What's Up Wednesday; July 2023 Edition

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer and Shay. 

What We're Eating: 
Sunday: Smoked pulled pork sandwiches with Cole slaw, fries, and salad (I had salad with chicken and butternut squash fries)

Monday: Waffles with bacon and fruit (I had fruit/yogurt parfait)

Tuesday: Pineapple teriyaki chicken with corn on the cob, salad, and couscous

Wednesday: Pesto pasta with veggies and salad

Thursday: Steak stir-fry over rice with assorted veggies

Friday: Homemade pizzas (on the grill!) with salad

Saturday: Burger/hot dogs/ veggie burgers with chips and salad

What I'm Reminiscing About: I am really missing my sisters this summer and can't help but think back to all the fun family parties and swimming days I used to host when they both lived up here near me.  

What I'm Loving: All the sunny reading days/times outside!

What We've Been Up To: Our month was filled with activities! We went to see fireworks 4th of July weekend, I went birthday shopping and out to lunch with my mom, we drove down to see our friends at their summer rental on the beach, my husband and I spent a weekend in Kennebunkport, Alec spent 4 days at college trying out campus life, we went to a friend's birthday, did some hiking, and checked out another culinary school. 

birthday shopping at the mall

lunch at longhorn

Our friends' beach rental

it's close enough to walk to the beach

I always say I could happily live on the deck

Kennebunkport, Maine

day trip to Ogunquit, Maine

Dropping Alec off at college (and I didn't get lost!)

pool party at another friend's house

picking Alec up; the torrential downpours and tornado warnings held off. 

What I'm Dreading: We've learned that my step- uncle has just a few short months left to live after a long battle with stomach cancer. 

What I'm Working On: Trying to scrapbook the first 1/2 of our year; luckily as the kids get so much older there aren't that many pages to make.

I always start with the basic layouts and then add in embellishments and titles after I have a whole stack of them

What I'm Excited About: We still have one more month of summer! 

What I'm Watching/Reading: The Bear (season 2 on Hulu), The Mighty Gemstones (season 3 on HBO MAX), Hot in Cleveland (Paramount+), Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny, Billions (Paramount +), The Summer I Turned Pretty (season 2 on Prime), Suits (Netflix),

I read another fabulous dozen books this month and will have a full review of them up on the blog soon. 

What I'm Listening to: Mostly we've been listening to lots and lots of rain this month. 

What I'm Wearing: Warm weather clothes! Summer has finally arrived. 

What I'm Doing This Weekend:  Nothing much at all.  We finally have a weekend with nothing on our calendar.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: We have nearly a whole month with nothing on the calendar and I'm looking forward to being home more and on the go a little bit less. 

What Else is New: Ian started truck school this month and is one step closer to getting his CDL he was told by the instructors that he is passing all the test and things much too quickly as there is also a set amount of hours he needs to meet-- how he's supposed to slow down his learning and skills is a mystery to us both but I am so glad he's flying through it all with no problems.

Linking up with:


  1. What a great month full of sunny days, delicious food and gorgeous outfits. I'm on the lookout for a new show to watch, thanks for the great suggestions. I have already watched Suits but I haven't watched any of the others.

  2. I was going to talk about how you look amazing in both blues and pinks/purples this month but now I have to comment on the truck school thing. WHAT!?!?! How is he supposed to slow down his learning. That IS weird. And you're the second person to recommend 5 Star Weekend so I'll have to check it out!

    1. Right?! I just laughed and shrugged my shoulders. I don't think they were serious either but were more warning him that even once he passes all the milestones set he still will have to meet the required hours as well.

  3. What a fun month! I love your outdoor time despite all of the rain. How exciting for Alec! Will he end up at at CIA do you think?

    1. It's a real toss up at this point I think between the CIA and Johnson and Wales- he really liked them both a lot.

  4. What a wonderful summer you are having! Summer goes too fast. I just finished The Bear and loved it!


  5. Summer is treating you so good. You look adorable, relaxed and happy. The Bear was so good. Have a sweet day.

  6. I am so needing to make some photo books for the past year or so. I am thinking I will work on it as soon as the boys go back to school. You have some really cute summer outfits! NIce variety of activities for a good summer. We are winding down to our last two weeks and enjoying the laid back schedule.

    1. I managed to completely finish up 5 pages today and then I'll have to tackle all the photos from our Virginia vacation.

  7. I love all your reading on the porch photos and your cute outfits. I am sorry to hear about your step-uncle.

  8. What a busy, fun month! I am sorry about your step uncle and hope he is able to enjoy each day.

    1. I hope so too but I know he's really struggling to eat and since that side of the family lives on the opposite end of the country it's so hard to support them from here.

  9. What a great month making memories and enjoying the weather!

  10. I'm always so impressed by the variety of meals that you cook. Everything always looks so delicious! And also, I sure do love you in a jumpsuit! That is definitely my favorite look for you!

    1. I LOVE a good jumpsuit! I'm gathering quite the collection of them. I can remember wearing 2 piece pant suits & jumpsuits in high school too.

  11. I love all your pictures of reading on the deck. It looks like such perfect weather. I need to check out Summer I turned pretty...looks like a fun series!

    1. So funny because really we have been having a majorly rainy summer (like flood watches on a weekly basis kind of rainy) BUT I still manage to soak in any sunny days that I can.

  12. It looks like you have had a most enjoyable month! I also love summer reading, and your food pics look delicious!

  13. That's funny you say that about having nothing to do this weekend...we love those kinds of weekends too.

    1. We actually have empty weekends a lot; of course once they arrive we usually manage to fill them with something.

  14. What a glorious month!
    Love the photos of the yummy foods, your cute outfits and porch photos.
    So sorry to hear about your step uncle.

    Hugs and blessings, Joanne

  15. Looks like you've been having a wonderful month! The pineapple teriyaki chicken looks so good!

    1. Thank you! That is probably my favorite chicken recipe for summer.

  16. You have had a busy month! Lots of good food, travel, and clothing (I love that Clara Sunwoo jumpsuit). We are watching the Righteous Gemstones, too. I hope there is another season because it's such a wild ride. I want to watch The Summer I Turned Pretty, but we don't have Prime (dang). I haven't read any of the books you've read though I'm on hold for the Elin Hilderbrand book (many months wait). I hope your step uncle isn't in too much pain.


  17. Loved this recap and all the wonderful photos! Such beautiful scenery and all the great "reading on the deck" photos!

  18. Prayers for your uncle. And I loved The Bear! And I've never met anyone else that has watched The Mighty Gemstones, I thought it was hilarious! I wrote down the others that you watched and added to my list!

    1. Thank you so much. I hope you find some good shows to watch! We're really enjoying suits.

  19. Looks like a pretty cozy month! Spending time at the sea is the best!

    1. It really is; I had been missing the ocean so much!

  20. Looks like you are loving summer right now from those pics...and I am so sorry about your Uncle. It's hard having news like that and nothing you can do about it...except send love and care...A son off to college is happening before you know it. Life makes another shift in your household. It was great to see your blog post in the link up for Wednesday’s Words and Pics. Thank you for sharing. See you again next time, in August! How can that be!! Warm wishes, Denyse.

    1. I sure am! We do have lots of big changes coming up and I'm just trying to embrace them all.

  21. Wow, lots of reading and you look relaxed despite bing so busy! Enjoy your summer.

  22. It does look like it has been busy, but a good kind of busy with so many trips and visits with friends.

  23. Hi, Joanne - Your delicious meals have made me very, very hungry.
    I am so sorry to hear about your step-uncle. Sending very warm thoughts your way.

  24. Great pics and love your outfits of the day. Maine is somewhere I've often thought I'd like to visit - mainly because of the food - and as for that deck...yep, I could live like that. Thanks for linking up.

    1. Thank you! I've often thought I'd have no problem living in Maine.. as long as I stayed near the coastal south where their winters aren't as bad.

  25. HI Joanne, what a fun month you've had but you also had time for relaxing and reading. I also admire people who can remember to take photos of OOTD. Thanks for linking up to WBOYC and I look forward to reading next month's post. x

    1. It has not been an easy habit to build and I sill sometimes forget to snap a quick photo but as long as I stick to some sort of routine I like taking an OOTD picture to help me wear more of a variety of clothing.


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