Modlily Purchases for Summer

This is not a sponsored post but I mentioned on the blog awhile back that I had put in a large order for summer things with a new to me company called Modlily.  A few people asked me about them since they had never heard of the company either. I didn't want to share what I ordered until the items had come in and I had a chance to try them on, wear them a bit, see what the material/fit was like.

I kept nearly everything I ordered; only returning a few items (most of those being white dresses or pants and because they weren't lined they were totally see through!).  These aren't high end items; I'd equate them to like Target or Walmart type purchases but overall I am pleased with what I got compared to the prices I paid and returns were fairly easy too. 

I didn't really need another bathing suit but that is what drew me to their site.  I have been trying for years to find a comfortable 2 piece suit that is NOT a halter neck and has ample support and coverage on top.  I ordered 3 bathing suits and ended up keeping all 3!!  I love them and am actually excited about wearing bathing suits this year. 

I really liked that while the bathing suit is sold/priced as a set I can order one size for the top and another for the bottoms if needed.  I sized up on all my suits and ordered tops and bottoms in larges.  

suit 1 

suit 2

suit 3 

I debated about taking photos of me in them...but it hasn't been warm enough to even think of wearing a bathing suit yet this year. 

I've already shared this sunflower dress I wore to the botanical gardens and while the same dress is no longer available they do have one with yellow sunflowers that looks like it's probably the exact same style. 

I have been wearing these black, wide-leg, smocked waisted pants at least once a week. They are so comfy!

I kept this dress to use as a bathing suit cover up

I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of these earrings

My favorite of all is this pretty rainbow hued, off the shoulder dress that I plan to wear on our next date night! 

Some things I did notice about the site-- not everything comes in a wide array of sizes.  I found that most items I ordered I used my regular sizing and they seemed to fit. 

Linking up with: Curated by Jennifer, 


  1. Wow- what cute pieces. I don't blame you about the bathing suits- they are so pretty!

  2. I've not heard of Modlily but I've had a look and I can see me using them in the future.
    What great buys, I love that sunflower dress. I am gutted the same colour one is no longer available. I would have bought myself one.

    1. Keep checking! I find that often items cycle through again.

  3. I am so impressed with Modlilly's bathing suits and my favorite cover up is from them too. It's always nice to find a new brand with good stuff. You made some great choices Joanne!

  4. That navy and polka dot swimsuit is so cute! How fun to have three new suits for the summer. Cute clothes-I love to find new to me stores that sell items that I like at a price I like.

  5. Loving that colorful off the shoulder dress.

    The Style Fanatic

    1. I'm just waiting to have an excuse to wear it!

  6. Everything looks great. I have a hard time buying bathing suits!

    1. Funny enough that I do buy a couple each summer... and yet I rarely wear them!

  7. I’ve always wondered about This brand! I especially love your dresses. !

  8. I feel like the site is the same as Rotita, and they do have such a wonderful selection and prices. I always hate to spend a lot on swimwear because they wear out easy with the chlorine and such.
    Love all the suits and that date dress is the best.

  9. Those are cute bathing suits and I love the last dress!

  10. BTW, I'm not sure if you saw in the DM on IG group, but you get to pick the next prompt for our Ageless style group. Can't wait to hear what you choose,

    1. Okay! Thanks for the reminder; I'll head over.

  11. I haven't ever heard of this company, but all three of those bathing suits are so cute! I love the polka dots! And, that rainbow colored dress is adorable!

  12. Great purchases, especially the rainbow dress and earrings! Beautiful!

  13. My favorite is also the last one for date night! That is so pretty! Thanks for the information!

  14. Love these pieces you purchased! Both maxi dresses are my faves.

  15. WOW! Simply stunning in that rainbow dress!



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