Sentence a Day in February; 2022

 We had a pretty good month despite lots of cold weather and snow and a mild cold making it's way s-l-o-w-l-y through the house.  

1.  A typical day of dropping Alec off at school, helping both Evan and Ian with their schooling, and getting things done around the house.  We did make time after lunch to head out snowshoeing just around our own woods. 

2. After finishing up school in the morning the boys and I headed out to Bigelow Hollow to meet up with friends for a snowshoe hike; we were a bit late picking up Alec but he used the extra time to work on math with his teacher. 

3. We had a rainy day with just Evan and I home most of the day; we tackled lots of schoolwork and housework.  I managed to finish up my Valentine cards and somehow chipped a tooth at lunch (thankfully I hardly noticed but made an appointment with the dentist for next week just in case). 

4. A productive snow day for us all; I worked on scrapbooking, blogging, and my new puzzle.  Ian worked on his latest model truck and Alec made some pizzelles. 

5. We had a family dinner at the Cheesecake Factory after Ale's karate class; the ice storm from the day before left everything glistening. 

6. I had another quiet day at home with the family.  I worked on my puzzle, did my nails, spent my afternoon cooking up a few meals for the week, and read 75% of my latest book.  My husband finished up the basement cabinets (we just need shelves inside the top cabinets and a microwave for the whole/space in the bottom cabinets).

7. After dropping Alec off at school I quickly worked through some schoolwork with Evan and then hurried to my dentist appointment; after a literal 2 seconds of sanding my chipped tooth was deemed fixed and I headed home.  Alec spent his afternoon and evening whipping up two different types of mousse (chocolate and Oreo mint) to put inside his pizzelle boats along with some fresh whipped cream. 

8.  Just a regular day helping the boys with school, getting some housework done, working on the blog, and cooking dinner. 

9. Evan and I managed a hike after his schoolwork and then I went to get my hair cut. 

10. Thursday Evan and I decided to walk in town where there would be less ice to worry about and I had the added bonus of getting to stop by the post office and mail my international card exchange card.

The church where my husband and I were married

11. We met up with friends for a nice long walk along the river trail then the boys talked me into going out to lunch when we were done.  We played cards and games with my mother in law in the afternoon and I ended my evening going grocery shopping with my husband where we picked out these pretty flowers. 

12. I spent my morning scrapbooking and driving Alec to karate (though HE drove us home for the first time!).  My husband and I headed out for an early Valentine's day celebration; we went to the movies to see Marry Me with J-Lo and Owen Wilson then had dinner at Texas Roadhouse. 

13.  We woke to snow... and it continued snowing all day long.  My husband and I headed out on a RZR ride in the snow.  It was a lot of fun but we really need the windshield wiper kit and defroster to come in as we had to stop a time or two and clean off the windshield.  We did park the RZR and hike over to the covered bridge that the boys and I have found a time or two at Pulaski park.  

14.  Alec had a 2 hour delay due to the snow (that continued all night as well) so we all slept in a bit.  It was a beautiful drive into school.  Once home I helped Ian and Evan with schoolwork and then Evan and I headed out snowshoeing in our woods. 

15. Evan and I tackled quite a bit of schoolwork and I helped Ian in a few of his assignments too then Evan and I cleaned the whole downstairs.  We got a call that our furniture we ordered in September was ready to be delivered! 

16. After a short day of schooling for all (Alec had a 1/2 day), we geared up for Alec's karate graduation.  He finally earned his blackbelt!

17.  It was a beautiful day with temps near 50 so Evan and I cut our school day short and headed out hiking at Old Furnace with my mother in law; it ended up being so icy though that we stuck to the fire roads which were at least nice and flat. 

18.  Our New Furniture was delivered! I also helped the boys with some schoolwork and got Alec's patches put on his new black trimmed uniform.  Ian, Evan and I headed to lunch with my mother in law at Mr. Z's by the Lake.  Alec had some more excellent news-- turns out with the test he "passed" to make it into Skills USA competition he actually had the top score in the entire state (in baking; each child is tested within the field they are studying)!  

19.  We had a quiet day at home.  I worked on making some cards and Alec worked on making some more frosting flowers for the cake decoration portion of the competition (which will be held at the end of March).

We did get a whiteout squall late afternoon; it's odd when we look out and can't see anything beyond the beach.

20. Sunday my husband, Ian, and I headed out early to go to a camping/RV show.  We spent a few hours looking around at all the different RV's then headed out to lunch at The Outback.  It was a fun and delicious day. 

What we're planning to buy:

What we're dreaming about:

21. With no school (due to president's day) and the beautiful, sunny weather we headed out on a hike/walk in the late morning.  The fresh air and sunshine felt soo good! We just walked to the local state park and around our "block."

22.  After dropping Alec off at school and helping Ian with a few assignments, Evan and I headed out hiking at Pulaski park.  It was a bit chilly and still a bit icy in parts but we made the best of it. 

23. It was so nice out on Wednesday that I actually broke out my flip flops for a few hours in the late afternoon! Highs in the mid 60's meant wet and muddy hiking trails but Evan and I did not mind at all!

24. The temperature plummeted overnight in preparation of the snow that was on it's way so Evan and I spent a quiet day at home.  We worked on schoolwork and then I worked on blogging and helped Ian hook up the plow to the truck. 

25. With school canceled for the day and snow/rain/ice mix falling outside all day we spent a quiet day inside.  Ian worked on finishing up his economics class and Evan finished up another few assignments for his year.  My mother in law stopped by to play card games and Ian went out plowing a time or two; I spent most of my day in the basement near the woodstove watching TV and reading. 

26. I took Alec to karate and then spent a quiet day at home reading my book.  I tried to get some scrapbooking but can't get the Cricut program to work on my computer (my husband finally got it working after dinner).

27.  I spent the first 1/2 of my day finishing up my latest book and then spent the afternoon enjoying a RZR ride in the snow.  

28.  Though cold (in the low 20's) Evan and I decided to head out on a hike around 10 after finishing up his schoolwork for the day.  We made it for a 45 minute hike in the snow; it was partly frozen but actually made for great traction.  

How was your month?

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  1. I enjoyed looking at the pretty snow scenes Joanne. I love your sweater collection too. Enjoy your day!

  2. Love those Valentine's Day cards... they turned out so cute! I chipped a tooth in 2020 and it was a surprisingly quick and easy fix. I haven't had any problems with it since then!

    1. That is good to hear! I am so worried about chipping it further and what that means for my teeth. I hope it was just a fluky thing as I typically have really hard & healthy teeth.

  3. You have had so much snow. The longest we ever have it is a week or so. Gorgeous photos x

    1. Yep, it has been a snowy winter for sure.

  4. You had a roller coaster weather month!

  5. Man, you guys seemed to have a lot of snow this month.
    How was that movie (Marry Me)?? It would be something I would pick!!

    1. I thought it was cute but not the best; it reminded me a bit of Notting Hill.

  6. You pack so much living into one month! Your basement cabinets are amazing! And, your son is such a fabulous baker/chef!

  7. What a month of loveliness! Those pizzelle boats looks so good.

  8. Sounds like a great, snowy month! Here's hoping you start seeing signs of spring soon.

  9. Lots of great activities and such great photos! Sorry about the chipped tooth but glad it was an easy fix! The pizzelle boat treats look delicious!! I hope 'Marry Me' will still play this weekend at our local theatre. Haven't had a chance yet to see it but really want to.

    1. I was so relieved! I love my dentist and the staff there but I still hate having to have anything done with my teeth.

  10. Joanne,
    I love these posts...You do so much that you amaze me!! Love all the beautiful scenery pictures...I also love your style in clothes...Wish I could wear some of the outfits you do...Thanks so much for stopping by to visit!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  11. February seemed like such a wonderful month for you and your family, Joanne! Your snowy scenes looked like ours here in Colorado. Love all your pretty outfits and handmade cards. I have so many rubber stamps I hardly use any longer and I hope that someday one of my granddaughters will take up the hobby of making cards.

    1. It was a very nice month despite all the cold and snow. LOL.

  12. I really love seeing snowy photos this time of year from the northern hemisphere whilst we in the south are in summer. My goodness those frosty flowers look so professional. Well done. Have a great week, stay safe, and thank you so much for visiting my blog this week.

  13. Best sweaters ever. You are looking slim and trim. I am jelly!! My weight is going the wrong direction but started tracking again with more diligence. Hoping to see some improvement by next weekend. Love all of your great looks. The blue is beautiful on you. The white pullover sweater is so pretty. And I love the cowl neck sweater or top.

    Best photos ever!! Oh, I could admire your photographs all day long. I love love love the snow. The woods. The downed branches with snow on them. The frozen and thawing water. Just beautiful. Glad you kids enjoyed time on your RZR.

    Congrats to Alec on his karate achievement. Karate? Martial arts. The ice cream and waffle cone bowls look divine.

    How fun to be planning the purchase of an RV. I have always dreamed of having something. Pop-up camper. Something. But PC is definitely not interested in camping. Might be able to convince him to consider a nicer RV. Maybe when he retires.

    Love this series and being able to see your day to day. I always marvel on your scrapbook pages and cards. Just lovely.

    1. Mine is going in the wrong direction too! I just jumped on the scale this morning and felt so dejected about that. I used to RV with my grandparents all the time growing up and tried to get my husband to buy one when our boys were younger and he wanted NOTHING to do with RV life but last year we were less than impressed with a few of the places we stayed and he started mentioning that they make RV's where we could travel with the RZR and try out new and longer trails so we started looking into them. He seems pretty excited so we'll see...

  14. Way to go Alec on excellent testing news -- both for food and karate! And between your winter pictures and all your beautiful sweaters, I'm glad I'm reading this in bed where I'm warm and cozy! Also, yay for your furniture arriving!!!

    1. Thank you! We are so proud of Alec and how hard he's always working. The new furniture has been great; it was well worth the wait.

  15. We had talked some about getting snowshoes, but then never really mentioned it again. It's much easier to get in the side by side & go for a ride in the snow. Nice looking camper yall are interested in. We currently have a 17ft Artic Fox toy hauler. It's been fun to camp & ride. Karen

    1. My only stipulation is that the toy hauler has to have a separate garage area where we park the RZR since even with washing that thing stays so muddy year round and I can't imagine having it parked in my kitchen. LOL.


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