Alec's Birth Story

 Since I shared Ian's birth story with the NJAM How I Became a Mom post I figured it was only fair to share each of my boys' birth stories on the blog.  Alec's could not be more different from Ian's if I tried!  From day one everything about my pregnancy was different too. 

I had "morning sickness" (though why is it called that even when it lasts all day?!) for the entire 9 months. In fact I had a check up on the day I ended up going into labor and I remember my doctor saying she was glad I had at least another week before my due date because she was hoping I would put on just a few more pounds before having the baby.  I never even gained 20 pounds. I went to a baby shower just a few months prior for one of my best friends and no one in her family thought I was even pregnant!  

My whole family was convinced Alec HAD to be a girl since the pregnancies were so vastly different-- they nearly had me convinced too!  But just in case we still went with neutral themes for the nursery.  I forgot to mention in Ian' birth story that I made wall murals for each of my boys' rooms.  Ian's was painted with frogs and cattails and dragonflies while Alec's was a jungle theme. 

But anyway; back to the actual birth story!  After getting home from my doctor's appointment where she had had managed to strip a few membranes and said I was already at 3 cm and 40% effaced,  I took Ian who was not quite 2 at the time up for a walk to our mailbox.  Our mailbox sits at the end of the private road we live on so with toddler this was a good 45 minute activity.  Only problem was that 1/2 way through the walk he wanted me to carry him.  I started having contractions off and on the whole walk but didn't think too much of it.

Alec was born long and skinny; just like he is now!  Though his hair was much darker.

I called the doctor after we arrived home and the contractions hadn't stopped. She recommended I lay down and take it easy and see if they went away (I did mention I had a nearly 2 year old at the time-- so that was not real doable but I did try!).  By 5:30 when my husband arrived home I was still having somewhat regular contractions that were 5 minutes apart so the doctor asked us to come in to the hospital.  We dropped Ian off with my mother in law and I fully thought they were going to send us back home.  Despite hours of contractions I was still moving and feeling fine. 

They told us that the ward was full and they were not going to admit us unless I went into full-on actual labor.  They stuck us in a little room with a monitor attached, hooked me up to an IV, and each time my contractions seemed to stop I'd have a long coughing fit (it was January and I was fighting off a nasty cold) and they'd start right back up again.  

I was on antibiotics after testing positive for strep B and the doctor decided to go ahead and break my water  when I reached 5-6 cm dilated.  I had an epidural around 7 cm though I could still feel the contractions and they never moved closer together (in fact my contractions started spacing further out!) but I began to feel so sick to my stomach and complained that the contractions were painful.  A nurse finally took pity on me and decided to check; only to find that I was at 10 cm. and ready to deliver.

He finally started turning blonde around 5 months.

With just a few pushes and less than 20-30 minutes later I had Alec.  It was such a relief to have had such an easy delivery after Ian's whole ordeal. Considering I started noticing my contractions in the late afternoon and didn't even get to the hospital until dinner time that means that when Alec was born just shy of 3 am I had been in labor for less than 12 hours and active labor for just a handful of them. 

So he was 8 days early with a short/ easy labor compared to Ian's whole long ordeal.  Both boys were the same length but Alec was a full 2 lbs  and one ounce lighter at 6 lbs 12.6 ounces and 21" long. 

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It was such a relief after Ian's huge ordeal.

  2. This was so awesome to read- LOVE this dark hair- precious! You are such a warrior- not even worrying when you were in labor- shows how calm you are :)

    1. Yeah, I was remarkably calm about the whole thing-- probably because I didn't really believe I was in labor.

  3. Love to hear birth stories and used to watch A Baby Story on TLC all the time! Can you believe I didn't have morning sickness at all? I craved steak and fresh pineapple, though, I do remember that!

    1. I was just telling someone last weekend at a party that I was a vegetarian before I got pregnant with Ian and then I just craved red meat-- steak or burger; I wasn't picky! I just could not get enough.

  4. He was just precious! That is terrible that you were so sick- I know he was worth it though!! It must have really hard to be so sick with an almost two year old. There's a little less than two years between Jacob and Abby so I know what it's like to be pregnant with a toddler in tow (thankfully, I experienced very mild and short lived morning sickness). Have a great Monday!

    1. Each of my boys are 21 months apart- and we did not plan it that way at all!

  5. Replies
    1. It was crazy! All my boys were born with thick dark hair and never ever went bald.

  6. Aww I love reading birth stories. It's amazing how blonde Alec's hair turned after having been so dark when he was born. I wonder why they call it morning sickness too. It should be renamed all day sickness!

    1. Yeah, it lightened up so gradually over time that I never really thought about just how light his hair has gotten. He never lost it all like most babies do but over time it just got lighter and lighter.

  7. Oh no! Morning sickness all day is no fun at all, I had a few months of it and that was more than enough for me. It does sound like quite an easy labor and delivery, well compared to Ian. I am glad it all went well.

    1. My husband joked it was much too simple since I was already talking about "next time" before we had even left the hospital.

  8. I can't believe you had morning sickness all day for the entire nine months. Oh my word, that would be terrible. Thank goodness for an easy delivery, though!

    1. It was so funny that I had such an easy pregnancy and difficult delivery with the first one-- I never could decide which was better and which was worse!

  9. I had all-day morning sickness with Ella. I love hearing birth stories. Your mural is so cute!

  10. Nothing like having a little variety, LOL

    1. I know! LOL. Complete opposites in every way... to this very day.

  11. Isn't it something how completely different pregnancies (and kids) can be? After my experience with my first (I was induced), I asked my mom if I would know when I went into labor the second go round. I definitely knew! My boys both had very dark hair and then became white blondes before they were 1.

    1. I was a bit afraid I wouldn't know it either-- or just ignore them and think they were more Braxton Hicks which I was more familiar with.

  12. I can't believe you carried a toddler when you were having contractions!
    Love the jungle mural x

    1. Yep, though I did keep asking him if wanted to walk yet!

  13. Love birth stories! What a trooper for having morning sickness that long! I never had it! So glad you had an easy delivery.

    1. He's the only one of the 3 that I had morning sickness with; I've always wondered why that is!


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