10 on the 10th... on the 7th.

 For this month's 10 on the 10th post Leslie and Marsha asked us to list 10 things we love about summer and 10 things we hate about summer.  I thought that just sounded like waaay too much fun not to participate!  

Now I just LOVE summer and I love so many things about it:

1. The warm, sunny sun!  After our long cold winters, just seeing the sunny days makes me smile!

2.  Summer clothes!--  I love wearing flip flops and tank tops. Summer clothes are so nice and lightweight and some in such fun colors and patterns too.  

3. Relaxing our schedules/no school-- Lazy days spent by the lake/ water and with friends and family are the best and I love that school is out/over and I can sleep in when I want. 

4. ALL the summer foods-- fresh fruits and veggies, grilled meats and meals, yummy cold ice cream treats, fresh seafood by the shore and chowder... I love it all. 

5.  The long days!-- I love that it gets so light so early in the morning and stays light long into the evenings.  

6. Vacations/ Trips-- though we vacationed in the off season for most of my boys' childhoods I still think of summer vacation and trips to the beach when I think summer and always made sure we at least had some little getaway somewhere!  

7. Fireworks-- I love fireworks and they are plentiful all summer long!

8. Beach Reads-- I love to read but there is just something so fun to those summer beach reads that make them seem so much more indulgent than my "regular" reading lists. 

9. Eating outside!-- Summer is our only real chance to eat outside so I try to eat most of my meals out on the deck or patio whenever the weather cooperates.

10. It's FUN! 

I had a much harder time coming up with 10 things I hate about summer... I did think of these more as things that are my least favorite but anyway here goes:

1. Mosquitoes-- I get eaten alive and that can make it so hard for me to enjoy summer.  I do get bug bites in winter too just not nearly as many.

2. Sweating-- I love the sun and I enjoy the heat but don't ask me to move much because I really, really do not like to sweat. 

3.  Sunburns-- as much as I like the sun, my skin does not and I get sunburned so very easily. 

4. Roadwork season-- our roads take a beating in the winter and summer finds work crews on most major roads making repairs.  

5. Crowds-- It seems like no matter where I go the population has multiplied and there are lines and crowds everywhere.  

6. I get less done-- the heat does leave me feeling unmotivated to do much of anything and while I love to relax, by mid- summer I am feeling downright lazy and start to feel bad that I'm not accomplishing anything. 

7. It's noisy-- living on the lake summer gets quite noisy with boats and jet skis out on the water from sun up to sundown.  People all around us throw parties on the regular and many hire bands/ Dj's that play until late at night. By summer's end I am looking forward to the quiet that fall and winter bring. 

8. Sand everywhere-- Living by the lake and having our own beach means there is sand all over the house all summer long no matter how much I clean and vacuum (which admittedly is less than other times of the year; see #6 about getting less done..).

9. Yardwork-- I want a pretty yard and beautiful gardens but don't enjoy the actual work of maintaining the yard and weeding the gardens. 

10. FREEZING cold A/C in restaurants and stores-- seems like I never remember to bring long sleeves with me in the summer when we go INdoors and then I freeze at the extreme shift in temps from outside to inside. 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, 


  1. Loved reading this- it would be hard for me to come up with things I hate about summer too!

  2. I get sunburned easily too and I always forget a jacket for cold indoors!

    1. I was shivering the grocery store yesterday and left without 2 of the items on my list because I couldn't find them and didn't want to look for them anymore! LOL

  3. Yes to all of these!! The one thing I hate the very most about summer is the heat and humidity. It is just miserable here right now in Georgia!

    1. Oh I just bet! We went to Charleston 5 years ago for my birthday and that heat/ humidity was brutal. We get some days that feel like that but thankfully not that many.

  4. This is a good list. You pretty much nailed all of my favorites and least favorites. :)

  5. I told.my husband yesterday that I need to start keeping a scarf or jacket in the car for shopping and restaurants! Brrrrr!

    1. Yes! I used to keep a jacket in the car but have forgotten so far this summer.

  6. I grew up in a beach resorts and by Labor Day we were ready for the sleepy town vibe to return after a busy, louder summer!

  7. Summer in Louisiana is NOT fun at all! Today the heat index is 110-115 and we're under a heat advisory. I am much more a fall, winter, and spring person! Of course, winter in Louisiana isn't bad at all!

    1. YIKES! That is HOT! But yeah, winter here can have temps in the negative numbers with even colder windchills so we make up for miserable weather then.

  8. what a great moments you’ve got.
    hope you enjoyed them.

  9. Summer in your area sounds so nice. It is definitely your time to get outside. We enjoyed the milder temps when we were in Pittsburgh.

    1. I do try to get outside year round but summer is more enjoyable for me than winter.. though fall is still my favorite!

  10. This is a fun list, Joanne. I agree on all your summer loves and dislikes. I'd add "sun rash" as a dislike and when the temperature goes above 90 degrees as I'm not a fan of extreme heat.

    1. Yeah, I tend to enjoy the mild summer days but am not a huge fan of the super hot ones.

  11. I agreed with so many of these! I hate not being able to keep a Chapstick in my car and that I have to immediately take the groceries in. I like winter because I can do grocery runs and something else and my food will stay cold. Lol! Silly little things!

    1. I do like not having to worry about my groceries in the winter!

  12. I loved reading you list and agree with every single one of your loves and hates! I would put sweating above mosquitos on my list! I came home yesterday from a walk and my shirt was drenched! Yuk :)

    1. Those two are kind of a tie for me; I'm pretty sure if I didn't get bit so much sweating would win out over mosquitos too


  13. Eating outdoors is one of my favorite things about summer! I can do without the mosquitos and yard work too!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. I love eating outdoors; and we can really only do that in summer.

  14. Love these and I have similar likes and dislikes. Summer is my least favorite but lots of fun does happen in summer!

    1. Winter is my least favorite; I'm perfectly fine with the other three seasons.

  15. Ohh! I think I might have to do a blog post about what I love and hate about summer. The sunshine always puts me in a good mood and I love getting the washing out on the line but I am not a fan of the bugs.
    Lovely photos.

    1. Yes, the sunshine puts me in such a good mood too.

  16. Loved hearing about your 10's list. I agree with you on both.
    Visiting today from Little Things Thursday #26

  17. I was just thinking "I couldn't come up with ten things I hate about summer" because I love it so much, then I read your list and I agree with everything on the list.

    1. LOL! I definitely had a harder time with the hate list.

  18. The fact that the sun sets close to 8 PM these days is SUCH a delight. I’m a big fan of spring and summer, but I do also haaate sweating, ugh. And the arctic AC indoors!

  19. I love wearing sun dresses in the summer. Yes to relaxed schedules and just a slower pace of everything. And yes to all the summer foods! Hoping to enjoy every last bit of this season! Hope you had a great weekend.

    1. I've been wearing more sundresses this summer and I am loving them!

  20. I hate mosquitoes too and we have to endure them all year round.
    And yes, I wear shorts, t-shirts and flip-flops all year round too!

    Happy Monday, Joanne!

    1. I can't imagine wearing shorts, t-shirts, and flip flops year round!

  21. Great lists. We share many of the same 'loves' for summer and 'hates', too, but I didn't think to share mine. You guys always look like you are having fun, no matter the season. And your breakfasts (and other meals) on the patio look delicious.

  22. Joanne, I really enjoyed reading this and you went above and beyond listing 10 likes and 10 hates about summer! I only listed 10 total things that I love and hate. You are very much the perfect representative of summer lake living, my friend! It suits you well!


  23. I think I have said it way more than enough - but I love summer - so I will comment on your "less than ideals" of summer. Mosquitoes - ugh! They love me. My husband never gets a bite. I'm covered. WHY? Excessive AC is a constant battle...but in restaurants it is the worst. It has ruined many a meal for me! I would not know about having my own beach (sigh) but I do suppose sand everywhere would be a negative. Other than that - summer is pretty much ideal!!

    1. YES! I am covered head to toe and my husband never gets any at all.


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