2022 Disney/Universal Trip: Universal Studios day 2

Our second and last day at Universal Studios we got up early and headed to the park for our extra hour of fun.   We rode Hagrid's bike and then the boys and I went on the Velocicoaster.  Both were so much fun! 

By then it was 9 and the rest of the parks were opened.   We hopped on the Hogwarts Express and went to find breakfast.  We also needed to find first aid for some band aids-- both of which took much longer than anticipated. 

We ended up back in Diagon Alley and rode Gringots. We got ice cream from Fortescue's.  The butterbeer soft serve is amazing!

We went to see the Bourne Stuntacular show and then headed back to Diagon alley.   We all got some cold drinks. Then headed back onto the train. 

Once back in Islands of Adventure we went through Poseidon's Fury then Alec, Evan,  and I went on hulk. 
We decided we'd had enough and left the park to go have a late lunch/early dinner and ended up at the Chocolate Emporium.   We loved the fun steampunk vibe and the music.   The food was delicious too and the shakes were crazy huge!  

They had all sorts of yummy treats on display; truffles, macrons, candy apples and more. 

The shakes looked so good but much too filling; only my husband got one; the chocolate/strawberry one in the middle.  It was yummy!

When we left the restaurant the skies were very dark and we could hear thunder rumbling.   We made it to the car before the skies opened up but the rain made for a long and dark computer commute to the airport hotel.  

The next morning we were up at 4:30 and off on the plane home.  We were all exhausted. We saw and did so much. 

Linking up with:  On the Edge, 


  1. Sounds like a fulfilling and fun vacation!

  2. Looks like a fun final day! Were the lines long for the Harry Potter attractions? My friend went there the day that Hagrid's bike ride opened and she and her family waited 13 HOURS in line to ride it. My mind can't wrap itself around that! Anyway, your time at the park looks so fun.

    1. No, we didn't wait in any long lines; Hagrid's ride was maybe an hour and twenty on the previous day but we knew the Harry Potter world opened an hour early for any guest staying on property so we saved it for that extra hour on day 2 and I think we waited maybe 20 minutes? I never wait for any ride longer than 45 minutes (unless we're already in line and something slows it down and I'm stuck feeling like we just need to wait it out) I just can't justify a long wait for what I know will be a very short thrill. Though we did LOVE Hagrid's bike ride! It certainly helped that we had their expresses passes included with our hotel stay (and then those rides that aren't included on that pass are open for the extra resort hours) but even if we had to navigate regular lines and crowds I don't remember seeing crazy long wait times.

  3. I’ve really been Loving your vacation recaps!

    1. Aw, thank you! It's been fun to recap it all and I'm already getting anxious to plan our next trip.

  4. Y'all really made the most of your day!! Those milkshakes are crazy! We have a place like that here in town, and I don't know how anybody can finish one! They are just too big! So glad y'all had another great day and I'm glad the weather held out until y'all left the park.

    1. We really did pack in so much! I wanted one of those milkshakes so bad but knew I'd feel so incredibly sick after; I tried convincing my husband it was a "sharing" thing but I guess he didn't feel the same! LOL

  5. Glad you had a great trip! Looks like so much fun.

  6. So jealous! Looks like you had a blast! We used to go to Universal Studios Hollywood pretty regularly when we lived in SoCal, but that was before Harry Potter World opened. One of these days...

    1. It was a lot of fun. I'd say we spent the majority of both days in the Harry Potter worlds since they are our favorites!

  7. Those desserts!! I bet it smelled wonderful in there.
    I do remember Orlando weather would change in an instant. LOL

    1. Oh yes, it smelled so good in there and we were starving after having skipped lunch.

  8. Looks like another great day. I soooo want to visit the chocolate place!

  9. You saw and did so much is an understatement. Heck, I was exhausted just reading your posts.

    1. It was an exhausting trip for sure but we definitely made the most of every single day!

  10. Glad you had so much fun. The shakes look rich calorie-wise. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  11. Oh, that looked like a wonderful day (except for the thunderstorm)! You are one brave woman...I just cannot ride roller coasters...I never have! I'm glad you had such a fabulous vacation!


    1. I never liked them at all until my husband convinced me to try one as an adult and now I just love them!

  12. Oh what a fantastic time you had! And those treats!! Haha, love that.

    1. Thanks! It's just not a vacation without treats. YUM!

  13. So fun! I love the Harry Potter rides at Universal and the Hulk is my favorite!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. I had never ridden Hulk before and really liked it; but the new Velocicoaster was my favorite.

  14. Looks like a fabulous last day of vacation! And those treats at the Chocolate Emporium look amazing!!

  15. Lovely pictures, just love how they brought Harry Potter to life.

    1. They really do bring the books/movies to life! It's so much fun.

  16. What a fabulous time you all had Joanne - and all that Harry Potter stuff was amazing. Disney has certainly embraced lots of different genres as time's gone along. The food looked pretty fabulous too.

  17. You had such a wonderful time at the parks. Everyone enjoyed themselves. #MMBC

  18. Oh this looks like so much fun! We need to get back there one day.

  19. It's been many years since we went to Universal Studios. We had a season pass one year and it expired right when they opened the Harry Potter section and we haven't been since!

    1. We've only been twice and both times were after HP world was open.


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