Share Four Somethings in May

 Can you believe it's already the last weekend of the month? Here in the states we have a long Memorial day weekend and my husband and I took off to Acadia, Maine for the long weekend; we have always made it a priority to get away just the two of us for a little weekend here and there whenever we have that extra money in our budget and I can not wait to hit the trails.  

Loved: I have loved the warming up of our weather! I got to wear many of my "summer" clothes, our garden is loving the extra sun and warmth too as everything is finally starting to bloom, and best of all I got to ear breakfast on the deck a few times!!

Read: I had another great reading month (though I did have one book that made my DNF list) and I had a little lull now and then where I didn't feel like reading, but somehow I still managed to read and listen to another 10 books and have started 3 more that I'll add onto June's wrap up post.

Learned: that solar panels produce power even on cloudy, rainy days.  For some reason I just assumed that if it was not a bright, sunny day we wouldn't be making any power at all. Obviously, we make far less on cloudy days but we still make some. 

Ate: In all honesty I have been eating a whole lot of junk this month.  I feel like every time I turn around we are eating ice cream or cookies or this fabulous homemade bread that Alec made. 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, Final Friday,


  1. Have the best time in Acadia! Your nature photography is on point- looking forward to seeing pics of Acadia. Glad your weather is warming up and you're enjoying all the beauty. It's been so nice here but we are starting to see the effects of no rain in a week and none in the near future. Have a great, safe long weekend!

    1. Thank you! My camera was the first thing I packed into the car (though I am bringing an easier/lighter camera to hike with).

  2. Enjoy your trip! Love your summery outfits.

  3. Yay for warmer weather! Love these summer looks and dying over these gorgeous blooms your photographed!

    1. Aw, thanks! My garden is just slowly starting to wake up.

  4. Have a wonderful time in Maine! Can't wait to see the pics! Yeah for spring!

  5. Have a fantastic trip! Acadia is on my wish list of places to visit!!

  6. Have a wonderful trip my friend! Can’t wait to see the pictures! And that bread looks delicious!

  7. I hope you have a wonderful trip!! The food all looks yummy, especially that bread!!

    1. Aw, thanks! We have been eating very well lately.

  8. I hope y'all have a great time on your trip! Love all of the food pics... that bread looks amazing!

  9. Cute outfits and beautiful flowers. All the food looks really yummy.

  10. Hi, Joanne - Thank you for being a regular contributor to #WBOYC (and#WOYBS). I totally agree with you - that first feel of summer clothes on our backs and breakfast outside on the deck is so uplifting. Long may our nice weather continue!

  11. Have a wonderful weekend away.
    It's starting to warm up here as well and I am loving it too. I sat outside this morning and drank my coffee. It was lovely.
    That is interesting about the solar panels, I didn't know that.

  12. That bread looked fabulous! Yum. I wouldn't be able to fit in those cute outfits for long with that bread around my house! :)

    1. It is a real struggle! Luckily I have 3 very hungry boys that happily gobble up the food nice and quickly for me so it's not around that long to tempt me.

  13. Fashion, Food, reading and enjoying nature what could be more perfect! Thanks for joining us at WBOYC? as a regular contributor, Joanne. I always enjoy your posts. x

  14. We still have breakfast on the patio in the mornings, and it's the highlight of our day.

    1. I just love eating outside when the weather is beautiful; it's such a peaceful start to my day.

  15. That bread looks amazing. Light and fresh! And as it get warmer there, it's getting colder here in my part of the world - Australia - though I'm in the northern half so it doesn't ever get THAT cold.

  16. Have a wonderful long weekend! I love seeing your summer outfits and blooming flowers. It’s so hard not to eat junk food! I normally only eat treats on the weekend. But for the last few weeks I’ve been sneaking treats in nearly every day! I’m blaming the cold weather hehe.

    1. Thank you!! I feel like I'm blaming the warm weather for enjoying sweet treats nearly every day. LOL

  17. I was surprised that our solar panels still made electricity on cloudy days too. We don’t have enough to power the whole house, but it has made a dent in the power bill. You got a lot of reading done this month. Your warm weather outfits are so cute!


    1. Yeah, we only put in enough panels to run 1/2 our house (or thereabouts) and I can't wait to see the dent it makes in our power bill. We saw a HUGE jump in that bill in January and were so bummed not to already have the solar panels hooked up.

  18. Loved seeing your reading on the deck pics again...must be nearly summer...and what we call "thongs" on your feet. Yes, I know. Flip Flops!!

    1. Yes! Nearly summer and FINALLY warming up. Those are my favorite style of shoe and I'll wear them now up until (or nearly anyway) our first snowstorm.

  19. Enjoy the break in Maine. We also have a public holiday on Monday. Yes, the return of warm weather is so welcome, particularly wearing light clothes and enjoying life outdoors!

  20. Beautiful flowers!
    Food looks good too!

  21. Thanks for joining the Share 4 Somethings link party! I hope you and your hubby have the best trip. I can't wait to hear about it and see pictures!

  22. I love that bread you had, I bake bread at least 2-3 times a week for my husband. I visited you via Final Fridays: For What It’s Worth!
    If not already part of SSPS, and are interested, find my entries: Lahmacun Flatbread
    You will find the linkup information (1) In the Top bar under Blogging: Weekly Senior Salon Pit Stop OR 2nd image In the sidebar
    We hope to meet you there virtually.

    1. Thank you! My son wants to pursue a career in baking & pasty arts so he's often cooking up breads and pastries for us and family and friends too.

  23. Cute outfits and your granola and fruit bowl looks yummy!

    1. Thank you! That is my favorite breakfast or snack in spring and summer.

  24. Joanne, wishing you and your husband a fantastic Memorial Day weekend getaway. Eating outside on your deck sounded marvelous.
    Visiting today from Share Four Somethings #13

  25. I hope you and your husband have a wonderful getaway! We have had a rather long, for us anyway, spring this year. I wouldn't mind if it stayed this way for several more weeks! I have been having a hard time concentrating on reading, too. It must be the weather!

  26. Maine is gorgeous, isn't it?! And yes please to shorts, flip-flops, and t-shirts. I couldn't be happier.

    1. Oh I just LOVE Maine; if it weren't for their winters I'd move there in a heartbeat!

  27. Look at you being all Summery in your outfits and reading out on the sunshiney deck - I'm a little bit envious as winter looms here....

  28. I have been loving the warmer weather too and all of the spring flowers! That homemade bread looks incredible, and I would be all over it myself, ha!

  29. I'm the worst and don't know flower names --but the pretty heart shaped ones -- I haven't seen those in years and just had a memory of my grandparents' yard. Enjoy your trip.

    1. I was always told those were called "bleeding hearts"

  30. Love those spring flowers! And the homemade bread looks wonderful.

  31. Love your summery outfits, they look fab. And what a fab view you have on your balcony, very peaceful. :)

  32. Your garden flowers are beautiful, Joanne. The colors are stunning. Also, that homemade bread looks delicious. Enjoy your weekend away!

  33. Which book did you DNF? I am considering "Addie LaRue" -- I've heard good things abut it.

    1. The book I DNF was Bookworm (not shown on the graphic). I really enjoyed Addie; a very different premise than most books.

  34. I hope you have fun in Maine! Those flower pics are beautiful. Summer is about eating all the junk food! Enjoy it!

  35. Plenty to love in here - especially the changing of the seasons for you. As for eating junk, I've had so many dumplings lately I think I look like one!

    1. I feel like I could bleed ice cream at this point.

  36. It's good to take those little getaways. Our weather has been amazingly warm too. LOVE it. My grandma used to call Bleeding Hearts "Ladies in the bathtub". if you gently pull apart the pink it looks like a bathtub with a lady in it. I didn't know that about solar panels, I too, assumed they needed sun. That bread looks amazing.

    1. That is too funny about the bleeding hearts/ladies in the bathtub.

  37. Your flowers are gorgeous! Enjoy your weekend getaway!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  38. Hope you enjoyed your trip. Long weekend getaways, warm weather (my favorite), and spring flowers are just the best!

  39. Thank you for your weekend coffee share. Beautiful flowers and yummy-looking bread. I hope you had a wonderful weekend getaway.

  40. Love the photos of the flowers, and it looks like you are ready for warmer weather! Hope you enjoyed your weekend getaway!

    1. Yep! All ready for the warm weather; it's supposed to be near 90 tomorrow!

  41. I love your pretty flowers and I hope you enjoyed your getaway to Maine.

  42. Your view is gorgeous, as are the flowers! Enjoy your time away! I am also enjoying pulling out the summer clothes, although mine are not that cute, LOL!


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