Not Just a Mom: Top 5 Favorite Family Activities

This month our Not Just a Mom group is looking at our favorite family activities. I'll admit that I had to think pretty long and hard about this one. As my boys get older there are less and less activities that we do together.  Years ago my list would have far surpassed 5 as we used to do everything together. 

1. Hiking (of course!-- Did you really expect anything less?)  While my boys aren't always thrilled about hiking we usually can cajole them all into joining us for a short hike.  

2. Kayaking/fishing-- We all have our own kayaks and we try to get out kayaking (or canoeing) together as a family at least once or twice each spring/summer.  My husband and oldest son bring fishing poles and fish while the rest of us just take a lazy time kayaking around. 

3. Card/board games-- We started playing card games and board games with the boys when they were little and added to their skills and game repertoire along the way. It's not always easy (or that fun) to play with younger kids as games can end up in tears or shouting matching but seeing how well they all play together now has made it worth that extra effort. 

4. Watching Movies (or even TV ) together-- not really sure if this counts as an "activity" but we have been having lots of fun together re-watching old sit coms and whenever there is a movie playing that we're all interested in seeing we go together. 

5. Eating/baking/going out for ice cream?-- We all enjoy our food in this family and we love trying out new recipes (especially Alec's baked goods!) and going out for ice cream.  


I hope you'll join us next month when we look at what's in my handbag.  

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  1. Great activities! Looking back, I wish we'd played more board games. We did when the kids were very little but we didn't play much at all when the kids were older and now it's something they have little to no interest in doing. They'll play a board or card game to just humor me, not because it's something that they really like. That's cool that you all have your own kayaks- that sounds like a neat thing to do together.

    1. We played a lot when they were in middle school (mostly just the boys and I during the school day; for years we had Friday game day and we managed to find games that covered everything from geography to history to science and math and more).

  2. It was hard to come up with 5 things as my family and I do a lot less together than we used to which is pretty rubbish but now we really appreciate the time together. What a great list. I knew hiking would be on it and something food related with Alec being an amazing baker.

    1. Yes! I really struggled to find 5 also! I had to poll each of the kids and my husband just to come up with 5. It was much easier when they were little and couldn't just opt to sit something out and stay home or take off in their own car when I had something planned.

  3. Such fun activities. We haven't gone out for ice cream at all this year.

    1. Oh my, I think we've gone out for ice cream nearly once a week-- it's so bad! But my husband's brother owns an ice cream stand and the boys ask to go all the time.

  4. You have a lot of fun together!

  5. I feel I know you so well- could've named at least three of these :)

  6. These are really fun activities and also memorable ones at that.

    The Style Fanatic

  7. I love how many we have in common-- and I'm not surprised!

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess

    1. Me neither! I knew we'd have very similar lists.

  8. Same for us with the kids getting older and not agreeing or liking the same things anymore. I mentioned ice cream in my post too!

    1. That was my husband's suggestion. This summer, in particular, I feel like we are ALWAYS getting ice cream.

  9. Love all the activities! I need to take time to play more board games. Those desserts look amazing!

  10. We love Kayaking so much! I can't wait until our kids are old enough to last through a kayak trip. Thanks for sharing!

    1. My boys were great about sitting through long kayak rides even when they were little and sitting between our legs; but we would often stop and let them swim/play along the way as well.

  11. Replies
    1. They were incredible!! Caramel macarons made with homemade caramel sauce... I'm already asking him what flavor he's making next.

  12. That's awesome you all have your own kayak, I love doing watersports together too!

  13. Loved seeing your favorite family activities and thanks for sharing at 269 SSPS. I get so many good ideas about recipes and food prep, self-care, DIY, travel, and lifestyle tips. My shares this week are #42, 43, 44, and 45. Enjoy!

  14. I ABSOLUTELY count going out for ice cream as a family activity! It's one of our family's favourites :)

    1. I wasn't so sure but my husband insisted and.... he's right; it's something we do quite often.

  15. Such fun family activities. My kids used to love hiking with us but think they had enough for a while after making them hike the Black Elk Peak trail in SD last summer LOL. Not going to lie, it was pretty exhausting (but worth it and I'd do it again.)
    One of these days my daughter and I want to try making macarons!

    1. LOL! I was actually glad Ian did not go to Shenandoah with us because he would have hated some of those hikes and quit after the first day or two. Luckily the other two boys are real troopers and willing to try new trails- though we did have to adjust our plans and find shorter/easier hikes to appease them.

  16. You are so right that finding time for family activities gets harder as the kids get older! We also love to see movies!

    1. I know it's such a normal part of having kids become young adults so I don't push it at all and am just happy whenever we can get it to work.

  17. Great activity ideas, especially for parents with still young ones. Mine are all adults now. Julie Syl

  18. We played so many board games with our kids! A couple of them had to be replaced. UNO was always lots of fun, too!

    1. Yes! My boys love Uno. Alec found a few new variations with Uno too that makes the game a complete riot (like swapping hands of cards whenever a 7 is played and things like that that make the game totally unpredictable).

  19. A lot of family fun! Yes, you guys are the hiking family. Most of my family really enjoys hiking. I am definitely the weakest link there but really need to hike more. Oh, and eat more ice cream together!!:)

    1. We hike together SO we can eat ice cream together! LOL

  20. You have a wonderful variety of things which is so heart warming.

  21. I always crave ice cream after reading your blog...🤣

  22. Thank you! Alec is quite the baker-- in fact I can smell jam tartlets cooking right now.

  23. I totally agree that as the kids get older it gets so much harder to do activities together. The outdoor activities such as hiking and kayaking sound like great fun. Games, movies and any activity that includes food is always a winner for us.

  24. Joanne,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! What a great post sharing the activities you enjoy doing with your boys....Cherish the times that you can do this because they grow up really fast. I hope you are having a g \reat week!!

  25. My daughter and I could watch movies all day long! My husband on the other hand falls asleep within minutes haha

    1. Yep! My husband has even fallen asleep in the movie theaters!

  26. Surprisingly my boys are not huge kayak fans and we can usually only get them to go once or twice a year.

  27. Joanne, what wonderful top family activities.
    Visiting today from IMM#77&78.

  28. A lot of those are favorites of ours as well - and very true that some patience when kids are little can pay off with lots of fun around board games as they get older.

  29. These are so fun! We also LOVE hiking as a family. I am hoping that my kids will get to a stage where eating out is fun, but right now we are still at the chicken nuggets and dessert phase of childhood haha!


    1. We still struggle sometimes with eating out and making sure there is at least something on the menu that each person would want to eat!


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