What's Up Wednesday: May 2023

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer and Shay. 

What We're Eating: I just got home from vacation yesterday and picked up some groceries but for once I had no meal plan in mind!  I'm not really sure what we'll be eating this week but I know after eating out for 4+ days I am ready for nice, healthy meals and plenty of salads and fresh veggies!  Like this:

Fresh fruit/yogurt/granola bowls

Crustless veggie quiches with even more vegetables on the side

salad with peaches, chicken, dressing and croutons

What I'm Reminiscing About: Nothing much today!

What I'm Loving: Flowers, flowers everywhere! I've bought fresh flowers for the table, we've been to the botanical gardens (I have whole post about it here), and we have flowers finally blooming in our own yard! 


Botanical gardens:

In our yard:

What We've Been Up To: Lots and lots of hiking, some baking, a few RZR rides, enjoying lots of time outside! This was such a fun month-- even in these photos you can see the progression from mostly barren trees to all greenery everywhere! 

we saw so many cute "treasures" on our walks this month too


Alec made cheesy Italian herb bread

lots of rain meant muddy RZR rides

a fairy village in the middle of the woods

Lots of rain meant lots of rainbows

ornaments in trees

birds too; like this woodpecker 

What I'm Dreading: Nothing at all right now. 

What I'm Working On: This past month we've been working on lots and lots of puzzles! I set one up on our coffee table and we all work on it a little bit here and there. 

What I'm Excited About: I can't wait to share all about our trip to Acadia this past (long!) holiday weekend!  

What I'm Watching/Reading: The Sinner (Netflix), White house Plumbers (HBO+), 80 for Brady (Paramount +), The Diplomat (Netflix), Fast X (at the movies), Jeopardy Tournament of Champions (Hulu), & still working my way through Blue Bloods (Hulu).

I read another 10 fabulous books this month and will have my review up on the blog on the 13th. 

What I'm Listening to: My brother suggested I listen to this Entreleadership talk with Mike Rowe and Dave Ramsay where they discuss the labor crisis; it's so interesting. 

What I'm Wearing: Our weather has been all over the place this month with random really warm days and other cold and windy days so I've been wearing just about everything this month!  

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Getting caught up on all the household stuff I've been neglecting. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: School ending, going on our family vacation, and just enjoying summer.  More breakfasts on the deck and reading on the patio. More time with friends and family. 

What Else is New: We FINALLY got our solar panels back up (after they fell over at Christmastime) and we are making solar power for the first time.

Linking up with: 


  1. Looking great my friend! Happy Spring :)

  2. Yes to all the flowers and the beautiful hikes you did! I need to watch the Diplomat and I adore all your look. Espeically that pretty maxi dress!


    1. The Diplomat was wonderful; but it ends on a cliffhanger and now I'm anxious for season 2 to come out.

  3. Lots of fun happenings here, bring on summer!

    1. Yes! It felt like it took forever to get here this year.. which is kind of weird because we actually had a pretty mild winter.

  4. I love peaches in a salad..greens, peaches, cherries, and some burrata cheese with a drizzle of balsamic glaze is so good. We love breakfast on the porch too, all meals really, but our weather has not been the best. My mother-in-law was here last week and we worked two puzzles. My mom comes next week so I know there is more puzzling in my future. Love all the blooms! I buy (or cut) fresh flowers often. Having fresh flowers in the house is such a day brightener. Acadia is one of my favorite places in America. I'd love another trip there, but that won't happen this summer. Have a great day!

    1. Oh yes, everything tastes better with a little balsamic glaze! Yum. I already can't wait to go back to Acadia. I love Maine anyway but add in tons of hiking trails and beautiful summits and it's even better.

  5. This just reminded me I need to roast some veggies for dinner! I am trying to loosely plan a menu for the next few days as we will go on vacation next week. Haven't gotten inspired yet! We ran a trail run yesterday with running club and it was such a fun evening!

    1. I always try to make do with whatever we have on hand when it's getting close to vacation time and it can be so hard to get inspired to cook when there aren't great ingredients lying around.

  6. Loving all the hiking photos especially the rainbow!

  7. Your flower pics are great- both inside and out. Love all your outdoor shots from your hikes. I'm glad the weather has turned and you're enjoying the great outdoors even more.

    1. Thank you! We are really enjoying our weather lately.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful month!

  9. Sounds like a great month! Love the hiking and flower photos - so thankful the weather is getting nicer. Happy Wednesday! Have a great week! - Morgan @ mommyaboveall.com

  10. I love all of your pictures. We've been in a drought here, so I do wish we'd get some rain.
    You make your salads look so good. I wish I could come over for lunch. 😘

    1. We're starting to be on the verge of needing some rain again but so far all the plants are looking nice and healthy. I've heard rain is in the forecast for us this weekend.

  11. How fun to find a fairy village in the woods! Lots of great outdoor pictures here and I too love all the flowers that are blooming! Although not too much in my garden currently as the early spring flowers are now faded and most others aren't blooming yet besides my potted flowers.

  12. Your food looks so good, especially the peach and chicken salad. Yum, yum!
    What pretty flowers! I do love this time of year when everything is in full bloom.
    Your puzzles look like a lot of fun and I can't wait to read about your trip. x

  13. As always, your hiking pictures are so inspiring! I love that you have solar panels. We looked into it for our house but apparently our roof wasn't a good candidate. Our South facing roof gets too much shade from tall tree coverage-- bummer! And I recognize that jumpsuit!!

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess

    1. We went with a free standing pole since we didn't want the panels on our roof; plus we can change the direction each season to catch the maximum amount of sun rays (though we did have to clear some trees to make space for it and not have them being in the shade). I am loving that jumpsuit so much-- by itself, with short sleeves or long sleeves under it. It is so comfy!

  14. Everything is bright green here now too, so beautiful. And we have a lot of rabbits too, week hares too be exact. They can run like hell.

    1. We so rarely see rabbits or bunnies but I know they exist as I've seen their prints in the snow before and we do occasionally glimpse one.

  15. Your meals always look so delicious and healthy! Your hiking pictures look so beautiful and summery. We are also working our way through Blue Bloods and are up to season 4. It's such a great show!

  16. That's my struggle after vacation and one of my friends has groceries delivered so she has them right away. I have yet to do that, but it's brilliant.

    1. We do not have any grocery delivery services around here but a few offer grocery pick up and I have ordered them in the car on the way home before. This time we just stopped in and shopped on our way home since we were going right by our usual grocery store anyway and I knew we needed everything!

  17. OMG! That trail on the RZR!! Fun!
    - Sarah @torontosam (not anon)

    1. It is a lot of fun; especially when the trails are muddy (though I am so thankful we added a rood and windshield!).

  18. What a full month, Joanne! I'd love the recipe for that bread...if you haven't already posted it! Do you own the entire woods you hike and ride in? I am thinking we need to travel to the Botanical Gardens in Ohio soon...my soul needs a refresh!


    1. I can ask Alec if he has it; though I know he did modify the recipe as he went along... maybe he'll need to make it again so I can write up a post!

    2. Here is a link to the recipe he used; he said it wasn't really worth modifying it the way he did (he made it the original way one time and tried a second time with us to add cheese and herbs into the bread itself but it really didn't give it that much more flavor). https://theendlessappetite.com/italian-herbs-cheese-bread/

  19. I am in love with all the flower and garden photos! Gorgeous! Have a great week!

  20. What a great post. I'm very keen on granola, yoghurt and fruit lately. Will add peach to salads, nice idea. We're also having the up and down weather. Frustrating. Thanks for linking!

  21. Love the painted rock! We've had a whole painted rocks thing going on our city for several years now and the kids always get so excited when we spot one!

    1. I do too! LOL. I keep saying I'm going to paint some to leave when we go hiking but I never do. Maybe I'll add that to my summer bucket list!

  22. I love your outfits, so gorgeous.
    I visited you via Encouraging Hearts & Home Blog Hop
    If interested feel free to visit my entries for this week: #48+49 as I would love to invite you to come and share your posts and you will have an opportunity to get featured.
    You will find the linkup information (1) In the Top bar under Blogging: Weekly Senior Salon Pit Stop OR 2nd image In the sidebar
    We hope to meet you there virtually.

  23. We really did keep busy in May and June is shaping up to be just as busy! I am a very fast reader. :)

  24. I see lots of flip flop wearing :) And YAY for having your solar panels back up!!! Also, I hear you -- while not having to cook for awhile is fun, I miss all the fruits and veggies we eat at home.

    1. Yes! Lots of flip flop wearing!! :) I am loving it.

  25. Looking fantastic, Joanne!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful month.
    As always, I enjoyed seeing all your fun and glorious photos.

    Hugs and blessings

  26. Flowers are such a pick me up and look at your garden blooming too. Lovely catch up here Joanne. Enjoy the end of school and summer vacation! It's our second day of winter here and I am in short sleeves..weather has been cold but now warmer ...we are hoping for much needed rain. Thank you for sharing a post from your blog on this week’s Wednesday’s Words and Pics Link Up. I hope to see you next week too. Take care, Denyse.

    1. I hope you get some much needed rain soon.

  27. A very beautiful collection of flowers but that painted stone takes the cake! It's gorgeous! #WWandP

    1. Isn't it so pretty?! It really inspires me to want to paint some myself.

  28. OMG - that bread looks soooo good. I hope to do some puzzles this summer too. We tend to do them in the winter when we are inside more but also the summer when we have a bit more time. I finished the Diplomat last weekend and really enjoyed it

    1. Yeah, we usually only work on puzzles in late fall/winter too but my mother in law has been giving me puzzles every few weeks and I love that it's just become a "thing" to nearly always have one going.

  29. You got some beautiful shots at the botanical garden! As well as of your lovely bouquets! :)

  30. Good food. Great outfits. Beautiful Yard. What more could you want in life? ;-) Enjoyed the post.

  31. I need to try crustless quiche and need that cheesy bread recipe. Is it a bread machine recipe? I need some good bread machine recipes.

    Love all your looks. I recently bought a square headband that I think would be adorable on you with your headful of hair and curls. I used to have hair, once upon a time.

    Have been eating your granola and Greek yogurt. Absolutely LOVE it. I freeze blueberries and strawberries to add to it. My new favorite breakfast.

    1. We don't have a bread machine since my bread maker prefers working the dough with his hands. This is the recipe he used: https://theendlessappetite.com/italian-herbs-cheese-bread/

      I added one of those square headbands to my Amazon list after seeing the one you purchased; I'm hoping it will work great as I do tend to wear my sunglasses as a headband the most.


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