Photos of the Month: June 2022

 Since I'm taking a mini blogging break and only posting on Tuesdays and Thursdays this summer I decided to compile all my I Spy Photo challenge photos into one long post.  I did take each of the photos for each week's challenge within that week (though many were taken with my camera or my very old point and shoot!)

Week of May 28th- June 4th

– Window View – Quarterly

– Happy- Seeing these new flowers I planted in bloom makes me happy

– Near By-- We love having the lake near by

– Loud

– Your Choice

Week of June 4th- 11th

– Weather – Quarterly

Sunny with lots and lots of pollen (that's what all the yellow is floating on the water near shore)

– Sharpen-- Alec got a chance to sharpen his skills at his first ever karate tournament

– By accident-- We stumbled upon this wind sculpture by accident while shopping at the outlet mall.

– Starts with N-- We went hiking in New Hampshire; New Hampshire starts with N

– Your Choice

Week of June 11th- 18th

– Front Yard – Quarterly

– Spicy-- Bold Chex mix is as spicy as I get.

– Inside-- a peek inside our hotel suite

– Textured-- I put a textured background on some of the father's day cards I made

– Your Choice

Week of June 18th-25th

– Event-- We bought a new car!

– Outfit – Quarterly

– Played- I played around with my colorstreet nail wraps this week; combining 2 different kits 

– Starts with U-- My Uncle came to visit; the first time he's seen my boys in 6 years and he could not get over how much they've all grown. 

– Choose Anything – Monthly

June 25th- July 2nd

– sparkle- The sparkle of my nails contrasts with the smooth creamy ice cream treat.

– wet -- A fun way to cool off and get a little wet.

– rounded-- These bird eggs/ nest found in my hanging pot of flowers are rounded.

– banana-- Chocolate chip banana bread

– your choice

Linking up with:


  1. Love all of these amazing photos! I am drawn to the images of the pink blooms. So prett! Congrats on the new car!

  2. Congrats on the new car! I noticed you titled this June 2020 - don't take us back there! lol.

    1. Oops! Thanks for catching that; I'll have to fix it.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! It feels so much sportier than my Traverses I've owned in the past. Time to size down now that the kids are older and I am loving it.

  4. What a wonderful collection of photos. It is looking so warm and summery with you. I love the look of your new car.

    1. Thanks! It has warmed up nicely now that summer is here.

  5. Congratulations with the new car! And those eggs! I hope they come through.

    1. They are still just eggs as of yesterday but I'm waiting for the day I hear little chirping sounds... though I'm pretty sure the plant will die at that point since I wont be able to move it for watering anymore after that.

  6. What a great assortment of pictures! Those bird eggs are really interesting! I don't think I've ever seen any that color before. That ice cream dessert looks delicious. And what a fun nail color!

    1. We had never seen bird eggs that color before either! The ice cream was amazing and really hit the spot on a hot summer day.

  7. Nice job on the photos for the month! Really love the shot of the eggs.

  8. Love all the nature pics and your nails are just lovely! It makes me want to do my nails now :)

    1. Aw, thanks! I have some pretty 4th of July wraps I'll put on later this week.

  9. What a fun collage of photos. I love when you accidentally find cool things like that wind sculpture. That's why we sometimes try a different path to where we are going.

    1. Thank you! I like finding neat things like that on our travels too.

  10. Lovely photos! The your choice photo of the mountain in the mist from Week of June 11th- 18th is certainly a favourite. Enjoy your new car and your uncle's visit.


    1. Thanks! Those misty mountain mornings were definitely a favorite!

  11. What a fun way to remember the month!!!

  12. Such a beautiful month and you captured it perfectly!

  13. A month of beautiful photos!! The lake view and the hiking in New Hampshire photos are especially appealing to me. Congrats on the new car!

  14. Loved seeing what Alex was up to and sharpening his skills in the martial arts.

    Adelaide Dupont @ Halfway up Rysy Peak

  15. Beautiful Photos! I love your Coral roses and your fingernails with the little blue hearts are just lovely

  16. Joanne I'm glad to read that you are going to join in with the SPSH. I really like your rose (photo & the plant). It looks like a David Austin variety. I'm envious of the waterfall find in your hike in New Hampshire. In regards to your last post, I hear you about trying to find a balance with blogging, working & life in general.

    1. I try to seek out as many waterfall hikes as I can whenever we go hiking. Those are my favorites.

  17. That wind sculpture is really cool!! You took some great pictures this month!

  18. Replies
    1. I am loving it! Though I'm still learning all the cool little buttons and features.

  19. As always, fab photos. Love the nest one specially, hope the hatch is successful. Congratulations on your new car.

    1. So far two have hatched (I hope; there are only 2 eggs left in the nest and I can't imaging a predator getting to them where they are hanging).

  20. Hope to get my iSpy post out tonight. I just can't keep up with things anymore. Is it Covid brain? Old age? Laziness??
    Your photographs are always delightful. Those tiny eggs!! We had 2 hummingbird eggs in a nest in our magnolia. Such fun to watch until the babies hatched, outgrew the nest and flew away.

    That banana bread looks so moist. I can almost taste it!! Need to make some or zucchini bread, which PC loves equally well.

    Enjoyed your cards but forgot to mention them in an earlier post. Glad to see the Father's Day card here for the texture prompt. Is that like corrugated card stock? Perfect for representing grass. And love the sandy looking paper you used, too.

    Hope your Disney plans are about finalized. The boys were so small in the pictures you shared of your previous trip. You guys are going to have a blast.

    1. I am feeling quite lazy myself lately in all things-- photography using my real cameras, cleaning the house, blogging, etc!

      I LOVE zucchini bread and haven't made any in so long... maybe I should whip some up for our vacation. That would be so yummy for breakfast.

      To make the texture on the Father's day cards I ran regular stock through my Big Shot using a texture folder.


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