Monthly Musings; June 2022

It's the last Thursday of the month and that means it's time to link up with Holly and Patty for their Monthly Musings. The questions this month all center around summer travel! 1. My favorite summer destinations? This is only the second year we've ever taken a summer vacation so I don't really have favorite places to go. Having gone on family vacations in the off season for more than 9 years it's hard to enjoy any of the usual places we go since summer finds them more crowded and both hot and sticky but with our middle son in public school and on the track team (all spring!), summer is our only chance to sneak in a family vacation. We tried the beach last year in North Carolina and this year we're trying a trip to the mountains. Next year we're looking at the Florida keys or Hawaii or maybe even Bermuda so I definitely tend to think more about being near the water. Tampa Bay October 2017 I LOVED this incredible view from our balcony! 2. I much...