My WOTY-- Progress for months 3 & 4

Today is the 22nd and that means it's time to reflect on my WOTY: Step with the one word community at Lisa's notes.  I think I've been doing pretty well with it these past two months!

I've been counting steps each day with my activity tracker and have written them down on my sentence a day post.  Sadly I had to cut back dramatically on my actual steps and my goals for the past few months as I managed to injure my foot at the end of May/ beginning of April and I've been trying to take it easier.  But I am still mindful of my steps and slowly testing out longer walks when I feel able. 

April's Progress

May's-- more days are filling in with dark green!

I've been planning on taking a step back from the blog this summer; something I have never done before!  But I mapped out just a handful of posts planning on only posting on Tuesdays and Thursdays (other than my Not Just A Mom commitment on the second Monday of the month).  I'm not sure I will be able to stop myself from posting more often but I am hopeful that a step back from blogging will help me focus more on my boys and these final summers we have before they flee the nest!

Speaking of fleeing the nest.. my oldest turned 18 at the end of April and this milestone has forced us to take some giant steps into adulthood! He's got his own checking/ bank accounts (no more custodial accounts), he's started working a full time job, and is trying to finance his own purchase of a jet ski! (though we may have to co-sign).  

I tried reading a book called Stepping but found that it wasn't holding my attention so I'm on the lookout for my next book with Step in the title; I am finding this is such a fun way to keep my word present in my mind as I just love to read-- do you have any suggestions? For now I am equating step with adventure and reading lots of books about travel.  

How are you doing with your word of the year?

Linking up with:


  1. What a big milestone. Congratulations. Have a lovely Monday. Regine.

  2. So good to hear that you are making progress in healing. I also took a step back from my blog at the beginning of the year. Felt like an amputation, really, but I see the wisdom in God's leading in his choice of REST for 2022.
    You will never regret investing in those boys!

  3. Love following along with your Word Of The Year...although sad I won't read as many of your blog posts this summer but totally get it and respect you for that choice!

  4. I don't know of any books with Step in the title, but fun idea! Hope you all have a great summer even if you are blogging less.

    1. Thank you! I am finding it really hard to find book with step in the title... I might have to broaden my search to include words like step.

  5. Love the idea of reading books with your WOTY in the title.

  6. It sounds like you are doing really well with counting your steps even with your injury.
    Enjoy your summer with your boys, your blog will still be here when they have left home.

    1. Thank you! That's what I figured too; the blog is always waiting when I want to pick it back up.

  7. great accountability

  8. Excellent work on your word! Big step in taking a break on blogging this summer, but I know the Lord will bless and refresh you!

    1. I have been blogging 6 or 7 days a week for just over 10 years now and I'm not convinced I'll be able to hold myself back but I'm pretty excited to cut back on developing content and just enjoy life for a bit.

  9. I'm sorry to hear of your injury but rejoice that you have been able to keep moving forward in healing each day. Congratulations on your oldest blessings milestone.

  10. ...keep putting one foot in front of the other and watch out for injuries.

  11. Letting out little birds leave the nest can be hard, but it is oh so important for both the "child" and the parent!

    1. I actually haven't minded it at all; luckily he's not ready to move out or anything quite that extreme yet but I'm sure when he is I'll be equally excited and sad.

  12. Well done, Joanne! Foot injuries sometime can take so long, I hate it when I can't run or walk for long. So good that you are taking it easy and letting it heal properly. I will miss your regular posts, but it would be so wonderful for you. Have fun!


  13. Joanne,
    I cut down to 2 posts a week over a year ago and I feel it was worth it...It gave me more time doing the things that I love to do...And as for my Word for this year...It is Thrive and I feel that I have been doing just that!!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    1. That's great! I am loving my reduced blogging commitment and may decide to keep it up after summer is over.

  14. You are really being mindful of your word of the year. I'm always impressed at how much you post, Joanne!

    1. Thanks! I got into the habit of posting every day when I first started blogging and it's one I never really changed from.

  15. I love how you keep track of your word of the year this way.
    I'm going to step back on my blog a little too. I want to do some other things this summer.

    1. I feel that summer engagement goes down on the blog anyway with everyone being so busy that I'd much rather time the time off now and not burn myself out.

  16. I always back down on blogging for summertime, too, so I can spend as much time with the kiddos as I can. I'll miss your daily posts, but I'll definitely be looking forward to following along on Tuesdays and THursdays!

  17. I love that you're still moving forward with counting steps even though you had to alter your original goals. I loosely keep track of my steps on my phone, but my feet are the best at keeping track. They let me know when I've stepped too many. lol.

    I admire you for taking an intentional step back from your blog so you can spend more time with your boys. Priorities! Looks like a great month with your word, Joanne!

    1. Thank you! Oh my feet can definitely tell on those larger step days!!

  18. Self care done right, taking a break from blogging too. Much happening in your family life. Suddenly it becomes real that the kids are our country 18 is 'adult'. Whilst I appreciate you love your steps as a word and an activity when you also are hurt and you cannot do as much then rather than be's my idea (because I had to do it for me) change the daily or weekly goals during this time of getting better from the injury. Thank you for joining in this Monday’s #LifesStories on Denyse Whelan Blogs. The community of bloggers here connects us wherever we are in the world. Looking forward to seeing you in two week’s time on Monday 6 June. Winter in Southern Hemisphere & getting close to Summer in the Northern part of the world. Denyse.

    1. 18 is adult in our country too and I love seeing how confident he is about all these steps.

  19. Well done on stepping towards your WOTY despite an injury Joanne. I enjoyed reading of your progress and wish you well.

  20. What a fun post to read! Good for you in taking a step back from your blogging for the summer. Our youngest turns eighteen this summer, and I can't believe he'll only have one more year in our home before he flees the coop. I hope your foot gets better soon. May you soon be back to walking more steps each day!

  21. It's tough to decide to take a step back but sometimes you need to. I've dropped back to once a week here, aim for a post a week on BKD, and think I need to start posting again on the author site. Our daughter left last January - we were grateful to have her home until 22. We speak daily and she'd back every few weeks but I still miss her...Take care with that foot of yours...

    1. Thank you! I'm trying and it is definitely feeling much better even if I know it's not fully healed.

  22. Hi Joanne, happy birthday to your boy - a man now! Sometimes taking a blogging break is just what we need, although it isn't as easy as it sounds. I decided to drop back and then had so many ideas but we do need to take a holiday from blogging and it brings us back feeling refreshed mentally. It is frustrating when injuries happen but listen to your body and you will be back on track before you know it. Take care and thanks for linking up with us at the #2022WOTYlinkparty xx

    1. I am hopeful that taking time away will bring me back mentally refreshed.

  23. I am so sorry you injured your foot, but glad you seem to be on the mend and able to take longer walks now.

    I understand about having to take a step back from blogging at times. Your boys are certainly more important! Wow, the oldest is 18 already! Awesome!

    1. Thank you! It is definitely feeling better most days and I am very careful to rest it on those days it's more sore.

  24. Congratulations on the many steps--forward and back--that you've taken in May. I hope your foot is healing and that you are walking without pain again soon. Good on you listening to your body though and not getting hung up on reaching a certain number of steps.

  25. What a great word - wishing you the very best in your journey of stepping forward. Do take care of yourself.


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