May's 10 on the 10th on the 12th: Answer Me This...

 Marsha had some fun general questions for us to answer this month for the 10 on the 10th link up!  And for once I managed to keep my answers fairly short and sweet.  This is always one of my favorite link ups for the month because you just never know what Marsha will ask! 

1. Yes I can whistle; but I'm not that great at it and I can't whistle with those two fingers in my mouth like I'm calling a NYC taxi or anything.

2. My toes do touch flat to the ground whenever I'm standing but when I'm relaxed I actually have a really funky shaped foot (that seems to run in my family).

3. I don't think I can remember ALL of my teachers but I do remember most of them (and some in high school that I didn't even have but that left a lasting impression). 

Mostly I remember their names since my school photos always listed the teacher's name (and often had her in the photos as well)

4. No, and I have never ever wanted to even try-- too many people we know have been in horrible motorcycle accidents and just hearing their stories as a kid scared any desire right out of me. 

5. Since I have a pretty healthy fear of dogs I have never gotten close enough to groom them (not even when my family owned our own-- my younger sister LOVES dogs and we had a few when she was old enough to help take care of them but I stayed a good arms length away at all times). 

6. I have vague memories of vacation from when I was young but I don't think I even know what the first vacation I went on even was.. probably a plane ride to visit my aunt in North Carolina; I've heard my mom talking about giving me to a perfect stranger to carry through the airport beside her as she ushered us, my sister, and our stuff with a layover and I think I was really young.  I remember sitting on planes and going to see my aunt but all those trips sorts of blend into one big amalgamation in my memories. 

7. Yes, I can sew, I paint, I create cards and scrapbooking pages... the list of crafting projects and supplies and skills is always growing too.

8. I have seen many outlets wired and have been side by side helping my husband but I would never trust myself to do on my own.

9. Other than babysitting my first "real" job was working for a small local pharmacy chain called Brooks and my boss was my best friend's mom (well, the best friend I had growing up-- sadly we've lost touch since having families).  I was hired as cashier but thought that was such a l-o-n-g, boring job that they quickly moved me over to take care of ordering products and organizing the whole make-up wall.  I was told I was the best they ever had with my attention to detail.

10. I have re-upholstered an old antique chair with wooden arms so I only had to upholster the cushion and seat back but never a couch or arm chair.  

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  1. This was fun to read! Ok how do you actually have a Barbie foot? Ummm it's perfect and would fit into many adorable stilletos ;) Ha! Hope I gave you a laugh- have a wonderful weekend Joanne!

    1. I never noticed that my foot IS shaped like Barbie's! Funny that I can not even function in a regular pair of heel nevermind stilettos.

  2. Fun to read! I have a really oddly shaped toe that is genetic. My mom had it but hers was even more oddly shaped (actually misplaced) than mine. Your first grade class was really small!! No way could I remember all of my teachers' names...

    1. Yeah my mom's foot is even more curved than mine; we both struggle to find comfortable shoes. While the grades got bigger when I moved into public school, I did only have around 100 by high school graduation. We have lots of small town schools around here.

  3. These are fun questions and enjoyed reading your answers! I feel the same about motorcycles and dogs. Your crates of kittens card is sooooo cute!!

  4. Agreed on motorcycles! But I love dogs!

    1. I've been afraid of them for as long as I can remember; weirdly it was my older sister that got attacked in front of me that scared me but she has always loved them anyway.

  5. Gosh this was so much fun! I’m not very good at whistling either happy Mother’s Day weekend sweetheart

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful Mother's day as well, Andrea.

  6. What fun questions and answers.
    I feel the same about motorcycles. They do seem so dangerous and with wiring outlets too, in theory I could wire one but I would never trust myself. That would be an accident waiting to happen.

    1. Right?! I'm pretty sure I could do it, but I'd be terrified of doing it wrong.

  7. I have to use 4 fingers...(first two after the thumb on each hand), but I can def. get a taxi to come with how loud it is. I want to now go back and try to remember teachers. Some were when I lived in Ohio and then we moved in 4th grade. My mom was super crafty. I can be when I want to.

    1. Heck, I can even remember the names of most of the teacher's my sister and friends had too; it helps that it's such a small town. I used to babysit for my 4th grade teacher's kids around the time I reached high school and a few of my teachers have gone on to hold town council positions so I've seen them around since school let out.

  8. I love how you took over ordering and organization at your first job Joanne. That's such a great memory,

    1. Thank you! She's told me a few times that she's never found anyone to this day that has done such a great job!

  9. Joanne, these questions made a great post. I'm with you on motorcycles. I definitely couldn't rewire anything. My first job besides babysitting was delivering a paper with my brother. That takes me way back to before either of us were old enough to have real jobs. It sounds like your boss recognized your abilities. Good for you in letting yourself shine. :)

  10. How precious to have your old school pic!

  11. I loved all the questions and answers! I totally agree about motorcycles and I'm so relieved that neither of my boys ride one. Although now I just remembered that my younger son went to an overnight stay at a friends farm and when he came home he said they rode motorcycles. My heart nearly stopped!

    1. My son will ride dirt bikes and 4 wheelers in the woods (and I know he even goes off jumps) but that doesn't unnerve me as much as a motorcycle down the road. At least he doesn't have to worry nearly as much about other distracted drivers.

  12. Thank you for your weekend coffee share. I enjoyed reading your answers. I'm impressed that you have your grade 1 school photos in great condition.

    1. Thanks! Though that is mostly my mom's doing.

  13. I have weird feet...and yes, I inherited them too. Love your list.

  14. I didn't know you were afraid of dogs. My daughter was deathly afraid of them after being bitten which was weird because we usually had a dog. I think it's funny to see how your school picture was laid out exactly like mine were! Some things never change, right? I'm glad you played along!

    1. Oh yes, terrified; though once I know a dog and their family I'm not nearly as nervous around them.

  15. I love these types of Q&A posts. It was very fun to read. I enjoyed your answers.

    1. Thank you! I always find them a lot of fun too.

  16. Hi Joanne - a fun and interesting post - I also read a lot of the comments and was surprised at how many people had a fear of motorbikes. I can understand the fear of coming off and the risk of serious injury - but they're a lot of fun to be on if you're careful. I love my scooter - it's slow enough and visible enough that I think I'm fairly safe - I'm still hyper aware of everything around me though - you're just so much more vulnerable without the car body around you.

    1. I think the vulnerability is what gets me; I see so many horrible drivers on the road lately with their cell phones and things and hardly even feel safe walking or bike riding alongside them.

  17. First, thanks for the shout out about Traffic Jam Weekend! Your card is so cute. Whomever receives this card will be delighted. I enjoyed getting to know more about you. 😄

  18. mmm ... maybe yes to 2 ... or 3?

  19. Organizing the make-up wall sounds like fun...maybe even relaxing...

    1. I thought it was pretty fun and relaxing. I loved reading all the different color names the companies come up with too.

  20. That was a fun read. I am really impressed that you re-upholstered an old antique chair. Well Done!


    1. I was so bummed that I couldn't find a before/after photo! It was so old the seat had been made with hay/straw filling!

  21. That is so impressive that you've re-upholstered a chair before! I wouldn't even know where to begin!

    1. Thank you! I used to watch a lot of DIY shows back then and figured how hard could it be? It actually reminded me a lot of stretching my own art canvases like I used to do in college.


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