What's Up Wednesdays: September 2022

I don't whether to jump for joy that fall is here or be sad that summer is over.  I do so love those slow, summery, sunny days but fall in New England is pretty great too.  I swear I just wrote up our What's Up Wednesday for August but here I am re-capping our September already!

What We're Eating This Week:
Saturday: We celebrated Evan's birthday with the grandparents and he picked steak, baked potatoes, broccoli and strawberry shortcake.

I was so proud of how well my first ever homemade angel food cake turned out! 

Sunday: We ended up with take out pizza, French fries, and salad. 

Monday: Crock pot lasagna for most of us and chicken/broccoli/rice casserole for Alec and Evan (Alec will use leftovers from the casserole for his lunch all week). 

Tuesday: BBQ pulled chicken over baked potatoes (we call them potato boats) with salad. 

Wednesday: Burgers/ hot dogs with fries/ butternut squash fries and salad. 

Thursday: Crock pot spaghetti (a new recipe from Miz Helen we're trying).

Friday:  The boys will either be getting take out or going to dinner with their grandmother while my husband and I are off to Maine! 

What I'm Reminiscing About: Nothing really; I'm too busy focusing on all that is going on right now with the boys' and their schedule to do much looking back. 

What I'm Loving: All the fall treats... seriously, I am just buying and indulging in far too many of them! 

I found these amazing tiramisu truffles at TJ Maxx near the register and they are actually BETTER than we all thought they'd be.  They taste just like tiramisu! 

Then my son and I found these pumpkin cheesecake cookies and these maple truffle cookies at Target-- Oh my!  They are perfect for fall.  

I also decided to snag this limited edition granola and try it out.  

Then a few weeks ago these pumpkin white chocolate chip cookies were on sale... seriously I need to stop buying the sweets!! 

What We've Been Up To: Lots and lots of hiking!  We watched my mother in law go skydiving-- her first and she swears only trip.  We went to Bass Pro shops and Cupcake Charlie's.  We baked up an apple cider donut cake and have been to the orchard every week since Labor day!  We celebrated Evan's birthday and all three boys started a new school year.  I got the whole house decorated for fall (a full fall tour will be up on the blog Monday).

A Charlie's Whirlie (a freshly baked cupcake whirled in soft ice vanilla ice cream)


What I'm Dreading:  The cold, darkness that is winter... ugh! I hate that the days are so short and so cold and so snowy and icy.  

What I'm Working On: I spent this week making up lots of cards for birthdays and an anniversary.  (sorry the photos aren't the greatest but it was a dark and stormy day where we actually lost power)

What I'm Excited About: Alec managed to snag the last student parking slot on campus so he's officially driving himself to school and I now have 2 extra hours in my day free.. it feels so weird! He's also out shadowing at a local café for a potential job the school is setting him up with; I think it will be such a great fit for him. 

What I'm Watching/Reading: When Evan was sick with a head cold we watched DisneyNature Dolphin Reef. When I was sick with a head cold my husband and I watched Elvis & Me Time.  I started watching the latest season of The Great British Baking Show and all my other shows that are back with new episodes and seasons-- The Goldberg's, Home Economics, The Connors, 9-1-1, etc.  We rented Jurassic World: Dominion on Sunday and just started Celebrity Jeopardy this week. 

I read 8 books so far this month and will have a post with my thoughts on them soon:

What I'm Listening to:  It must be race season because I can hear all the cars at our local track; it can get pretty noisy.

What I'm Wearing: We have had a pretty weird mix of warm, sunny days and cold, fall-like days, with lots and lots of rainy days so I'm mostly wearing a mix of pants, short sleeves, and sweaters but really anything goes this time of year. 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: My husband and I are heading to Maine for a weekend long celebration of his birthday. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Thanksgiving!  I can't wait to pig out on turkey and mashed potatoes, and chocolate chip pecan pie. 

What Else is New: Ian was asked to join his college's National Honor Society!! (Which of course was met with eye rolls and a shrug of the shoulders so I don't think he plans to actually join but what a honor). 

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. You have some great things going on. Your MIL skydiving! She looks so calm and perfectly at ease with imminently JUMPING OUT OF AN AIRPLANE! Very impressive!! Love all of your outfits, too. They look perfect for the transition into fall. The cards you made are so pretty and congrats to the boys for their accomplishments.

    1. She was definitely nervous but was determined since it had been on her bucket list (and we bought her a gift card!)... I could NEVER jump out of a plane.. I couldn't even get in the plane knowing I was supposed to jump out of it.

  2. Oh that angel food cake looks so Good! Actually all of your food looks so Good. Maine is amazing this time of year. Have teh Best time.


    1. Aw, thank you! I don't think we have EVER been to Maine in the fall-- I tend to always go in the summer so I'm pretty excited.

  3. That angel food cake is perfection! So excited for you for this weekend- enjoy- take a lot of pics and update us please :)

  4. I need to stock up on all the fall goodies!

    1. Luckily, once I try them all I'm pretty good with avoiding them for the rest of the season.. there are just so many yummy sounding ones to try though!

  5. So many cute outfits! Hope yall have a great time on your trip this weekend!

  6. You had me at apple cider donut cake!

    1. It was delicious and pretty easy to make too.

  7. Your MIL is an inspiration! There is no way I could sky dive but I am very impressed with anyone that can. Also, well done on the angle food cake and the birthday cards you make are amazing!!!!


    1. I have a horrible fear of heights and could never skydive either... I give her lots of credit for doing that.

  8. Happy birthday to Evan! Love the outfits and I love the show 9-1-1.

    1. Thank you! I could not believe the cliff hanger they left us on this week... I have so many questions now...

  9. So impressive about your mother-in-law sky diving! And yay for having extra time in the day, although I know that is a transition when there is a new driver in the house.

    1. I am loving having that extra time in my day but I do find myself pacing around any time he's more than just a couple of minutes late.

  10. That angel food cake looks amazing! I've never attempted to make one!

    1. I only had once before and it was a horrible flop so I was quite relieved that it seemed to easy this time. I loved that the recipe I followed had a video tutorial so I could see how it "should" look and that made it much easier.

  11. I'm right there with you with all the fall treats! I can't wait to read your book review because I'm interested in quite a few of those books.

    1. I just finished up my book post and have it scheduled for Tuesday Oct. 11th!

  12. Now I'm reminiscing about the time I made seven Angel Food Cakes for a party. It was A LOT of work!!! Also, every time I read your blog, I want to go out for a hike. I love your plaid shirt in the first picture of what you've been wearing. And I'm eagerly awaiting my hold on the latest In Death book to come in. Happy Wednesday!!!

    1. 7?!! Wow; that is a lot. I could not believe how many egg whites it takes just to make one cake. Oh that latest In Death book is a real good one!

  13. I can't believe your mother-in-law went skydiving...wow! The angel food cake looks delicious, and all the fall treats...yum! Have a wonderful weekend in Maine!

  14. I love your pink pants.
    It's already getting dark here early. That is the only thing disappointing about the change of season. Heck, it's dark by 6:30 lately.

    1. Thank you! I love those pink pants. I do hate that it's already getting so dark so early... those nights make me want to just stay in and do nothing.

  15. You're angel food cake looks delicious! I love that you get outside and hike a lot. I have been (trying to at least) to do that more because I always feel better after being outside! Thanks for the inspo!


    1. I definitely feel better when I make myself get out and be active too.

  16. I have made exactly one angel food cake...too many egg whites! I made it in 1976! I loved Daisy Jones and the Six! And, my goodness, you've had a busy week!!!


    1. I could not believe how many egg whites it took! Then I was left with a whole bunch of yolks and no idea what to do with them.

  17. Those cookies all look so good. I will have to check them out at Target. Sky diving...wow! I'm not sure I could ever do that. Can't wait to read about your trip to Maine.

  18. I am not ready for winter, don't even mention it!!


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