What's Up Wednesday: July 2022

I'm back to my What's Up Wednesday posts on a Tuesday!  Can you believe this is the end of July already?! I can not believe how fast this summer is flying by.  Thankfully we've been trying to make the most of it and still have a full month left before we start with all the back to school stuff. 

What We're Eating This Week: 

Saturday: crock pot turkey breast with roasted potatoes and broccoli

Sunday: Pulled pork with zucchini/squash and rice

Tuesday: Salmon with rice pilaf and asparagus (the boys will eat chicken, rice pilaf, and salad)

Wednesday:  Pancakes, Fruit, and turkey sausage

Friday: Homemade grilled pizzas with salad

Saturday: Steak, cheesy grilled potatoes, and green beans. 

What I'm Reminiscing About: It's been a weird summer with Ian working all day and the other two boys choosing to be in their rooms rather than out in the lake.  I'm remembering all those long summer days spent in and near the water when they were little.  I don't think anyone has been in our lake yet this year (well, off our dock anyway!)

What I'm Loving: I just know as soon as I type this they're going to break... but my nails have been so nice and long and healthy lately and I am just loving them!!  I painted them this fun Alpaca my Bags by OPI

What We've Been Up To: We had a busy month with our family's 4th of July celebrations, my birthday, a high school graduation for one of the boys' best friends, and our family trip to Tennessee. 

Graduation party at the shore:

4th of July:

Family vacation to Tennessee:

What I'm Dreading: Trying to find pants for Alec for back to school... a 36" L inseam and a tiny waist is no fun! 

What I'm Working On: Nothing at the moment

What I'm Excited About: Our Disney/ Universal trip next month!

What I'm Watching/Reading: Under the Banner of Heaven-- Have you seen this yet?  I Could NOT turn away! (Hulu), Only Murders in the Building season 2 (Hulu), The Summer I Turned Pretty (Prime), The Glades (Hulu), The Bear (Hulu), The Old Man (Hulu), The Lake (Prime), Edge of the Earth (Prime), Hustle (Netflix)

I've read 13 books so far this month and they were all so good!  My post with a short blurb about each one will be up on the blog on Tuesday August 9th... I sort of got into the habit of the second Tuesday with Show Us Your Books and haven't revamped my blog schedule yet. 

What I'm Listening to: The washer, dish washer and robot vacuum all hard at work!

What I'm Wearing: Lots of shorts, tanks, and capri pants; including all the new clothes I got for my birthday earlier this month. 

All dressed up for a fancy date night out

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Nothing.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Vacation, vacation, vacation... I'm really hoping for some downtime from the parks to enjoy the pools at our resorts. 

What Else is New: Nothing much... but I am hard at work planning next year's vacations already!

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness,


  1. I need to watch the 2nd season of Only Murders! The food all looks tasty!

    1. The 2nd season is pretty cute but I don't have really any suspects at all and can't see how they're going to wrap this up!

  2. We just finished watching The Old Man and am wondering if there will be another season. Sounds like a fun July for you!

    1. I wondered that too but I'm thinking there must be... I'm pretty sure Angela is going to have a whole lot of feelings about how things went down in the end!

  3. What a great month! I blog about books on Fridays - due to a previous older link up I used to take part in, lol!

    1. It's funny how even with blogging we develop habits we just can't seem to shake.

  4. The Lake is from Canada! I haven't watched it yet though. I loved Season 1 of Only Murders, can't wait to see season 2.

    1. I knew The Lake took place in Canada as there are a few Canadian references and overall I thought it was pretty cute.

  5. Your turkey breast looks delicious. I forget about turkey for most of the year. ha. But I needn't. I love your fingernail polish! Enjoy those nails. I sometimes let mine grow so I can polish them, but then I get tired of them and cut them back down. :) All your new clothes are so cute. I'm lazy when it comes to shopping, so I appreciate when someone gives me a gift of clothes.

    1. My middle son often requests turkey so I try to make sure we have a small breast every now and then and not just at Christmas. I'm not usually that into shopping either but for my birthday each year my mom and I spend the day clothes shopping and go out to lunch.

  6. Y'all have had way too much fun this month!! Definitely making the most of your summer for sure! And that last outfit - stunning! You look amazing! Blue is your color!

  7. You had me questioning what day it was. lol I thought I had skipped a day.
    All of your food looks so good, especially the pulled pork and I love the sound of that lasagne.
    It sounds like you have had a great month.

    1. LOL! Sorry! But I hate to miss the What's Up Wednesday series and so this summer I've been posting them a day early.

  8. What a great month with the vacation and other celebrations. I need to check out some of your tv recommendations!

  9. I know what you mean about it being a weird summer. It's so weird to just make plans for myself most days. Your meals look great! You have a lot of cute summer tops and I am impressed that you get "dressed". I am always in a black tank top when I'm at home. Very boring! Ha! I think The Happy Camper looks cute and I hadn't heard of it!

    1. LOL. I love my summer clothes too much not to want to wear them... in fact I probably change most days at some point in the day! The Happy Camper was so cute and I was so glad it grabbed my eye when I was at the library.

  10. You trip looks amazing. I love your food too. Regine

  11. It looks like you had a great month! So jealous you guys are off to Disney next month! I loved TSITP. #TeamConrad Always look forward to your book reviews!

    1. I just hope we don't all melt in the heat! LOL. We've never been to Disney in the summer... but we are looking forward to it!

  12. I just want you to buy all my clothes for me. I LOVE all your outfits and you look so great!

    1. Aw, thank you! That is such a nice compliment.

  13. Those wide legged pants look so good on you!!! A mountain vacay in Tennessee is on my list for a familly getaway one day. Will be awaiting your book review....my fave way to find new books!

    1. We thought Tennessee was a perfect family getaway; lots of large beautiful house rentals to pick from and so much to do.

  14. Looks like you had a great month. Summer is really going by so fast.


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