Weigh- In Wednesday: The Month I Nearly Stopped Logging Altogether

I took an intentional break from Weight Watchers the week my husband and I were heading up to Acadia; I always find it so hard to log in my food when we're eating out at small/ non-chain restaurants and I just didn't want to be bothered. 

That week break stretched into 2 and then 3... I was feeling so down on myself but still made myself weigh in every few days and I found that the scale wasn't all that different. Which did nothing to help motivate me to get back on track! 

I'm honestly not sure what prompted me to start tracking again but I have been this past week and while the scale is still fluctuating between 164-166 I do feel like I am eating healthier.  I think the only thing that saved me is we did TONS of hiking on our trip to Acadia and Evan and I have been pretty good about still walking/hiking for an hour or so everyday.  Other than that I haven't been adding in any other intentional exercises either other than the occasional yoga/stretching ones when my muscles get real sore. 

Hiking Cadillac Mountain

At the top of Gorham Mountain

Hiking up the Bubbles

Back home Evan and I hiked nearly 2 hours

Normally I'd fill this post with food photos (and I will share some!) but most of my meals were not WW friendly and I kind of feel like while that would be honest, I use these posts to motivate me to keep eating healthy so I'm only showing those GOOD WW meals to keep myself in the right mindset. 

Tuna sandwich on Sara Lee Delightful bread with squash fries and peaches-- 4 points

salad with grilled chicken and peaches

Egg noodles, veggies, and chicken-- just a 5 point meal.

My fruit/yogurt/granola parfait-- 3 points

Egg roll in a bowl with white rice-- 5 points 

zero point meal

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  1. Love your colorful meals! Always an inspiration :)

  2. Being active is crucial to so much about well being (no matter what the scale says) and you have nailed it! Love the pictures of your hikes. Keep up the good work!

  3. All the food looks great, and you get in so much exercise with hiking I wouldn't worry about anything else. Now that Zoey is almost 9 months old, it's time for me to start thinking about losing weight. Maybe I'll try WW. It seems like it works really well for you!

  4. The hiking is great for you! I did some while away too but my weight definitely went up.

    1. Oh I am sure my weight went up on this trip; despite hiking! LOL

  5. Y'all really do a ton of hiking! You should be proud of yourself for being so active all the time!

  6. Joanne, that is great that you have been doing a lot of hiking. The meals all look healthy.

  7. It does sound like you did so much hiking when you were away so it didn't really matter what you ate.
    This is the second post over the last couple of days that I've seen with a chicken and peach salad, I need to try it.

  8. So much hiking and delicious looking food.

  9. Thanks so much for sharing your journey. I have struggled with motivation this summer...which is kind of how I usually am in the summer. I think from being busy all year, I just want to be lazy. I need to get back on track with workouts and logging my meals. Your meals look delish!

    1. Yes, motivation is HUGE for me and I find that it really has fallen by the wayside this spring/summer.

  10. It always harder when traveling, I think. But at least you're conscious of what you're eating.

    1. It really is! So many places we stopped literally only had fried foods on their menu and no fresh veggie options at all.

  11. I keep tracking, and the scale keeps staying at the same place...or close to it. One day, it's down a significant amount; the next day it's up a little bit. It's so demoralizing...to say the least. Keep at it! You're so very close.


    1. It is demoralizing but I'm trying to be okay with sustaining my weight since we're very much on the go this year.

  12. Replies
    1. We have really lucked out with nice cool weather that is perfect for walks and hiking.

  13. I tried WW since they had their sale, and I was successful at it at first, but then like you went on vacation and I'm struggling to get back on it. Now I'm going on another vacation in two weeks, so I'm like "what's the point?" Surprisingly, I haven't gained my weight back, I'm just holding steady. I find WW so frustrating. Their recipes have so many weird ingredients and it's hard to find dinner recipes the whole family will enjoy.

    1. Yes! We have lots of vacation (and mini, weekend away type trips) all spaced just a few weeks apart and there is a real "what's the point?" feeling between them. I don't really use any WW recipes because of that; I tend to take recipes we already know and like and work with reasonable solutions to make them more WW friendly (then add in waay more veggies for me). Trying to cook foods that are healthy and that 3 teenagers will willingly eat can be tough.

  14. Joanne,
    I hear you!! I am stuck again too...I need to up my activities especially walking but the heat of the Summer and I do not mix well...I want to lose another 20-25 pounds in addition to the 50 I lost over the past year...Holding steady is better than gaining so that is a good way to think of it!! I look at it as a preview of being able to maintain the weight once I lose all the weight that I want to...Keep up the good work, my friend!!!!

    1. That's what I'm trying to focus on right now-- maintaining is way better than gaining it back!

  15. It's hard to keep track when you're on vacation and I think it's ok, don't be too hard on yourself, just get back into your routine when you arrive home.

  16. It really is impossible to eat on vacation like you eat at home but your vacations are healthy vacations, being outdoors and hiking more than you do at home, so it really balanced out I think. The hard part is coming home and getting back to eating and exercising like you did before you left on vacation. It always takes me us a good week or two.

    1. Yes, it takes me awhile to get back on schedule too.

  17. You inspire me to track. And I am at it again. Would love to join you for Weight Watcher Wednesdays. Is that the day you weigh in? I weigh in on Saturday and then treat myself that day to ice cream or something else I wouldn't normally eat on Weight Watchers. With PC's health problems, tracking my points has been the last thing on my mind. I haven't weighed in weeks but did move the scale back into the bathroom. Had moved it in the closet while I spring cleaned my bathroom. Going to get back at it again. I just feel so much better about 10 pounds lighter.

    That zero point lunch is full of texture, color and flavor!! I am eating your yogurt-granola-fruit breakfast several times a week and thinking of you each time. We've got this, girl!!

    1. I weigh in on Fridays and let myself have some sort of treat over the weekend; knowing I'll have all week to work it back off. But once we are finished with trips this summer I hope to have a whole month without any treats/cheats... but we'll see if I'm able to stick with that.


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