Prime Purchases from January

 I'm kind of disgusted with myself! HA!  I had planned to cut waay back on our use of Amazon this year. Between reading all about them last year with Ian as part of his economics course and just knowing that I spend much too much since it's so easy I had told the family I wasn't going to buy from there nearly as often this year... and I thought I was keeping that promise going but when I went to check for this link up it says I placed 27 orders this month!  

Now part of that is that even though I always select "no rush/ fewer boxes" somehow my orders get broken down into many much smaller ones (one order in particular I know was broken down into 4 smaller orders!). I also had 3 replacement orders for things that we had purchased in December that were broken or defective-- and were therefor free.  Plus I noticed that all my subscribe and save orders came in individual boxes/orders this month... I have no idea what is up with that! 

Anyway, enough about that; want to see what I bought?

Using some gift cards I had from Christmas I bought myself these heated gloves--- and I LOVE them!  Yes, they are big and bulky and I can't do much with them on but I can easily take them off to use my phone or camera or lensball when I'm outside and then slip my hands back into nice warm cozy comfort.  I've hiked with them twice for about an hour each time and have not recharged the battery yet. 

I needed some more slow cooker liners and I really loved that these fit all 3 of my crockpots even though they are all different sizes and shapes. 

I bought a pair of heart leggings and a red sweater for Valentine's and a blog post I'm doing next month.  They are both so comfy I've had to hold myself back from ordering them in other colors! 

I bought this mirror cleaning cloth after hearing so many other bloggers rave about it.  I have the hardest time cleaning without streaks or whisps of lint left behind.  

I organized the boys' hall closet and used a bunch of these clear bins (I'll show how we use them in my bathroom closet tomorrow.  I just love them!)

I also ordered these gray bins ( the same ones I used in my pantry redo three years ago) to organize our laundry room.  I'll be showing the laundry re-do as soon as I finish it up. 

With all the winter birds cleaning out the feeder daily I've ordered a couple bags of our favorite birdseed this month.

I can't find either of the only 2 Crystal Light flavors I like in our stores so I ordered both the raspberry green tea and the peach mango green tea. 

Our hand-vac died and we needed a new one so I picked this Black and Decker one. It seems to be working really well. 

I have subscribe and save orders going for all our favorite vitamins and supplements but I canceled my vitamins and decided to give these capsules a try.  They are the same brand I used to take but not in gummy form (I actually don't like gummy anything so I was pleased to see this alternative on Lindsay's blog!).  Oddly, I can't take these on an empty stomach like the gummies but other than that they're just fine. 

The rest of our orders were pantry/household items I just have on repeat every few weeks or month-- things like vitamins, ziploc bags, granola bars, single serving chip/cracker items for school lunches, etc.  Our stores have not been having the brands and flavors we like consistently this past year so I've resorted to using Amazon for those. Sadly this has not helped my grocery bill be any lower though! 

Linking up with:


  1. I have never purchased/ used crock pot liners. No, not me. I just soak and then scrub (and scrub and scrub...) my crock pot after use. I am thinking that I need to try them. Those heart leggings are so cute! Perfectly festive and fun. Have a great Monday!

    1. Funny enough my mother in law gave me some for my crock pot for mashed potatoes one thanksgiving years ago and I loved them so much I went and bought my own.. but only ever used them for Thanksgiving mashed potatoes until last year. Now I'm finally in the habit of using them every time I pull out my crock pot. I LOVE them!

  2. Looks like lots of great buys this month. I always wondered about the crockpot liners. Before my crockpot broke down I used to love how easy it was to have dinner all ready when I got home from work. But the endless scrubbing of the pot was a killer.

    1. They are amazing! Now I have had one or two get holes in them (usually from my cooking utensils!) so they aren't always 100% fool proof but I rarely have to clean the crock pot at all anymore.

  3. It's so funny how the Amazon purchases sneak up on us right? I am just as guilty girl ;)

    1. They really do! Though I am always amazed at how many smaller orders my large orders get broken down into.

  4. I need to order some of those Crystal Light packets! What a great idea to order there. Sometimes they're hard to find in my grocery store. Thanks for that, friend! I hope you have a great day!

    1. Yes! I was thrilled to find them on Amazon since our local stores rarely have them.

  5. I love crockpot liners. Oh what did we ever do without Amazon? I keep telling myself the purchases are justified, lol.

  6. Amazon is so handy though, especially when you have Prime. I don't have Prime but even I have bought things over the past month from Amazon. Hair dye, trousers, essential oils and a couple of books.
    Those heated gloves look and sound amazing! I could do with a pair of those with the cold weather we've had here and leggings are really cute. I have quite a few of those grey tubs in my kitchen cupboards. They are so handy for keeping little things organised.

    1. My mother in law gifts us a Prime membership each Christmas (well, really she gives us the cash towards our since it automatically goes on my credit card) and it is SO handy.... maybe too handy?

  7. I need to get slow cooker liners like that! So convenient! I hope you like the vitamins! I don't have a problem taking them on an empty stomach, so I'm sorry that you can't!

    1. If I had to guess I'd say it's the iron in them; I've always had troubles taking iron supplements. I just take them with my breakfast and they're fine.

  8. I've never purchased vitamins on Amazon but have ordered lots of other household items. If I lived up north, I would definitely wear those heated gloves! Wow! Of course, I end up taking off gloves a lot to try and do things like you said.

    1. Yep, but they are so nice and warm when I put my hand back in! It's the first time my hands and fingers have ever been warm in the winter. No other mittens/gloves can do that.

  9. I need to order Crystal Light myself. Thanks for the reminder. Regine

  10. I ordered that same dustbuster. 🤣
    I am going to look into that mirror/window cleaning kit.

    1. I haven't tried the window/ mirror cleaner yet but I have been hearing great things from fellow bloggers about it.

  11. I also use those crockpot liners and I love them. They are great for clean up. You got a lot of nice items and I like the Valentine's Day outfit too.

    1. They really are just fabulous and make clean up a breeze.

  12. The crock pot liners are great to use but I haven't used the pot since I got an Instant Pot. Do the window cloths work? I love a streak free windshield. I use nearly the same bins.

    1. I haven't tried my window cloth yet as it just came in this past week but other bloggers I read (and trust) have said it is a huge game changer when it comes to cleaning mirrors and windows.

    2. Good to know, guess I'll add them to my list :)

  13. I'm putting the window cloth on my shopping list. I know what you mean about all the Amazon orders coming in multiple boxes. A few years ago we toured a local Amazon fulfilment was so interesting. They said that your order may be coming from multiple fulfilment centers, and that is why they are in separate boxes. Thanks so much for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. We have a "small sort" center near us that we toured and it was really neat to learn how they do things!

  14. That B & D hand vac is the bomb! We use ours all the time. And, can't live without my crockpot liners. Might have to try the window cloths. Thanks for stopping by.

  15. I love those clear bins. They are the best! I love my crockpot liners. I didn't think to get an off brand. I will see if those are cheaper than my normal ones.

    1. I just love that they come in a three pack and they last me several months so it's not something I have to think about often.

  16. I know what you mean especially when they break up the orders that way. It makes it hard to keep track of what you've gotten and what you haven't.

    1. I also like to cross check my bills when they come in and it's tough when they break them apart and I have to search by order #, but I do get why they do that as most items are filled quickly with whatever warehouse has that item readily available.

  17. Amazon isn't the only one who breaks up orders...Old Navy is really bad about it, too! I have never heard of raspberry green tea. I'm going to have to give that a try! I do love Crystal Light (though I suppose it's not that good for you). Those heart leggings are adorable! Is that the sweater Sheaffer is always posting about?

    1. I drink 4 of my 30 ounce Yeti's a day and usually have one of them filled with a Crystal Light pack; I'm sure they're not the best for me but I do use the small 18 ounce serving size in the 30 ounces of water and I feel like I need that to break up the monotony of only drinking water. As far as the sweater; I'm not really sure. I just searched on Amazon for a red sweater and scrolled until I found one that looked comfy.

  18. I've never used a crock pot liner! I know people who swear by them

    1. It took me awhile to jump on the crock pot liner bandwagon but now I am definitely a convert.

  19. Cute Valentine outfit and looking forward to seeing the laundry room re-do!

  20. I love ecloths! I totally use the window ones. I also use the multipurpose ones for cleaning my bathrooms. I usually also do a quick spray of disinfectant (which I hope to change to something a bit more green after I use everything up). And I agree, it is so easy to just buy something from Amazon. I've been trying to cut back my spending too. Although mine usually comes from Target or JoAnn.

    1. I don't think I had ever heard of the ecloths before.

  21. We have so many baskets just like that. There is always a use for them!

    1. Yep! I have baskets in every closet and on so many shelves and things. I love keeping clutter contained and organized.

  22. I need to get into the habit of using my crockpot liners I get them on auto ship

    1. Oh yes! See, my boys do the dishes and as soon as they see me drag out the crock pot they are quick to remind me to remember to use my liners. It's become second nature now.

  23. Cute heart leggings, and all of those bins are awesome! It makes it more fun to organize with the right items!

    1. I love those leggings (though I really wish they had pockets!).

  24. 27 orders?!?! We upped our Amazon game this past month and placed three. And we hadn't placed any since December. We are definitely NOT regulars. But I keep seeing things I want...

    1. LOL! I honestly only placed about 5 so I don't know how I got so many packages; we're slowly trying to phase them out of our lives but it's hard when we don't have much locally other than walmart (which I really dislike) to replace them.

  25. I love seeing Amazon purchases of what others find. Thank you for sharing, Joanne!

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