Favorites and Highlights of my September Days; 2022

 Between my sentence a day posts, my What's Up Wednesday posts, and my Friday favorites posts I often felt like I was saying the same things over and over and over again on my blog so I decided to consolidate a bit-- my sentence a days posts will now be in place of my 1st Friday Favorites of the next month.  

I'm trying to make sure my other Friday Favorites are more generic and not just about my week.  

So here are my highlights/ summaries/ and favorites from the whole month!

1. While Evan was finally on the mend from the cold he picked up on vacation and Alec was enjoying picture day/dress down day at school I mostly napped in my chair and tried to fight off the cold Evan passed onto me.  My step tacker died mid-morning so no step count today.

2. I was still feeling a bit stuffy but better enough to hit up the grocery store & headed there as soon as I dropped Alec off at school (we're hopeful to hear about parking possibilities for Juniors in the next week or two!). I spent the rest of my day prepping food for dinner, cutting up fruit for the week, making salad, and making a cake before picking Alec up from school and making sure he was all set to head to the local fair (driving/ parking/ and going by himself to meet up with friends).  4,527 steps. 

I love these cool mornings with the mist/steam rising off the lake

Cake recipe here

3. I spent the whole day lounging in bed and trying to sleep; though I never really did nap at all I did mange to get some reading done, work on my blog, and watch a whole lot of TV.

4.  Feeling marginally better I got dressed and spent my morning outside reading on the deck and then doing laundry most of the rest of the day.

5. My husband woke up with a cough and claimed we all got him sick (and I'm sure we did!).  It POURED all day so we mostly hung out in bed, watching TV and movies while occasionally emerging from our room to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Ah; it's wonderful to have teens!! 

6. With 100% chance of rain all day and a flood warning in the forecast with a high in the upper 60's I pulled out some fall wardrobe staples and then Evan and I officially started his school year working our way through psychology, French, and algebra. 4,796 steps.

7. Evan and I had hair appointments mid- morning so we stopped to pick up lunch at D'Angeloes and then a grocery order from BJ's before heading back home and picking up Alec. I feel like I spent my whole day in the car!  We then lost power rather suddenly just before bed and it took 6 hours before it was restored.  3,838 steps

8. Evan and I worked on schooling and then went for a hike before lunch; I managed to get ALL the laundry done too. 13,045 steps.

9. Evan and I breezed through a light day of school and then headed out hiking with our hiking group; we had 10 families join us for our first walk of the new school year.  With so many people our "shortish" hike lasted 3 hours (it was a lovely new trail though!!) and we barely made it on time to pick up Alec from school.... where we discovered he got into some poison ivy helping clean up the bleachers so we rushed home to get him showered and enjoyed a very late lunch/ early dinner from Subway.  17,795 steps. 

Walker Mountain Hike out of Bigelow Hollow state park

10. We woke to unexpectedly HOT temps and I put off all my gardening work until late afternoon. 10,630 steps. 

11. The whole family drove out to watch my mother in law cash in her parachuting coupon for her first (and only!) tandem jump.  We then went out to lunch at the Railside Tavern. 3,830 steps. 

12. Alec finally succumbed to the cold the rest of the family had and spent a sick day at home so once Evan and I finished up his school work for the day I headed out to run errands--- the library, the apple orchard, the bank, the grocery store, etc. 6,204 steps. 

13. With Alec off at school, Evan and I headed out to lunch with my mom as soon as Evan finished up his schoolwork for the day. We went to Panera bread and by the time we finished I had to go pick up Alec.  3,595 steps

14. Evan and I went hiking once his schoolwork was done for the day; it was beautiful out! (I did a day in the life post about this day here). 13,215 steps. 

His first photography assignment-- "landscape"

15. It seemed to take Evan and I forever to get through his schoolwork this day so we only managed to squeeze in a 45 minute hike at Pulaski park before coming home for lunch. 10,434 steps. 

16. Evan and I sped through just 3 short subjects today before heading out to hike with our hiking group; we had a few new families join us this week so we had another large group.  We hiked around Mashamoquet state park for an hour and a half and it was just lovely even if it was a bit brisk when we started out (it was only 45 when we woke up today and it was well in the 60's by the end of our hike). 13,375 steps. 

I was thrilled that it warmed up enough to put my flip flops on after our hike!

17.  Evan and I headed out on a hike Saturday around 8 and tried out a few new trails at Steere Hill Farm Conservation Area in RI; it was beautiful! We hiked for an hour while Alec was at a karate demo and my husband and Ian were at work. 9,143 steps. 

18. The whole family piled in the car for a ride to Bass Pro, 5 Guys (where only my husband and Ian ate) and Cupcake Charlies.  After we got home Evan and I went on a hike at Old Furnace State park. 9,862 steps. 

Walking around Patriot Place 

I got a Cupcake Whirlie; they whip a freshly made cupcake into soft serve ice cream!  I picked a chocolate raspberry cupcake in vanilla-- it was so good!

19.  A rainy day that was perfect for working on Evan's schoolwork, cleaning house, and decorating for fall. I managed to squeeze in a quick shopping trip to Michael's, TJ Maxx, and Lowe's before picking up Alec. 9,509 steps. 

I bought "just a few" fall things! LOL 

20. Evan talked me into shortening up his school work so we could head out hiking and run a few errands; I gave him a camera and assigned a "macro" nature shot (I don't have a real macro lens but we can still get pretty close).  12,867 steps.

21.  As soon as Evan wrapped up his schoolwork we headed to Target (where we found some delicious fall goodies!) and Kohl's to try and find him some fall clothes (pants/ long sleeves/ fleece or flannel pj pants, etc.).  We also stopped at the orchard to buy some more apples and things.  7,119 steps

22. Since Alec could officially drive himself to school I headed off grocery shopping first thing in the morning (thank goodness I did-- it began thundering and storming so hard when I arrived home). Evan and I settled in to do some schoolwork before he headed out to lunch with my mother in law and I worked on making birthday and anniversary cards. 4,586 steps. 

We lost power in the afternoon (again this month!) so I worked on my new puzzle. 

23. I woke up early and started making an angel food cake by 6:30 (never having made one before I wanted to make sure I had time to remake if I needed to).  Then I got dressed and Evan and I met up with our hiking group for a chilly hike at Natchaug state forest. 11,925 steps. 

24. We were having a small party with the grandparents to celebrate Evan's 15th birthday so I spent the day cleaning and prepping the house (and food!) for company as well as finishing up my puzzle.  4,333 steps.

25. Sunday Evan and I drove to a few stores trying to find him some new shoes; we finally did before heading home for lunch.  7,120 steps. 

26. Evan and I went hiking after his schoolwork was done and checked out Pulaski's upper trails.  We were bummed to find that logging had opened up so much of the forest.  12,443 steps.

27. Evan and I went walking along the paved trail/bike path and took a side trail around the little duck pond but we were home and finished up with all schooling by lunchtime. 10,003

28. I woke to a text from Ian asking for the thermometer; feeling sick and we hoped it was the same thing we all had earlier in the month.  Alec headed off to shadow for his possible new job and Evan and I settled in to do some quick schooling before meeting my mom for lunch at the Railside Tavern. 4,323 steps. 

29.  Evan talked me into hiking BEFORE school today and we headed to a new place to check out 2 new trails.  It was beautiful! Alec had a job interview at the place he shadowed yesterday and came home with all sorts of paperwork for us to fill out since they offered him the job! 10,692 steps.

30. My husband and I set out for Maine Friday morning, stopping in Kittery for some shopping and lunch before heading onto Edgecomb and checking into the Cod Cove Inn.  We went for a hike at a nature preserve and then a late dinner at Montsweag Farm Restaurant.  14, 791 steps. 

How was your month?

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. I feel that way, too. I say the same thing! These posts take a lot of work and discipline, but you have such a great record of what you did! You did a lot of hiking and got lots of steps in!

    1. Thank you! We did do a lot of hiking this past month and I feel so good about getting more 10,000 step days in.

  2. So many wonderful hikes! That's so cool that your mother-in-law jumped with a parachute. Love your colorblock sweater!


    1. We were so proud of her; there is no way I could ever do that!

  3. Glorious hikes, nails, outfits and yumminess. Great month pretty lady!

  4. You racked up some significant steps this month!

  5. Oh, those beautiful cool autumn mornings! Those photos with the mist hanging over the water are wonderful, especially the one with more autumn colours in it too. And great to see your son with the camera! There's lots of good closeup pics to be taken also without a macro lens. As always, I love your hiking trails there, they look fantastic.

    1. Oh yes, I am loving these misty fall mornings on the lake. It's been fun seeing Evan develop his own photography skills.

  6. Great coffee share and some lovely photographs. I'm a fan of the mist on the water. What a lovely porch to read on and watch the water. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you! We are so blessed to have such a beautiful view.

  7. Oh I so hope you are all feeling Better. Girl, I so miss D'Angelo's!

    1. Thank you! It's such a relief to feel 100% again; it's so hard not to take good health for granted.

  8. I love all the beautiful photos from you hikes!

  9. Great photos and summaries of your days. Too bad about the colds but I guess they're a part of life. Cute outfit and yummy food pictures. Hope your October includes beautiful days and hikes and no sicknes!

    1. Yeah, we were so lucky with such good health for so long but I do think sickness/colds are just a part of life. Thank you!

  10. Beautiful.

  11. Your posts get me in the autumn mood. That apple cider donut cake!! I need to make it. ;)

  12. It's nice that you all passed around the cold. That's wonderful family sharing, haha.

    1. LOL: I always joke with my husband that we should never have taught them all to share!

  13. Wow Joanne, those steps! I so enjoyed touring September with you. Your nature photos are stunning. I have to say I never heard of a Cupcake Whirlie, but oh my would I love to try one.
    Visiting today from FF#20&21

    1. Aw, thank you! I have been trying really hard this year to focus on steps and increase them. I was skeptical about those cupcake whirlies the first time my son mentioned them.. but oh my; they are divine!

  14. Wow! I'm so impressed with your daily diary and photos! I can't believe your MIL went parachuting. That is amazing!

    1. Thank you! We were all pretty impressed that she went parachuting too.

  15. Isn't it just so good that you can walk so nearby in such a beautiful area. That's what you get energy from!

    1. Yes! I love that and I do think that is a huge part of where my energy comes from.

  16. So many great hikes and cute outfits. I love the mist coming off your lake.

  17. Thank you for your weekend coffee share and lovely hiking pictures. Well done with your number of steps.

  18. You have such cute casual outfits and I have to say that adorable pastel loungewear set is so much cuter than any of my loungewear for around the house, haha! I'm glad you were feeling better after resting up :)

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend :) Quiet Sunday for us as it's cold and rainy today!

    Away From The Blue

    1. Aw, thank you! We have had a lovey, sunny weekend.

  19. Wow! that was an impressive amount of "happenings" and accompanying photos Joanne! Well done on all the walking and and for remembering to take photos of your hikes. Good on your MIL for being brave enough to parachute - that voucher would have been wasted on me!

    1. Oh yes, it would have been wasted on me too!!

  20. What a great month! Evan's photos are amazing, and you all get to spend so much time outside. I hope you all are feeling better.

    1. Thank you! We are all feeling 100% better (for now).

  21. That puzzle looks difficult! I should get a new FitBit to track my steps so I get more in! I can't believe your MIL jumped from a parachute! I'm imagining my own mother or MIL doing something like that and it cracks me up because there's no way! Love your outdoor nature/hiking pics! Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. It was easier than I thought it would be; but it did help that I only bought a 500 piece puzzle and not a 1,000 piece one.

  22. I hope y'all are all feeling better now! There's lots of stuff going around right now. Flu is running rampant here!

    1. If I had responded this morning I would have said a resounding YES!... But Alec just came home with a fever and I'm hoping and crossing my fingers it's just that same 24 hour fever thing Ian had at the end of the month.

  23. How cool that your MIL jumped with a parachute!
    Beautiful photos, yummy food and fabulous outfits!

    Happy Wednesday, Joanne!

  24. I hope you and your family are feeling better by now. I think it is amazing that your mother in law went parachuting. She looks so happy. The mist/steam rising off a lake is one of my favourite things too. Beautiful photos.


    1. I think she was more nervous than happy but I know she was so proud of herself for going through with it.

  25. You've hiked many nice places in the country. All your photos are an interesting slice of your life this past month.


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