Not Just a Mom-- My Reading Habits

This month's Not Just a Mom is all about our reading habits.  I love to read and actually have to limit my reading time each month or I'd neglect my family and my house entirely!  I'll explain how I manage to squeeze in 8-10 books each month and still have plenty of time for fun life stuff. 

I hope you'll head over and check out my co-hosts posts too and if you wrote up one of your own please link it up with us below. 

If I'm feeling lazy and manage to talk myself out of working out when I first wake up then I'll grab either the book on my nightstand or my Kindle and read for the first 20-30 minutes of the day.  Lately, I've been jumping on the treadmill and reading for that 30 minutes while working out.  

Every morning while I'm getting dressed and styling my hair I'll prop a book open on the counter and read while blow drying my hair or brushing my teeth.

I have a 20-30 minute drive to bring Alec to school and while we listen to music together on the way there I do listen to a book on CD most days on my way home.  I find I need simpler books like memoirs to listen to in the car as I'm still learning to not tune out the book as background noise. I have found some really great memoirs to enjoy!

I often read while doing other things throughout the day-- while eating breakfast or perhaps lunch or snack.

While folding laundry I'll prop a book next to me.  (I only wash one person's laundry at a time so I don't have to pay attention to sorting clothes).

I listen to my book on CD again on the way to pick Alec up from school.

I typically have a 20-30 minute once I'm in the school parking lot and since I shut off the car I'll drag out my book and read while waiting for Alec. 

I often prop a book on the counter to read while cooking dinner (if it's an easy meal). 

There are other times too; if we're watching a family movie and I'm not that into the show I might open up my book but still sit in the room with everyone. 

I always have a couple of books-- with very different plot lines and characters going.  That way if one book isn't holding my attention I can switch to another.

I don't read books I'm not enjoying.  If it is starting to feel like a slog to get through the book than I give up and move onto the next book on my list.  My reading list is long and life is too short to not enjoy what I'm reading.

When I had real littles at home I often read while breast feeding-- I found my boys HATED any sort of eye contact or talking while they were feeding and this gave me a little enjoyment with all the time I was sitting down anyway.  

I hope you'll join us next month when we share What's for Lunch?  I'm hoping to remember to snap a photo of the majority of my lunches for the month so I can give you lots of ideas.  We'll see how well I do in remembering that! 

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  1. I love all the little ways you fit in reading time! I need to be more dedicated to my reading because I miss out on the days I don’t do it. Yes, I definitely want to see the lunches for ideas.

  2. You do lots of little reading bits! I'm better at longer time chunks. I also can't listen to books in the car, I find I miss a lot if I do. I listen to podcasts in the car though!

    1. I have never listened to a podcast! I have listened to bits and pieces of a few on my laptop but that's about it.

  3. I love how you hold your book open with different things. Such great ideas of way to throw in more reading even if only in little increments while cooking dinner and folding laundry

  4. I love how you utilize every single spare second to read! No wonder you get in so much reading each month! And I totally agree about quitting books that aren't holding your attention... life IS too short to read something you're not enjoying!

    1. Absolutely! I used to make myself read books based on other recommendations-- like Mensa books and classics but really did not enjoy most of them so I finally gave myself permission to just read what I like and I find it goes much quicker.

  5. I love how you bring your book with you everywhere. AND I love how it's not a Kindle. I love reading actual books too. :)

    1. I will use my Kindle but I prefer actual books.

  6. I was wondering how some people manage to read so many books! I may have to sneak in some reading at times I hadn't thought of. Oh, and great idea to only do one person's laundry at a time! I'll have to start doing that!

    Love that you put books away if they aren't getting your attention. I've been trying so hard to read trough Jean Plaidy's "The Borgias". I usually really enjoy historical novels (and read many of Jean Plaidy's books that I loved), but this one I just didn't enjoy. I even started with the 2nd book (it's a 2 in 1) but finally told myself to give up on it. Wish I had done it sooner. Because that book caused me to stop reading all together for some time (this was a few years ago.)

    1. I have had books that made me stop reading too and I realized that it was silly to force myself to read something. Life is much too short to be miserable doing something that is supposed to be fun and informative.

  7. I am in awe of how you find all this time to be reading!

  8. LOL - I love you read EVERYWHERE at ALL times - my hero!

    1. Pretty much sums up my life! I even had a few books I brought on my honeymoon. :)

  9. Wow you are amazing! You read a lot and in every free moment. The book is always with you and you always have a place for it. The photos where you show how you read it are wonderful! You are very inspiring, you are the hero!
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. Aw, thank you! That's so sweet to hear. I just LOVE books.

  10. Wow, you read a lot! And even when you wake up! I love to read but can't do that while doing other things.

    1. It must be a family trait; my middle son can even read a book while listening/ singing along with music... I CAN NOT do that!

  11. Love how you fit reading into every corner of your life!

  12. Dang!! I am impressed that you can multitask that well. I get distracted too easily-- I would most definitely burn dinner haha!

    1. LOL! I have come close a time or two-- especially while grilling in the summer if I'm reading a book I just can't put down.

  13. Amazing how you can prop your book and read just about anywhere. I really need to work on my multi-tasking skills!!

    1. I really can (and do!) read just about anywhere.

  14. That's exactly how I used to read! I don't know what happened that I got away from it. Now, I read for only about an hour a day. I need to get back at it! Thanks for sharing these ideas!

  15. I definitely don't read a book if I don't like it...too many books waiting on my list. I'm impressed that you can read while doing other things!

  16. I love how much you read! My kiddos are still too little to give me the space to read, but I'm known to read late into the night...and every spare second I can haha!

    1. It was much harder to read when my kids were little-- babies were fine as I always read while breast feeding but once they were mobile it was much harder to squeeze in time.

  17. I am amazed that you can read a book while the tv is on or while getting dinner ready. You are amazing Joanne and now I know why you read so many books. I hope you have a nice day!

    1. As long as it's not a show I am interested in I have zero problems tuning it out.

  18. OMG, I can't believe you prop a book to read all of those times. I have to admit, I've never thought of half of those (like folding clothes).
    For me, it's usually as we eat dinner (if we are talked out) or right before bed.

    1. I sometimes eat while we watch dinner; if the guys are in the middle of a movie that I care nothing about and they decide to watch that while we eat I'll put my book right on the table and read while they watch; but that's pretty rare for us.

  19. My goodness you do manage to get a lot of reading done while you are doing other things. I think I would end up burning the dinner at least! I love to read, but am far too busy to read during the day, mostly, unless I flop on the counch in the afternoon. So most of my reading done is when I go to bed, and then I only manage a chapter or two. Happy reading. Stay safe, enjoy your weekend, and thank you for visiting my blog this week.

    1. I actually try not to read at night while going to bed as that "one last chapter" turns into waay to many.

  20. I'm still very impressed you can read while folding laundry. I read while eating and (sometimes) cooking too, especially if my book is really good!

    1. I neglected to mention that I also read in the car when my husband is driving. I know not many people can read in a car but it has never bothered me.


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