Let's Look At.. Our Medicine Cabinet

I join in with the ladies for Let's Look At (the 2nd Wednesday of every month) so sporadically, but this year I am trying to be more intentional about joining in.  This month we're looking at our medicine cabinet.  

While we don't have a traditional medicine cabinet I do have one large-ish closet in our master bathroom that I tend to keep pretty much everything in.  I re-organized it back in 2020 when I was on a kick organizing the whole house.  

I use these clear bins and then made my own labels. 

The top shelf: The bin on the left holds my curling irons and heated styling tools that I rarely use.

The bin on the right holds all our travel items and things

The second shelf down: The bin on the left holds all our medicines and the bin on the right (which I didn't bother to photograph) just holds q-tips and cotton balls. We typically keep cough drops, NyQuil capsules, Vicks shower tabs, Motrin, Sudafed, Vicks vapo-rub and a few at home Covid tests on hand. 

The next shelf down is a his/hers shelf. I have a bin for the items I use most often as does my husband. 

The bottom shelf of bins holds first aid supplies (and yes we have a lot of first aid supplies-- what can I say? I have three boys). The last bin holds all the  "extras." I like to keep extra shampoo, conditioner, mouthwash, shaving cream, etc. on hand. 

Then the last two shelves hold all our face cloths, hand towels, and bath towels. 

Also linking up with: Wednesday Link Party,


  1. So neat and organized! The clear bins are perfect- you can see the contents but the bins keep everything tidy.

    1. Yes! I love that about them. I used the same bins in the boys' hall/bathroom closet.

  2. Love your organization bins- I need to invest in some of those

  3. I love how neat and organized everything looks.
    Hugs and blessings, Joanne!

  4. I love organization! It's one of my favorite things to talk about. I don't have a hall closet, but we do have one bathroom closet that the boys keep pretty clean. All of our medicine is in one big box in a kitchen cabinet, since the kitchen is the central spot in our house.

    1. I did realize this past fall/early winter that having all the medicine in our room isn't very practical now that we don't have little kids anymore so I'm adding a second bin to the boys' hall/bathroom closet.

  5. You are very organized! I have some of these items in my hall cabinet and some in the bathroom.

    1. We only have one hall closet (upstairs) near the boys' rooms and that's where I keep most of their bathroom stuff.

  6. We have a closet too. A few years back I got plastic shoe bins from the dollar store and it has really helped it stay organized.

    1. Oh yes, I used to use those shoe bins for the boys' lego sets too. We had shoe bins everywhere for a time.

  7. Love how organized it looks! Great job.

  8. so organized and tidy! We've only been in our townhouse a couple months and starting from scratch my stuff isn't that organized ! LOL

    1. It only took me 16 years to get to this point! LOL.

  9. Those are great containers for that purpose. You'd laugh that I still use some cardboard boxes!!

    1. Not at all! I used to use whatever I could find but just in the last year or two have gone room by room/area by area updating and trying to make each section look a little more intentionally put together.

  10. I really need to use some of your tips for organizing! When we moved in, I was just shoving bathroom stuff in bathroom vanities and closets. Now, I need to go back and really organize! This was a cool post, Joanne!


    1. Typically any time I'm organizing anything I pull out everything and group like items together. I then measure the space and try to find bins to fit the space I need. With our wire shelving in every single closet in the house I have to use bins or else things tend to land in the cracks and fall over or fall through.

  11. Those are awesome bins!! It'd be super easy to find everything that is needed!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I love clear bins as they make life so much easier when it comes to finding things. Your medicine cupboard looks so lovely and organised 😊

  14. This has inspired me to go through my medicine cabinet. I actually cannot remember the last time I did..

    1. I try to do that at least once a year... but sometimes that gets away from me. I was surprised at how much had expired.

  15. I love all of the bins! I use similar ones in our medicine cabinet!

  16. You're so organized and your cabinet is huge! Love the bins!

    1. Thank you! I love those bins too. They are the perfect size.

  17. I need bins for our linen closet. I love how organized yours looks.

    1. It makes such a huge difference; I've just started going through each closet and space in the last few years and ordering bins for them.

  18. I did some organising too. I sorted out all of our closets and moved stuff up and downstairs. I used cardboard boxes in order to keep stuff in and tried the colour coding technique as well. I even had itemised log sheets for each floor of my house. I tackled the whole place room by room.


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