Monthly Musings-- March 2022

 It's the last Thursday of the month and time to link up with Patty and Holly for their Monthly Musings.  I almost didn't write up a post since I didn't think that many of the questions applied to me but I love both these ladies and enjoy this easy type of Q&A posts too much to not join in.  I'm so glad I did too as it ended up being a real fun trip down memory lane for me!

1.  Beyond getting my boys some candy or small gifts we don't celebrate Easter.  I mean when they were little we did-- they had Easter outfits and we'd have baskets for them and egg hunts galore.  Sometimes we hunted eggs here, sometimes at my mom, sometimes at my in-laws... sometimes all three!  We'd have so much candy it was nuts but they loved it.  As they've gotten older we've done less and less and now they pretty much just get a homemade card from mom and a chocolate bunny. 

Here's a look back at some photos (not the greatest quality since they are photos of photos in their scrapbooks):


All 3 boys:

My oldest two hunting for eggs with their cousin at my mom's old house



Their candy haul: (my boys grew up with 4 full sets of grandparents and many, many great grandparents!)

2. I like to put out fresh flowers and a spring wreath on the front door but since much of my décor is centered around flowers anyway I don't specifically decorate the house for spring anymore either. Here is a look back at some of my old wreaths since I haven't made mine for this year yet.

3. Favorite spring meal--- hm... that's tough because spring isn't all that warm here so we don't have much in the way of new dishes to share.  Lately I've been making lots of quiche/ egg dishes with asparagus and fresh veggies.  I love almost anything made with fresh veggies.

chicken marsala with mashed potatoes, asparagus, and roasted cauliflower

4. Ian's spring break (college) was in March, Alec's spring break (local high schools) is in April, and Evan and I just concentrate on finishing up school entirely by the first or second week of May so we skip break altogether!  

5. Our favorite spring activity is going hiking with friends and eating picnic lunches when we can!  

6. I am most looking forward to warm, sunny days this spring.  I KNOW they have got to be on their way soon.

7. My favorite spring fashion items are my flip flops! I've even broke them out a time or two already this year.

8. I very slowly transition my wardrobe from winter to spring-- good thing too as we had a warm spell and I pulled out all my spring clothes and then it's been FREEZING here this week.  

9. The Easter Bunny used to visit our house but he no longer bothers to stop.

10. We never put all that many of our activities or traditions on hold because of Covid so I don't see much difference this year... I have heard that Alec's school will be traveling for away games in track and field this year whereas they didn't last year but that's about it.  

I thought I'd finish up this post with some pictures of Easter memories from the past-- when we homeschooled all three boys I used EVERY holiday to make fun craft and learning activities.

making egg shaped sidewalk chalk

We found Easter candy corn one year and made up math/ patterning activities with them

Egg hunt for spelling words

Making jelly bean trees

We had a day of Peeps science experiments

Each year we tried out a new method for egg dying

We LOVED these tie dye ones continued from the photo above where Ian is dying wet paper napkins;
we then wrapped up the eggs and let them dry.

Another super fun but messy one was using Cool Whip and food coloring to make marble eggs

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud,


  1. Well I am so glad you joined us just so that I can see the photos of your adorable boys! You also always have the Best photos. Happy spring!


  2. You make a new spring wreath every year?!?!? I'm impressed! And we're hoping to try the marbled method of egg dying this year because the results just seem so pretty. Although I love your paper towel dyed eggs.

    1. I do only because I tend to leave it up all the way through 'til the fall and by then the flowers are just faded and no longer look good. I tend to re-use the same wreath base for several years though. The marbled eggs are lots of fun! We found the marbling looked best if we let the cool whip (or shaving cream- though don't eat the eggs if using shaving cream) air dry. Wiping it off too early caused the colors to smear.

  3. Those pictures take the cake- it goes by so fast- kills me! Your wreaths are beautiful- you are always so creative!

  4. Your wreaths are GORGEOUS! I can't wait to see what you do this year!

  5. Fun memories. Eggs are a good dish for spring I think!

  6. We don't really celebrate Easter unless you count eating chocolate eggs. Fab photos of the boys when they were little. The wreaths on your door are so pretty.
    I made a quiche for the first time last week and we all loved it. I think they will become our favourite meal over the next few months. x

    1. LOL, we're all about the chocolate here too!

  7. It is always so fun to look back at pictures when our kids were younger! I also love a good quiche and just don't make them as often as I should. I need to remember to put one in my rotation soon.

    1. I love to cook one up and then use a slice a day as my breakfast.

  8. Loving all of the throwback pictures of the boys when they were little! So sweet! And all of your wreaths are beautiful!

  9. Easter/Pascha is our biggest church celebration so there will be lots of church services. With the kids, we will decorate some eggs for our basket and maybe have a egg hunt at home (I am pretty sure there will be one at church). I will decorate a little probably just a few days before and will let it out for a couple of weeks.

    1. My kids refused to decorate eggs starting last year and I was so bummed as I LOVE decorating eggs. I guess I still could but it might be a bit weird that I was the only one doing it. LOL. I really need to make my cards this weekend though. It's hard now that they don't want cute little bunnies and flowers on their cards.


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