August 2023; 10 on the 10th

 This month's 10 on the 10th is filled with all sorts of fun questions about vacations, summer, memories and the like.  I just could not resist joining in with Marsha this month!  But I have to warn you that I found so many of these questions to be quite challenging to answer! 

1. My favorite summer vacation... oh this is such a hard one to narrow down to just one!  Living right on a lake and homeschooling our boys meant we often didn't take our vacations during the summer so if I'm strictly talking about summer vacations that does narrow down the list considerably.  One that was a whole lot of fun was taking a road trip down to North Carolina when my boys were little and my parents lived there.  The boys took turns sleeping at my parents house and hanging out with Aunt Ashley and then during the day we often met up with MY Aunt Elaine as well so every day felt like a fun family reunion. 

The one that went wrong: When Ian was not quite 2 and I was pregnant with Alec we decided to spend a weekend away in Conway New Hampshire and took Ian to Santa's Village & Storyland.  Well, he got real sick and it will forever be remembered as the trip where he had his first febrile seizure-- while we were driving down the highly trafficked street and my husband and I were clueless as to what was wrong watching him convulse and start foaming at the mouth.  It was terrifying. We went right to ER (well, as fast as we could anyway) and they were quick to diagnose him and got him started on some antibiotics for the strep throat that was causing the high fevers. 

2. One activity I really enjoyed during summers as a kid that I would never think of considering now is using a slip n slide.  I remember we used to use one nearly every summer-- I can not imagine running and throwing myself onto the ground belly first now. 

My boys had one growing up and I had zero desire to take a turn

3. There are so many things I wear in the summer months that I would never wear in the colder months- my flip flops, my shorts, my tank tops, my sundresses, etc.  It's much too cold and snowy here for all those breezy light fabrics skimpy skin revealing styles. 

4. My favorite summer beverage of choice is a glass of Crystal Light Peach Mango Green tea (though I like mine far more diluted than the box calls for).  Since I pretty much only drink that and water year round most any other drink would not grace my table in summer and definitely not any alcohol (I have nothing against it but just don't like any that I've tried). 

5. I'm not sure there is much of anything I did as a kid during the summer that my own kids didn't do as well in the summer-- we always kept things nice and simple in the summer with swimming, ice cream, water guns/ balloons and lots of time for friends.  I can't think of anything that kids do today that I think of as a lost cause. 

6. There are quite a few "summer" movies that I enjoy & can watch over and over and over again-- Summer Rental, Mystic Pizza,  50 First Dates, The Parent Trap, The Great Outdoors, Dirty Dancing, etc... but I really could do without any of those scary & suspenseful horror type movies like Jaws, or I know What You Did Last Summer since I do not do well with being scared.  

7. Oh boy I am so bad with music in that I know what I like when I hear it but trying to come up with a name off the top of my head is so hard. Since Evan has been in charge of my music in the car whenever we go anywhere most of the songs of this summer come from his playlist.  Two I can think of off the top of my head are: Endless Summer by Absofacto & Wouldn't It Be Nice by the Beach Boys (he has a very eclectic taste in music!). 

A song that take me back to my childhood would be I Do It For You by Bryan Adams-- I still remember watching the movie the summer of 1991.  

8. While I rarely wear a swimsuit of any kind I will wear a 2 piece.; in fact I bought 3 new bikinis for this summer (and then it's been pretty cool and rainy and I've hardly worn them at all!). 

9. There are lots of recipes that I make over and over again each summer!  One family favorite is my classic macaroni salad with tuna.  I'll eat a cup of this all by itself for lunch. 

1 box macaroni, cooked and cooled
1 cup mayonnaise (I use light) 
1 can tuna (I prefer solid white in water but any can will do)
3 carrots, sliced
2 stalks celery, sliced
salt & pepper to taste

Just combine all ingredients together (though sometimes I have to add more mayo if the pasta sucks some of it). 

One summer recipe I made that I'll never attempt again would be anything with Jell-O (pudding is fine) but I do not like gelatin at all and the colors and texture of Jell-O kind of freak me out. 

10. My favorite summer smell is that of coconuts/ tanning oil that remind me of summers on the beach. One summer smell that really makes me sick is anything that smells rotting-- like the rotting smell of fish or food left in the sun and heat.. I guess. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Fun to read! I am with you on jello. Ick! That vacation with Ian sounds terrifying- well, the part when he got so sick. Your summers sound really fun- lots of lake time and time with family and simple pleasures. Have a great weekend!

    1. Yeah, I always joke with Ian that of all the boys he's cost me the most stress; not that it was his fault but his seizures and things were always so scary. I'm so thankful he's outgrown them!

  2. This was a trip down memory lane! I love your movie choices. We need to watch a couple of those again!

  3. Oh my gosh, that vacation when Ian got sick sounds horrible. I can't even imagine how scary that must have been. It's always so much worse when someone gets sick while you're out of town and not at home. Everything I Do was my faaaavorite song when I was little. It came out when I was 9, and I was obsessed. It stayed so popular for so long that they were still playing it at all of the school dances when I reached middle school. That song will always remind me of slow dancing with boys in my class. Haha.

    1. Yep, not gonna lie it was awful! He's also my kid that would hold his breath until he passed out when he was upset too--- good times. LOL. And everyone wonders why I keep insisting I just LOVE LOVE LOVE teenagers!

  4. The Beach Boys are very summer! I've had my share of sick kids on vacation but the worst was Zachary having bronchiolitis at Disney World. He was coughing up breastmilk all over the place!

  5. I've never watched Mystic Pizza, going to have to see if it's on Prime Video. Wow that episode with Ian would have been terrifying, so glad they diagnosed him right away in the ER. We have some great memories of vacationing/camping in the summers growing up: we camped in the Pyrenees and in Barcelona by the beach.

    1. Well, growing up just 30 or so minutes way from where it was filmed (and where the original Mystic Pizza is still in business!) it was kind of a must watch growing up.

  6. Your vacation when Ian got sick sounds really scary! That would be scary enough at home but when you're out of town it can be hard if you aren't sure where the nearest hospital/ER would be! Glad he was able to be diagnosed quickly!

    I had to laugh at your comment on the slip and slide. I remember enjoying those as a kid but as an adult I don't know why throwing yourself on the ground would be fun! I've seen adults try them on America's Funniest Home Videos and it never ends well.

    And I'm with you on the Jell-O. Everything about it is just weird.

    1. Thankfully we had been passing the hospital each time we went out to do things since it was right down the road from our hotel so we didn't have to try and find it; just fight the traffic to get to it. It was so, so scary.

  7. Gosh, that vacation that went wrong would have been so scary. I can't even imagine.
    I love that you wear 2 piece suits too. I swear the bathroom convenience makes all of the difference,

    1. Funny that I never ever wore 2- pieces in high school or college though!

  8. Ohh! These are interesting questions and I loved reading your answers.
    The things we used to do as children, I wouldn't dream of using a slip and slide now either. I think I would break something.
    Ahh! I remember that Bryan Adams song being number one in the pop charts for months!

  9. What fun questions and answers, my oldest son had febrile seizures too, so scary. And he always seemed to get sick when we were on vacation. Ugh. I love the songs and the movies - I remember Mystic Pizza, loved it soooo much!

    1. Yeah, we ended up being the only people I know that traveled on vacation with a thermometer, kids Motrin, children's Tylenol, etc. since we just never knew when he's get sick enough to have to worry.

  10. Fun memories, except for the one when Ian got so sick. That would have been absolutely terrifying!

    1. Thank you-- and yes, it was. Even when he had them at home it was scary but at least after that first time we knew what the heck was happening.

  11. We did have a lot of the same answers! I cannot imagine how frightening it was when your son had a seizure. That would surely create a terrifying memory for sure. I love that your son picked the songs! Thanks for playing along, Joanne!

    1. Yep, he has taken over all control of my tunes whenever we go anywhere together.

  12. I was talking about you with a friend last week. About the amazing place where you live. But also about homeschooling. Why you chose for that and how it works, we don't have that here. Can you tell some more about it on a post perhaps?

    1. Definitely! I have quite a few very, very early posts about homeschooling and how we chose it and things. I'll cull through them and put together a sort of highlights reel of homeschooling for early next month!

  13. That trip to New Hampshire sounds so scary with your son having a seizure! I loved the Parent Trap as a kid! And my mom made that same tuna macaroni salad!

  14. Love your answers here. I so remember that Bryan Adams song. I was in a Naval "A" School when it was popular and loved listening to it when I was ironing my uniform.

    1. Thank you! It's fun that songs can take us back like that (and some more vividly than others).

  15. Yes! Dirty Dancing is the perfect summer movie! That macaroni salad is making my mouth water :)

  16. When we homeschooled, we often took our vacations during non peak times...much cheaper. Oh my, when my grandson was abou 18 months old he had a febrile scary. Thankfully he was sleeping with mom and dad in bed so they caught it right away and called the ambulence. Scary! thank you on the slip and slide...I'd throw something out for sure. I love a few of those movies too.

    1. Yes, it was so much cheaper and so much more enjoyable with little to no crowds!


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