Friday Favorites: Our Favorite Pumpkin Recipes for Fall

Now, I admit I am not the biggest pumpkin food fan though I do enjoy trying all the pumpkin spiced snacks that pop up this time of year. I don't drink coffee so you'll never see me trying a pumpkin spiced latte or anything like that. 

I used to just make a traditional pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving (for my husband and a few of our family members) since I have never ever liked pumpkin pie.  Between the texture and the fact that it's almost always served cold just always grossed me out and I assumed I didn't like pumpkin.  Then my brother in law made a pumpkin spice cheesecake roll thing one year and I realized that I do in fact like pumpkin; just used in "other" ways! 

 We don't cook with pumpkin much and I have been trying to branch out and try a few new recipes each year.  And in trying we have stumbled upon a few really fabulous recipes that we like to make over and over again!

1. These pumpkin scones with chocolate glaze were a huge hit with the whole family.  They had a nice muted pumpkin flavor and the punch of chocolate was delicious!  Plus the texture just could not be beat. 

2. We loved this recipe for chocolate chip pumpkin bars (though we added 1 cup of white chocolate chips in place of the nuts).  

3. I tried making a no-bake pumpkin cheesecake but didn't have all the right ingredients on hand so this pumpkin spiced mousse square recipe was born. It had such a delicious, light texture and was packed with flavor. 

While pumpkin desserts are so easy to come up with (we've also make pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin donuts, etc.).  I've also started experimenting with putting pumpkin puree in some of our every day dishes; and my boys even eat them!

4. This pumpkin macaroni and cheese is so creamy and if you have picky eater (like I tend to have!) they won't even taste the pumpkin.  I created this recipe with Weight Watcher's in mind and the extra veggie boost helped me eliminate the need for so much cheese.  

If you want to taste the pumpkin I'd sub out the teaspoon of Italian seasoning with pumpkin pie seasoning and swap out the Italian herb breadcrumbs for plain. 

5. My husband and oldest son love this pumpkin chili I make each fall.  I like to make it Weight Watchers friendly for me so I use ground turkey but ground beef would work great too!  Again I found that the pumpkin added a nice creaminess to the recipe that I never knew I was missing. 

Do you have a favorite pumpkin recipe?

Linking up with: On the Edge, Final Friday,


  1. Great recipes! I have only made one pumpkin thing so far - pumpkin chocolate chip mini muffins - and I really need to get on that!

    1. Thank you! I love that combo of pumpkin and chocolate.

  2. You know I’m in pumpkin heaven here. I’m with you I despise pumpkin pie but I love everything else pumpkin as long as it’s not overpowering. I don’t put purée in my cooking unless it’s soup that often but need to try that Mac and cheese.

    1. I would love to make a pumpkin soup but don't think my boys would eat it... maybe I should try adding 1/2 a can to a tomato/tortellini soup.. that would make it nice and creamy but it would be red and disguise the pumpkin in it!

  3. I am a lot like you with regard to pumpkin. I like it and definitely try pumpkin snacks and seasonal fall/ pumpkin foods but pumpkin and pumpkin spice are not flavors I pine for. I also don't care for coffee which seems rare these days!! The scones look delicious. I may have to try those. I made a chili with pumpkin in it this year that I was hoping would be a hit. It was just ok- I will probably stick with my traditional chili but yours is tempting me to give pumpkin chili another try. Thanks for sharing the recipes!

    1. OH yes, I have literally had moms look at me like I'm nuts when I explain that I don't drink coffee or wine.. they usually respond with "what DO you drink, then?" LOL.

  4. Dying over those pumpkin scones! Everything looks delicious. Thanks for sharing these tasty goodies!

  5. Oh these are making my mouth water! That chili looks amazing- think I need to try making it- thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm not a big fan of pumpkin either, but these look good! Particularly the chili and the scones.

    1. I never thought I liked scones until we started making them ourselves... they are SO good!

  7. I usually make some pumpkin muffins if I have pumpkin on hand!

    1. I rarely think to make muffins of any kind...

  8. I am coming back to your blog post once I cook my pumpkin!

    1. I have never cooked an actual pumpkin! Never!

  9. Yum to all of these! I made pumpkin pasta once, but the mac-n-cheese one sounds even better.

  10. I am tempted to try making a pumpkin pie this year. I've never tried one. The pumpkin scones do look so good and the pumpkin macaroni and cheese too. I think my family would be big fans. x

    1. I've only ever made pumpkin pie using canned pumpkin and thought it was so super easy to do.

  11. Yum!! Those scones look so good! I just realized that I've not made a single pumpkin thing this fall!

  12. I'm not a huge pumpkin fan, but the scones with chocolate looks delicious!

    1. Anything tastes better with chocolate; right?!

  13. At least you're open to it in other ways. I think too many times we decide no based on one variety only.

  14. I am not a big pumpkin fan, but I am so interested to try the pumpkin macaroni and cheese!

  15. I tried pumpkin pie once after years of seeing Hallmark movies where everyone loves pumpkin pie. It was ok but I’m quite happy never to eat it again. We only ever have pumpkin as a side vegetable with a roast, or I add it to some mashed potato and I also make pumpkin soup. But the pumpkin scones with chocolate glaze looks very tempting!

    1. We never think of eating pumpkin as a side dish but I bet I would like it that way since I love all other forms of squash so much.

  16. I am not a coffee drinker either so I don't get all the hype about pumpkin spice lattes. And, I am completely with you on the grossness of pumpkin pie! That being said, I make a mean pumpkin cake! But, adding pumpkin to macaroni and cheese as well as chili...that sounds like a really good idea. Will definitely try that in the future!

  17. I actually never cook with pumpkin, just don't like it. Nor dislike it. I think it's a bit nothing, lol. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. There are many foods I feel that same way about.

  18. I love pumpkin anything! I know that pumpkin roll your talking about too! That is so good! I recently looked for one in the bakery section and couldn't find it.

  19. Those pumpkin chocolate chip bars and scones look delicious. I prefer sweets made with pumpkin over savory.

    1. I think I do too. We have a local ice cream place that makes pumpkin ice cream and I enjoy that also... especially with a dollop of hot fudge.

  20. Lovely ideas! We like to make pumpkin pie. I am tempted to try the pumpkin scones with chocolate glaze after seeing yours. Yummy! :)

    1. Those are my absolute favorites from this list!

  21. Joanne,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!! I am not a fan of pumpkin but I do admit that they all look very good!!

  22. Those scones look divine! 😋
    Pumpkin macaroni and cheese sounds interesting !

    1. I was a bit nervous trying that mac and cheese the first time but we all really enjoyed it.

  23. These pumpkin recipes look good and I'll have to try out the pumpkin chili and mac and cheese. Thanks for sharing all of these pumpkin recipes Joanne.

  24. Those scones look amazing! The pumpkin chili sounds interesting!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  25. That scone looks amaaaazing. I loooove scones and not many places have them around here! I need to learn to make my own.

    1. They are not nearly as hard to make as I thought they'd be; though it can be time consuming to grate the butter.


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