July Favorite and Highlights; One Sentence A Day

 July was another pretty good month for the most part.  You'll notice all my step counts are missing; I ditched my counter within the first week of July since I realized I was exercising less and relying on just walking as my "workouts" and that was just not working for me. I spent my month working on reinstituting a 30 minute a day workout. 

1. Evan, Ian and I headed out hiking right after breakfast (Alec and my husband were at work) before the heat of the day then spent the rest of my reading Glucose Revolution. After dinner we went to visit with a few family members at the lake then headed into town to watch the Fireworks.

2. It was a rainy day so we all headed to the movies to see the new Indiana Jones then went to lunch at Olive Garden and over to Bass Pro shops to try and find Ian some new work boots, & t-shirts.

So many of my favorite places in one sign

3. Ian headed off to work and my husband was doing all sorts of odd jobs around the house and town so the younger boys and I hung around at home. I got lots of laundry and blogging done and enjoyed some time out in the sun reading my book. 

4. The 4th of July was filled with thunderstorms and lots and lots of rain; Alec was working at a cookout (that turned into a cook in) and the rest of us pretty much hung around the house watching TV all day. 

Can you see the rain coming down? 

A tossed salad with a tiny scoop of pasta salad and a Boca chick'n patty on top for dinner

5. I headed off bright and early for a day of shopping & lunch with my mom-- it's our annual tradition for my birthday though the sales weren't nearly so spectacular this year.  

My birthday dessert from Longhorn-- it was delicious!

Finished off my evening on the patio reading

6. The younger boys and I packed up the car and cooler and headed to see our friends down at the beach- they rent this house each year and for the past few years we've made it a point to visit them at least once since it's such a beautiful spot. I did get sunburned but getting to walk along the beach and make some new friends (with her other friends that visit!) was totally worth it!

I love this deck and view!

7. Friday morning my husband and I got up and got ready to head to Maine. After eating breakfast we hit the road and made it to Kennebunkport by 11. We walked around the town, got some lunch, and did some shopping.  Our hotel was lovely! (I did 2 recap posts of our trip!)

Our lunch view

Such a charming town. 

Ignore the sunburn from yesterday's beach trip... I got two more over the course of the weekend!

I spent lots of time on the balcony reading.

8. We walked to breakfast and then back to our hotel. We picked up the car and went to check out a nearby nature trail then decided to head down to Ogunquit for a scenic boat ride to Nubble lighthouse. It was a lovely ride; even if the fog did move in 1/2 way through and make it hard to see the lighthouse.  We spent the rest of the day walking around Ogunquit. 

Maine black bear-- raspberry ice cream with raspberry filled chocolate cups

9. Sunday dawned rainy and cloudy so we checked out of the hotel early-- around 7:30, and got breakfast before heading onto Kittery for a bit more shopping. We headed home, stopping for groceries, on the way. We were home early and had everything all put away, food prepped, dishwasher going, laundry started etc. by 3:30. We headed to the family cottage to see some of my husband's family and then enjoyed a leisurely dinner at home getting caught up with the boys and their weekend. 

10. It was pouring down rain with a flood watch in effect so I knew it was going to be a mostly quiet day at home cleaning, getting caught up on housework and blogging. We did invite my mom and step father over to dinner so Alec made some jam tarts.

my mother in law bought me this tank for my birthday

Ian bought me some birthday chocolate and a card-- I wasn't expecting anything since my birthday had gone by

11. I helped Alec pack for his 4 day stay at college and then we went to Barnes & Noble and Crumble.  It was an expensive and delicious day. 

The university sent a helpful packing list!

He talked me into cheesecake for lunch

And we bought a box of cookies for "later"- -he's such a bad influence!

12. I spent my morning making cards and my afternoon reading a book in the shade; though it was quite hot out even in the shade it was so nice to see another sunny day. 

13. On Thursday, Evan and I went and ran a few errands in the morning and then I spent my afternoon driving Alec to Providence and saying goodbye until Sunday-- I was so much more nervous than he was and so excited to see what this weekend at college entails. 

This little bird seed thief always sneaks onto the deck behind me as I'm reading

Made it to and through the city to drop Alec off without getting lost or taking a wrong turn once!

14. We were woken by thunderstorms at the crack of dawn and decided to cancel our plans to head back to our friends' beach house since it was supposed to rain all day; I did manage to get out for 2 quick walks between rain storms and then spent the rest of the day cleaning the house. 

15. I spent my morning organizing photos and working on a few scrapbook pages before Evan and I headed out to a little pool party at our friend's house.

I changed into cooler clothes for the party

16. We woke to pouring rain and both tornado and flood warnings but were so thankful the weather cleared just for the hour or so that we needed to run and pick Alec up.  He had the BEST time baking and getting to know the campus better and told us he was so sad it was already over; he would have happily stayed longer! 

17. Alec and I spent most of our day working on getting his car all settled, finishing up his schoolwork for the college course he's taking this coming fall at school (he had a book to read and a series of questions to answer that he's been making his way through this past month)-- we got on so many discussions of economics and business practices!  We ended the night at the Verizon store updating a few of our phones (that were from 2016!).

so much rain; we have little waterfalls everywhere right now.

18. After picking up Alec's phone with him, I spent most of my day reading and then walked up to spend time with my mom in the afternoon. I managed to get there right before the thunder and downpours rolled through. 

19. After the older boys headed to work Evan and I headed out hiking; it was hot and muggy but it felt great to be out hiking again. I ended the night going out for ice cream with my husband. 

20. Evan and I headed out on another early morning hike and got eaten alive by mosquitoes this time! 

21. Friday my husband, Alec, and I headed out to New York to check out another college- the CIA (Culinary Institute of America) and while it down poured on the drive there and the drive home it was thankfully sunny and beautiful while we were there.  We toured the school and learned so much about their programs offered. 

tried gnocchi for the first time ever-- not a fan but so glad I finally tried it. 

22. Evan had a friend over and I puttered around the house while the other 3 guys were gone to work (or CLD driving school) for most of the day; we did end up visiting Alec in the evening taking Evan's friend out to dinner with us at Alec's restaurant. 

23. Another beautiful sunny day. My husband started smoking a pork shoulder bright and early at 6:30 in the morning for dinner (at 5:30 at night!) and we spent the day hanging around the house and swimming in the lake while Alec was back at work and Ian was back at school.

24. I started my week off grocery shopping then headed to the library and after lunch Evan talked me into a kayak ride around the lake while Alec headed off to his friend's house for a haircut and color. 

25. Evan and I headed out on a very early morning hike and ran a few errands (like picking up ingredients for Alec's bread recipe).  Alec spent his day making bread and we ended our afternoon at the golf course/ ice cream stand getting some ice cream with my mother in law.

26. We had heat advisories in effect for the afternoon (and through the weekend) so I mostly planned to spend the day indoors-- I got the laundry done, cleaned out the filing cabinet, worked on the blog and spent my afternoon finishing up 5 or 6 scrapbook pages.

27. Alec, Evan, and I went hiking at the Thompson dam before heading out to lunch at Serio's with my mom.  We ended our day with yet another thunderstorm! 

clipped my hair up in an effortless updo to keep cool

28.  Friday Alec and I filled out all his parking pass info online and I headed to the library. We ended our night at A La Mode with 3 of the guys getting ice cream and sundaes. 

29. Ian was off at CDL school again while both Alec and my husband worked most of the day.  It was another hot, muggy day so Evan and I stayed inside; I most worked on getting all the laundry done and reading my latest book.  We ended our night with another big storm complete with power outage/ tornado/ hail/ etc. warnings. 

30. Sunday morning felt nearly fall like with it's cool, crisp air so after Ian and Alec left for the day my husband, Evan, and I headed out to hike Purgatory Chasm and stop to do our grocery shopping on the way home. We fixed up our beach and had my parents over for a large family dinner of smoke brisket and veggies. 

Tuna on pumpernickel with veggies and sun chips-- I needed a hearty lunch after climbing over boulders all morning. 

31. I spent my morning cleaning house, making banana bread, and listening to my audiobook. Then the boys and I went walking along the river trail and to see if we could find Alec some uniform gym shorts.  

blueberry banana bread with white chocolate chips

Egg and vegetable scramble on pumpernickel

Spotted a woodpecker on our walk

How was your month?
Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. What a wonderful birthday month for you! So much beautiful nature and yummy food. Love all the pretty manicures!


    1. It definitely was a wonderful birthday month.

  2. Enjoyed reading your daily recaps. What a great way to capture the small details that would be easy to forget. I like several of your outfits- the blue and white romper and the jeans with the large cuff and neutral top. You guys were able to do quite a bit despite lots of iffy weather!

    1. Thank you! Those new jeans with the large cuffs are my current favorite. I found those while out birthday shopping with my mom.

  3. Yes! Super month. I’m so glad you had a great birthday! I love your outfits and all the fun you have!

  4. July looks like it was such a great month, filled with special moments. And food! I am now starving after seeing all these delicious treats!

    1. Sorry! LOL. July was filled with lots and lots of treats.

  5. July sounds like a glorious month, Joanne.
    You look fabulous in all the outfits.
    And the food looks amazing!

    Hugs and blessings

  6. You take so many photos! I'm in awe (I think I average about 4 or 5 at the most in an average month!) Loved all your sunshiney photos and your tan developing on the deck with the lovely view. Great scenery and cooking pics too - you certainly had a wonderful month - and a belated happy birthday to you. x

    1. It took me a good couple of years to get into the habit of snapping daily photos. Thank you for the birthday wishes.

  7. Another beautiful month for you! I do not know how you can remember what you did 30 days ago?! I'm beyond impressed:) Looking at your Fourth of July photos...it is hard to believe that was just one month ago. Time seems to fly when you look back like this! Thanks for sharing all the pictures - I always enjoy them!

    1. Oh I write this post as I go along each day/week otherwise there is no way I would remember! LOL. Of course the photos help too and they jog my memories.

  8. Those jam tarts look amazing. And y'all had a lot of rain and bad weather last month didn't you? We barely had any rain in July at all. It has been so hot and dry here!

    1. We have had SO MUCH rain, in fact we've found many of our favorite hiking trails are flooded and so muddy.

  9. I'm pretty sure I could sit on that deck looking at the water and reading for hours! July definitely looked like a winner!

    1. I definitely do! LOL. Only the heat and sun drive me inside at times.. but then if I really wanted to I could move down to the patio and have the deck shading me.

  10. It looks like July was a lovely month for you all. Loving all of your outfits and the beautiful scenic photos you've taken. You live in a really pretty place! :)

  11. I always love seeing your nail designs, they're always so fun! Looks like a great month!!

    1. Thank you! I mostly use Colorstreet nail wraps since they last a good full week without chipping and come with the cute designs all done up for me already.

  12. After looking back through the photos I'm pretty sure the printed maxi is actually a jumpsuit! I LOVE it too and have worn it quite a bit this summer.

  13. Looks like a fun month.Love the nails (sure I already said that somewhere but it appears not??) #WeekendCoffeesahre

  14. You had a very busy, wet and stormy month! And, were those Christmas ornaments on that tree on a trail? I remember going on a few college visits. We didn't do very many because my oldest was pretty positive about where he wanted to go, and my daughter went along with us. She ended up going to one of the colleges we looked at with my oldest. My youngest waited until the last minute and went to a small university near us. I think the only one who really loved the college years was my daughter!


    1. Yes! Those are Christmas ornaments on a tree in the middle of the trail. I thought that was the oddest and somehow neatest thing. Alec is the only one of my 3 I see really getting into college life and joining ALL the clubs and activities and things. I think he's really going to love it.

  15. Joanne, you have so many cute clothes. Are you a model and stores just give you clothes? I have a friend who does that on Facebook. She gets so many free things, it is amazing. She took me shopping this week after my husband complained about my wardrobe needing a facelift. You'll never guess where she and her fashionista 14-year-old daughter took me. Goodwill. We had a blast.

    1. Ha! Nope, I just collect lots of pieces over the course of time; many of them on clearance or for gifts. Having a birthday in the middle summer helps so much since everything is marked off considerably by the time my birthday rolls around so I can get a lot for very little money.

  16. Looks like a wonderful July! I love your nails, you always have such cute patterns on them and they look great. I'm always amazed by the photos of your hikes. You live so close to some very beautiful scenery.

  17. Again, it's so good that you do this! What a full month for you!

  18. I stopped with my step counter as I was becoming too obsessed over getting 10k steps a day and some days it just wasn't possible.
    It sounds like a good month!
    I love your 4th of July nails and the blue spotty jumpsuit!

  19. It looks like you had a great month! I'm jealous of all your reading time with beautiful views! We LOVE Crumbl cookies in our house! Yes, the are expensive, but so good!

  20. Looks like you had a joyful July. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  21. Looks like you had a wonderful month!
    I also wanted to let you know that I accidentally removed a comment of you at my blog about Basquiat and Warhol. Sorry, I was removing another one and accidentally took the wrong one ...

    1. Thank you! And don't worry about it; as long as you got to read the comment that's really all that matters.

  22. Looks like you an amazing month. Very nice.

  23. Aw, thanks! I'm so glad you decided to pop over.

  24. What a wonderful July. You sure got a lot of reading done. Love your nails and drooling over all the yummy food.

  25. I was thinking this morning about needing to get back into my workout routine (with weights). I too have been very focused on my steps which is still great for me, but I need to incorporate my other stuff as well. Mostly my lack of it has been some aches and pains. That view off the deck is amazing. I'd sit there forever. Those tarts look so good. Well done! I'll eat your gnocchi...I love it! Looks like a great month. Loved you photos.

    1. Thank you! I do find that I am doing "real" exercise more now that I stopped wearing my counter.

  26. The outfit in #11 is really cute!


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