Spring Bucket List-- 2022

With the official first day of spring happening yesterday I knew today would be the perfect time to share my spring bucket list.  I try to make a bucket list each season of fun things we want to do before the season passes us by.  It's something I started when my boys were quite young and I used to get their input each season but as they get older they want less and less to do with that so I try to plan fun things that I think we'll all enjoy and add in a bunch of things I want to do either by myself or with my husband or friends. 

1. Get some potted plants going on the deck-- preferably basil and a few other easy to grow edible ones. 

2. Check to see if we have an old bike that Evan can fit on and start adding some bike rides in place of a few of our daily hikes. 

3. Get the patio furniture out and start eating outside more often.

4. Try a new salad recipe (either for lunch or dinner)

5. Go kayaking!

6. Get caught up on scrapbooking (up until Jan 1st of this year)

7. Make Easter cards for the family.

8. Enjoy a weekend getaway with my husband (we have on planned for early June in New Hampshire).

9. Put out all the spring décor: flowers for the front steps, garden decoration, and a wreath for the door.

10. Visit a museum 

11. Go to the beach-- we've always loved the beach in spring best.

Taken in 2015 after a Piping Plovers class through a local nature center

12. Plan at least 2 day trips for Alec's April vacation

13. Celebrate Ian's 18th birthday!

14. Visit the botanical gardens

15.  Find a new state park to explore.

Linking up with:


  1. That is a lovely list! Definitely many of the things that I would plan. It doesn't feel like spring here today though :(

    1. It hasn't been feeling much like spring here this week either. Very cold and windy!

  2. What a great list! I’m so ready to go Kayaking again! We are going to have 70° weather here today but then it’s back to you for 50.

    1. Yeah we had that one 70 degree day (where my mother in law apparently went kayaking!) and then it's been back in the 50's. :(

  3. I love your list! Several of these would be on my list too-- especially kayaking!!

  4. Oh this list makes me so happy...I kept saying YES...ha! Can't wait for all of the planting and eating out on the deck...bring on Spring!

    1. I just keep reminding myself it will be here soon.. it just has to be.

  5. Here's wishing you all the best as you fulfill your spring bucket list. Have fun!

  6. Such a great list for spring! I too have a botanical garden on my bucket list this spring. I put up some spring things around the house at the beginning of March. Maybe I need to make/redecorate a spring wreath though...The one I have now had fallen apart a bit.

    1. I still have out a Joy welcome mat that's leftover from Christmas so I need something to get motivated to get our front door looking more seasonal! LOL

  7. So many fun things! I've never been to New Hampshire so I can't wait to follow along in your recaps!

    1. I just love New Hampshire-- I would move there if their winters weren't even worse than hours.

  8. You are right, the older the kids get the less they want to do with us. You have some great plans. I have already started on my planting and growing and have little shoots already coming through.

    1. Our ground has barely thawed out... but I did walk all the flower gardens to see how much work I have lined up for me next month.

  9. That's awesome that you already have a getaway planned!

  10. This is a great list! I unfortunately do not have a botanical garden near me any more, but my mom and I have been thinking about making a trip to Atlanta to visit the one there!

    1. Oh I bet Atlanta has a good one! We have a few small ones nearby in Mass & Rhode Island.

  11. Such great things on your list and so helpful to write them down!

  12. I am definitely impressed that you've been doing this since your boys were little! I can't even seem to make one! But, these should all be fun things to do!

    1. Yep, we began making bucket lists when we began homeschooling. It helped remind me to sprinkle in more arts, crafts, field trips, recipes, and science projects into our days.

  13. We've been trying to eat outside as much as possible because in the dead of summer, it's just so hto.

    1. Oh I bet! We can only eat outside when the wind isn't blowing at us off the lake...

  14. I love your list. I feel like our calendar is very full this spring and I need to make a list so I don't miss enjoying some of the small moments and my favorite things about this season.

    1. Yeah, I feel like our spring is filling up fast too.

  15. I love this list of things you want to do for spring. They all look like fun things to do and I hope you accomplish them.

  16. Lovely bucket list! It has really felt like spring here this week. We've had lots of sunshine in the UK which is always a treat! Have fun ticking things off your list. :)

  17. I am all about trying new salad recipes. I love your bucket list and may copy some of the items.

    1. I'm excited to find some new recipes to try.


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