Kennebunkport, Maine-- Day 1

 We spent July 7th- July 9th on a little weekend getaway to Kennebunkport, Maine.  We often head to Maine for a quick trip since it's nice and close and I have yet to stay anywhere along the Maine coast and not have a great time.  

We woke up at our regular time and started getting ready to go.  We probably left the house around 7/ 7:30 after eating breakfast and made a quick stop at my husband's work. 

We arrived at our hotel around 11 and even though check in was not until 3 we went in and asked if it as possible to get our parking pass early (it was!).  This is the main building of the hotel where the check in desk and spa are located but our rooms were in another building just steps down the street.

We decided to walk back to the main town of Kennebunkport and find some lunch. 

We ate out on the patio of The Boathouse and the food and view were great; as was the nice cool breeze off the water. 

My husband got a seafood stir fry 

I got the baked haddock and fresh veggies

We walked around, did some shopping and sight seeing, and got some ice cream. 

There were entire galleries with these huge beautiful moving sculptures.  I took a lot of photos hoping to get my husband to make me some.  

Peanut butter chocolate chip from Big Daddy's homemade ice cream shop (a small chain you'll find up and down the coast in the Maine)

We found a cute little park and sat to watch the boats and things.

We eventually made our way past the hotel in the opposite direction and spent some time on the small beach walking in the sand and sitting up on the rocky area of the beach watching the waves.

I was already burned from our time at the beach on Thursday and by the end of the day I had added to it!

Our room was ready to check into around 3 and we went to check it out.  I sat out on our deck reading, we eventually took showers and then we headed across the street to Mabel's Lobster Claw for dinner. 

We went on another short walk after dinner then turned in early for the night. 

It was a wonderfully relaxing first day of vacation.

Linking up with: Weekly Link Party, 


  1. Ahhh so jealous! This looks and sounds so perfect- Kennebunkport is one of my favorite destinations of all time- can't wait to follow along :)

    1. It was wonderful! We had such lovely weather that first day too.

  2. Everything looks so pretty there- from the hotel view to the town itself and the food. It looks like a good start to a fun getaway.

  3. What a cute town! Your hotel looks amazing! I would love to visit Maine one day!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  4. I really liked Maine when I went but it reminds me of being super nauseous since I was just pregnant with Gabbie! We need to go back!

  5. Beautiful photos. I hope to take a trip back to Maine one day.

  6. I wish we were that close to do a weekend getaway to Maine. That looks like so much fun!

  7. Gorgeous pictures and delightful photo essay of day 1 of Kennebunkport Maine. Saw it at 270 Senior Salon Pit Stop. I'm at the party too. Please check out my posts (#72 through 75) as well. Warm regards, Nancy Andres @ Colors 4 Health.

  8. What a beautiful place! Your room looked so lovely!

  9. Looks like you had a wonderfully relaxing time. And that food looks so good.

  10. I've only been to Maine once but thoroughly enjoyed it. Your hotel looks wonderful and I'm really ready to join you for dinner with that food! #MMBC

  11. What a lovely spot to be able to get away to! My mom took my kids there on spring break one year just to post in front of Pres. Bush's house. They did not get the photo!

    1. Thanks! We drove by the Bush compound and knew they were in residence since they had armed security and saw the family boat in town one day.

  12. The weather sounds ideal for that type of getaway. I have yet to visit Maine, but it's on our list.

  13. What a wonderful trip, it looks like a gorgeous place to stay. I do love those sculptures, I hope your husband does make you some.

  14. What a lovely spot to relax and explore, thanks for sharing with SSPS!

  15. I always immediately think of Stephen King when you mention Maine. But it looks very nice there. And the food!

    1. Funny that I NEVER associate Maine with him despite knowing that he lives up there.

  16. This looks like a lovely and relaxing vacation spot! Sounds like a fun town to explore~

  17. I love Maine in the summer! The weather is always perfect and it's so beautiful. Looks like a great first day!

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess

  18. I want to go! What great photos! The food on vacation (and at the water) just always looks sooo good. But peanut butter ice cream?! The best!!

  19. Never been to Maine, your trip looks beautiful!

  20. I love the coast of Maine and each summer we try to check out a new area; so far I have loved them all!

  21. I would have had the same as you, beautiful dishes both of them though and thanks for taking us with you to Maine. The #SSPS was blessed to receive this. Julie Syl xoxo

  22. That is a place I would liketo visit.


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