What's Up Wednesday: April 2023

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer and Shay.  

What We're Eating: 
I haven't planned much for this week-- it's going to busy so we'll be having sandwiches quite a bit so I thought I'd share some of things I have been eating this month instead.

Lots of fruit, yogurt, and granola

salmon, broccoli, and salad

crustless quiche and salad

My favorite salad is back at Panera-- Poppyseed chicken!

Shrimp kabobs over teriyaki riced cauliflower with corn and zucchini

Scrambled eggs, whole grain English muffin, with leftover veggies

Spaghetti mixed with zoodles and broccoli

We tried grinders from Jersey Mikes

90 degree days call for ice cream-- I tried sugar free moose tracks and it was delicious! 

What I'm Reminiscing About: 19 years ago this month I became a mom for the first time.. gosh that time has really flown by.

Ian just 1 day old

Ian around 2 1/2 with baby Alec on my lap

Ian at 9

What I'm Loving: We had one week of temperatures this past month that brought in all the summer vibes so I pulled our deck furniture and soaked up the warmth and sunshine for as long as I could. 

What We've Been Up To: A lot of hiking, my husband and I took a day trip to Mystic, the younger boys and I spent an afternoon at the zoo, we've had a few meals out and have watched Alec at a couple of track meets. 

What I'm Dreading: I have jury duty this coming month and I am dreading it... though I am thankful that it's at our local courts and not the state court system so I don't have to deal with city parking.  

What I'm Working On: Trying to pull together some baby photos for Alec's high school yearbook by the deadline in June (though I can't seem to find any digital copies of any photos before age 3!).  I may just have to resort to taking photos of photos. 

What I'm Excited About: This year my husband and I have been making our date nights extra special.  We're getting dressed up and trying new restaurants-- this month we had a delicious dinner in Mystic at the Captain Daniel Packer Inne. 

What I'm Watching/Reading: We watched Murder Mystery 2 (Netflix), The Night Agent (Netflix), A Man Called Otto (Prime), Unstable (Netflix),  The Company You Keep (Hulu), The Kissing booth 1, 2, & 3 (Netflix), Date Night (Hulu), Bahamas Life (Discovery+), Mentalist (HBO+) 

I read 12 really great books this month!  I am loving so many of the books I've picked up all year.  I don't think I've had a single DNF book yet. 

What I'm Listening to: Evan has a friend over and they're watching Mandalorian in the basement-- just lough enough to shake the floor. 

What I'm Wearing: Our weather has been anywhere from 40-90 this month so I've had everything from winter clothing/sweaters to tank tops and sun dresses! 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: We're touring our first college with Alec! Eek! We're getting all sorts of emails about yearbook and "senior" stuff now that his junior year is wrapping up. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Our anniversary, our trip to Acadia, the nice warm sunny weather that May usually brings.  

What Else is New: Not much.. though I have been buying quite a few new summer clothing pieces. 

I am loving this jumpsuit from Clara Sun Woo!

Linking up with: #wowonwedesday, Spread the Kindness, 


  1. So much good stuff going on! The zoo pictures are so good. Our weather has been all over the place, too, with warmth followed by a return of coolness and of course lots of rain. I can't believe our juniors are almost done and their senior year looms. Your outfits are so pretty, especially the jumpsuit.

    1. Thank you! I thought the boys did a great job taking pictures. I can't believe senior year is so close.

  2. Okay, that picture of that waterfall is incredible! And I am loving all the pink clothing on you. It looks so great!

    1. We were so thrilled to see that waterfall; last time we hiked there it was just a tiny trickle of water.

  3. Such an exciting time for your family- I can imagine the reminiscing you are doing! It is so bittersweet right? Love the baby pics! Ok so excited about your fashion pics- LOVE that you have a Lilly top and guess what? I have the same one- so funny! That jumpsuit is gorgeous on you too :)

    1. It really is bittersweet! I have a few other Lily pieces I'm waiting on but I just LOVE that off the shoulder top.

  4. Time goes by way too fast! Love all the throwbacks! And I always love seeing your food, looks so good! Isn’t that jumpsuit the best, I have that same one and it’s so good! Happy Wednesday sweetheart!

  5. I love the variety in your outfits this month! I sure am looking forward to summer break here: 4 1/2 more weeks of school. And you are reminding me that I need to plan a date night soon!

    1. Thank you! We have several more weeks since we don't end school until mid- June but I can already feel that time flying by. May is looking very busy.

  6. That jumpsuit is too cute! It looks great on you :)

  7. The food you eat always looks so good.
    Aww! What lovely photos of you and the boys when you were little.
    It is nice when the sun is shining, we seem to be having one warm day and then a couple of grey wet one's.
    Good luck with the jury duty, it's something I have always wanted to do but I've never been called up.

    1. Thank you! I've only ever had jury duty one other time when I was in college (and it fell during final exam week!).

  8. I was dreading jury duty when I had it but I managed to get off after like half an hour! I'm reading Hello Beautiful now. It's good but definitely taking a while!

    1. That's awesome! Usually if we get called in we do have to stay for the day unless you are unfortunate to actually be picked for a jury.

  9. Oy jury duty!! The foot looks so tasty!!

  10. When you say you went to Mystic, is that the place from Mystic Pizza?? I love that you are planning more date nights. Those really can be so special.

    1. Yep, we actually passed right by (one of) the Mystic Pizza shops; I'm not sure which one was supposedly featured in the film but a few of them do exist around the area.

  11. All the food looks and that jumpsuit is so cute!

  12. I love seeing your boys as little tots! Time really does fly by, but I know you're enjoying each day with them!

  13. Such great photos and so much there Joanne! I love the view off your deck and the pictures from your hikes because it's so different to anything I see in my part of Australia. Good luck with the college visit and jury duty and I love your outfit pictures as well!

    1. Thank you! We're just keeping our fingers crossed that the rain holds off while we're out touring the college campus this weekend.

  14. Hi Joanne what a lovely round up post. I've never been called up for jury duty although my husband has. The case never made it to court so it was a short lived experience. Mystic is beautiful and isn't lovely when we make the effort for date nights. As you know I'm trying some new recipes for our Home Restaurant Date Nights. I think its important for a relationship to maintain some 'couple' time. xx

    1. I think so too! We've always spent at least one weekend away just the two of us too ever since all 3 boys were quite little.

  15. You've had some cute outfits lately! I love that off the shoulder top. Our weather has been crazy, too!

  16. Joanne,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! Our weather here in NEPA has been all over the place too!! I watched the Night agent too and loved it!! I hope you are having a great week!!

  17. Fun treat to see the zoo pics among your usual beautiful scenery photos! Sounds like a lot of fun and exciting things lately - 19 years of being a mom (Happy Birthday Ian!), planning trips and college visits . . . and looking forward to warmer weather.

  18. Oh, such a sweet picture of brand new baby Ian! I just started WW again so I'll be watching your recipes closely! Love that jumpsuit! I think the clothing is amazing!


  19. All your food always looks so good and healthy! That beautiful pic of you and your newborn, how special!

  20. We're so spoiled with digital photos! I had to take photos of photos for my daughter's senior activities too. Love that first blue top on you!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. I finally realized that the size the photos will be in the yearbook; photos of photos will work out just fine! And thank you.

  21. Its so interesting seeing the seasonal changes at your place..back on the deck, and then clothing. I have to do a lot of taking photos of photos too. Great to see your post in the link up for Wednesday’s Words and Pics. Thank you! Hope to see you next week too. Denyse.

  22. I love those flashback photos! It's amazing how quickly time goes. All of your outfits this month look like perfect spring outfits. That Lilly shirt is so cute on you!

    Lauren @ Don't Mind Our Mess

    1. It really is! Time just flies by; we spent today touring a college with my middle son and I can really see him there, living on campus already.

  23. We love Jersey Mikes! They are so good!

    1. They're a "new" chain up here and I've been wanting to try them.

  24. Dressy date nights? You go girl! That is fun. I always enjoy dressing up more for dinner while cruising.

    1. As a general rule my husband and I pretty much never dress up so this has been a lot of fun (and a great way to get some use out of clothes I rarely wear!).


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