti-- and then I end up eating just a salad.  I am so unmotivated to cook and don't know if I need to find new recipes or just force myself to comply with what we have planned?? 

What I'm Reminiscing About: I started a new series on the blog this past month called Throwback Tuesdays and each Tuesday I'm resharing some old posts from when my boys were little and we were first homeschooling. I am loving seeing the photos of all the fun we had together!

What I'm Loving: Though it's been cooler in the morning I've still been trying to read and relax on the deck; even if it's mostly in the late afternoon instead.

What We've Been Up To: We went hiking, we had family visiting from out of state and hosted a cookout, we also celebrated my step mother in law's 70th birthday, we checked out a new wildlife sanctuary, explored a bit more in Rhode Island-- visiting the RISD Museum and got Alec's senior portraits taken. 

we met up with the school photographer to take Alec's senior photos here!

birthday girl

What I'm Dreading: Nothing much; though I will be glad when "getting Alec's college applications finished" isn't hanging over our heads. We're just waiting for school to start so they can send his transcripts and he can get his letters of recommendation sent in. 

What I'm Working On: I made a few more cards and finished scrapbooking our trip to Acadia and even broke out my watercolors this month. Here are some of my favorites:

What I'm Excited About: My mom and I have planned a trip to go down and see my sisters this fall!!

What I'm Watching/Reading: Is This Cake Too? (Netflix), Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (Paramount+).  We're still making our way through Suits (Netflix), Blue Bloods (Hulu), Hot in Cleveland (Paramount+). Together as a family we're watching Everybody Loves Raymond (Paramount +).

I read so many great books this month! 

What I'm Listening to: (as I write this it's Friday the 15th of August) and Alec has 3 or 4 friends over with a movie marathon and I'm listening to them yelling and cheering and laughing at the movies.  It's been so much fun. 

What I'm Wearing: A little bit of everything; our weather has been all over the place so some days I'm in shorts and tank tops and other days I'm wearing sweaters and pants. 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: We don't really have any Labor Day weekend plans but if the weather cooperates I hope to get in a bit of hiking. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: We're celebrating Evan turning 16 and keeping our fingers crossed he passes his test to get his driver's permit (it can be very hit or miss here in CT depending on what written test you get). 

What Else is New: I joined Curves this month and have been working out a few times a week with my mom and all the lovely new ladies we met. 

Linking up with:


  1. What a great month! I love how much outdoor time you get in and you always inspire me to walk/hike more! You are looking great in your outfits friend!

  2. Great recap of your month! The senior picture location looks lovely- I hope you like the photos. Cute outfits and enjoyed seeing the pictures of Rhode Island (I've never been to that state or Connecticut for that matter but I feel like pictures of the latter are more common!).

    1. He found 2 photos out of the 20 that he really liked and sent off his request for the one to use in the yearbook. Phew!

  3. Look at all this summer fun AND cuteness! Your outfits, your scrapbook pages; so adorable.

  4. Love all your beautiful photos and scrapbooking pages! How cool that you can go to Curves with your mom! We also have so many great memories from our homeschooling years - such a wonderful experience for all of us!

    1. It has been so fun since we hold each other accountable each week. Right now we only go 3 times a week but I'm hoping to bump that up to 4 or even 5 when winter comes.

  5. Throwback posts are always some of my favorites! Isn't is fun to see how much your kids have grown and changed?

    1. It really is! My guys are all near or over 6 feet tall now so it's crazy to see tiny toddler/ preschool photos of them. I hardly remember them being that little.

  6. That view from your deck is so beautiful and relaxing! The background for senior pictures is also so beautiful! I really need to visit the northeast again. I heard about RISD when my daughter was looking at different art schools. I have always heard great things about it, so it was neat these pictures. Enjoy your day!

    1. Aw, thank you! I had always wanted to check out RISD too but had never been until this trip; it really is a pretty campus with art (of course) everywhere.

  7. I was recently wondering if Curves still exists! I don't think we have it by us. Good luck with college applications. I'm glad I have this year off from that.

    1. I thought for sure they were closed in our area too; I hadn't seen one in 20 years so I was really surprised when my mom said she found one and signed up. There are a few of them still hanging on scattered across the United States. Luckily Alec is handling all his own applications and things and seems to have a real good handle on it!

  8. I can totally relate to the cooking thing. I feel like I'm reverting to all of the same ole things to eat, but luckily my husband doesn't mind. I swear if I won a million dollars, I would hire a personal chef.

    1. I'm really struggling lately since the things I WANT to cook no one else really wants to eat and then trying to figure out who will and won't be here for dinner is crazy; I'm lucky it's taken this long before it's really been an issue since we've all pretty much always been home together for dinner.

  9. You stay really busy, I like that! Your comment on menu planning is why I don't. I never want to cook what ison the list, LOL!

    1. Yes! I do love to keep busy. I used to menu plan for the month and buy nearly 2 weeks worth of groceries so I could borrow from other days when I didn't want to cook what I had planned but I'm barely planning a week's worth of menu ideas at this point and seem to forget ingredients for some and I'm just all over the place. I mean we're eating and no one is starving and we're not getting take out or eating out so whatever I'm doing is working I just don't feel as organized about it as I'd like.

  10. I've been doing the same thing with cooking, just figuring it out on the fly. Made some pretty cool new recipes I need to share.

    1. Yes please! I'd love some new recipe ideas. :)

  11. Reading on the deck sounds divine, Joanne, and the hike looks beautiful. I can't believe summer is coming to an end. All the grandchildren have gone back to school. Here's to a pleasant, long fall!

    1. Thank you! I can't believe summer is coming to and end either and I'm kind of in denial that school starts tomorrow.

  12. I think we need to add a hike into our weekend plans. It would be good for all of us and you always inspire me in this regard.

  13. I love your new series with the throwbacks. It's fun to see what you did during the day. I have never been good at meal planning. I need to do it because my pantry and freezer are getting bare so a big shop is in order. You have really been busy!!


    1. Aw, thank you! It's not doing all that well but I am loving it and it's one less blog post to type each week so I'm going to keep on sharing. LOL Plus it is so fun to look back and remember how worried and nervous I was and how wonderful my boys have turned out and what hard workers they are!

  14. Everybody loves Raymond? Isn't that a very old series? I loved it! Throwback posts are always so lovely.

    1. YES! We've been watching through lots of old shows and sitcoms with our boys and it is a lot of fun. My throwbacks for the whole next month will focus on the how's and why's of homeschooling- mostly due to your questions and comments!

  15. Lots of wonderful things going on. You make me want to visit some throwback pics of my sons. Love all the nature on your hikes!


  16. What a busy month you've had! I'm particuarly impressed with how many books you've read!

    1. Thanks! I was surprised by how many I read too. There were so many good ones that they were hard to put down.

  17. I can't believe you have already been able to wear sweaters! I'm so jealous! We won't hit that point for at least another month... probably closer to two!

    1. Yep... sadly we have... but it does look like it's going to be in the upper 80's/ low 90's next week so this is the fun time of year where a little bit of everything is needed in my closet.

  18. A great look back at what's been happening Joanne! Enjoy the change of seasons. #WWandPics

  19. You always find the prettiest spots to hike! I enjoyed visiting the RISD too. Love that jumpsuit on you!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  20. What a great round up. Loved the family shots and as I don't live in your country, it's a treat to see where you are and have been. I hope the College stuff gets sorted soon. Before you know it, he will be there. So glad you got the water colours out. What a superb painting. Thank you for sharing the image of my blog's link too. Thank you for sharing your blog post this week at Denyse’s Words and Pics for #WWandPics. I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday if you choose to add a post. Warm wishes and appreciation from Denyse.

  21. Our summer is officially over tomorrow, my youngest starts college. Eek!
    I had a few weeks like that during the summer when it came to meal planning. I lost the love of cooking but I feel more into it now.
    I am loving your Throwback Thursday blog posts.

    1. Aw, thank you! I can honestly say that those Throwback Tuesdays get the fewest pageview but I've decided I just don't care. I am loving looking back and many of my regular readers seem to be enjoying them too.


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