How I Did on My Spring Bucket List

Summer officially begins here for us in the Northern Hemisphere on Wednesday so I wanted to take one last look back at my spring bucket list and see how I did! 

1. Celebrate Ian's 19th birthday with family! Check!

2. Cheer Alec on at a few track meets. Check!

3. Head out on a weekend trip to Acadia to celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary-- Check!

4. Check out a few college tours with Alec-- Check! 

5. Enjoy our "summer" vacation-- we planned our family vacation a bit earlier this year so even though we're calling it our summer vacation it actually lands in spring-- Check! I'll be recapping the whole trip next week on the blog. 

6. Plant some flowers in pots around the house and get the garden spiffed up-- check!

7. Drag out all deck patio furniture for afternoons of reading and relaxing-- Check! 

8. Eat breakfast on the deck while listening to the birds-- Check!

9. Try out at least a handful of totally new to us restaurants-- Check! 

The Captain Daniel Packer Inne in Mystic, CT

10. Find some new hiking and nature trails to explore-- Check! 

11. Plan at least 1 field/day trip each month-- the zoo, the beach, the butterfly farm, the botanical gardens etc.  -- Check! 

April found us at Roger Williams Zoo

May we went to the botanical gardens

June in Shenandoah national park 

12. Head out kayaking-- Nope! We didn't have that many nice days in spring so I'm moving this to my summer bucket list. 

13. Make macrons-- Nope! 

14. Take a few RZR rides-- Check!

15. Check out the farmer's market- Nope! 

All in all I didn't do that bad.  


  1. You did some fun things this spring. Speaking of spring, it's hard to believe that it isn't actually summer yet. Looking forward to hearing your spring/ summer vacation ;).

    1. We were all just saying that it hardly even feels like spring; we have a few really warm days sprinkled in here and there but mostly it's been cool, windy, and rainy.

  2. You did great on your bucket list! Way to go!

  3. Great job Mama! Can't wait to see your Summer Bucket List :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! It feels good to put a check next to those I completed.

  5. You did really well with your spring bucket list! I love all of the photos, it looks like you had a great spring.

    1. Thank you! We really did have a wonderful spring.

  6. You did really well on your Spring bucket list! Looks like it’s been a great Soring for you and your family.

  7. What a fun spring! Ian's birthday cake looks delicious!!

  8. I love a farmer's market, but I haven't been able to get to one yet, maybe this week!

    1. Ours is really not convenient to get to but I am determined to do that this year!

  9. So many fun things! I love your food pictures. Although, I am now hungry for soup at 9:55 in the morning...

  10. You did a lot this spring! Can't wait to see your vacation pictures!

  11. Well you almost had them all. A farmers market is fun though. But I guess you already know that, lol.

    1. I haven't been to our farmer's market since my boys were little; the one in the next town over keep moving days/times and I can never seem to figure out when to show up!

  12. That's such a successful list. And I bet you'll get to the other things soon,

  13. I would say you were very successful with your spring bucket list! I keep thinking about trying kayaking. Mike has such limited range of motion in his right arm, though, so I'm not sure if he could do it or would even try it. Lots of wonderful things, Joanne! I can't wait to read about your vacation!

  14. Y'all did great on your bucket list! You should totally just move make macarons to your summer bucket list. ;o) I want to see how they turn out!

    1. Absolutely! We have to break in the new mat and supplies.

  15. You did great with your Spring bucket list, go you! Only three months to go and then it's our turn for spring. I've reached that point where I'm sick of feeling cold and I'm starting to count the days till we hit warmer weather!

    1. I don't even want to think of that! LOL. While I do love fall the end of summer just means winter is that much closer.


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