Friday Favorites: First Week of Spring 2022

Happy first week of spring!  I hope you had a great one.  Ours started out perfectly with warm weather, flip flops, and friends and then got progressively colder and wetter as the week went on.  But I refuse to break out my winter gear so I'm just gritting my teeth and making the best of it. 

I'm kind of a nervous ball of energy today; Alec has his SkillsUSA contest and while I've been trying so hard to act normal around him so I don't add to his own nerves and expectations it's so hard not knowing how his day is going.  I can't wait to pick him up around 8 tonight and hear all about it!!  

Hopefully he's awake enough to talk about his day on the drive home (we had to get up at 3:45! to be at the school for 4:45-- we have a 30 minute drive). 

Seeing old friends!  It was in the 70's on Friday so Evan and I had plans to meet up with friends of ours for a hike and picnic.  We hadn't seen them since last summer and it was great catching up with one another. While her son is really close with my younger two he is actually Ian's age and looking at graduating from homeschooling and heading off to college.  It's sad to think we won't be hiking together next year but I am determined to keep in touch with them!!  The mom and I were reminiscing about when we all first met at a homeschooling engineering class at the Providence Children's Museum in 2016... who knew we'd be such close friends 6 years later? 

Throwback photo:

My younger two boys with their new friend (and engineering class teacher) at the museum 2016

Evan and his friend now... my how they've grown! 

I love productive mornings in the kitchen! Saturday morning I made up a huge tossed salad and prepped dinner in the crock pot (we were having pulled pork), I also washed and cut the green beans, made a custless quiche for the week, and whipped up 2 loaves of chocolate chip banana bread for my husband and oldest son (they're the only ones that eat it)-- all that before 10 am when I took Alec to karate. 

Sunday we dragged the younger two boys on a 2 hour hike through the woods and checked out a ravine we had never seen before.  After that my mother in law came over for dinner again and we played cards and ate some chocolate chip cookies. 

Monday was so busy but a definite favorite from the day was the fact that Evan did almost all his schoolwork on his own while I was gone getting new tires for the car.  That meant that by 11 we were still ready to head out on a hike.  We went to check out the new bridge they built at the dam that now connects the two sides and I can not wait to go back and hike the whole loop (but it would probably take several hours!). 

Alec started track & field again this week and my mom and I managed to meet up at the school twice to walk around the cemetery next door while Alec practices.  It's been wonderful to see her more regularly again.

Can you see the yellow javelin?  

I painted my nails a pretty light blue with some darker blue glitter and pulled out all my ripped jeans from my spring storage bins.  It's been pretty cold but I've been wearing them all anyway!  I also pulled out some of my more spring like sweaters and tops and have been trying to make them work as well.  I am just over winter clothes and would rather be cold. 😄

I bought myself some pretty flowers at the grocery store.  Those always put a smile on my face.

 I made a card and finished up some scrapbooking pages this week too. Finding time to craft is always a favorite-- especially when I like how the projects are turning out.

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. Oh Praying for Alec on his SkillsUSA. Your nails remind me of robins egg blue. So pretty. Eek on the snake. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you!! I saw 3 snakes on that one hike... loudest hike ever as each time they scared me enough that I cried out a bit. I don't love snakes, but I don't mind them as long as I don't nearly step on them!

  2. Oh yes- doesn't spring just give you more energy? Love all of your outdoor time and flowers and those nails are perfect for Easter- good luck to your sweet boy and keep us posted!

  3. Happy spring!! Love the nails and cute outfits. No thank you on that snake!!!

  4. Hope Alec's contest goes well. The snake is freaky!

  5. good luck to Alec. Your nails turned out so cute.

  6. Love that nail color girl! Happy spring.


  7. Gorgeous pictures as always! Best of luck to Alec.

  8. I need to buy myself flowers. I say I'm going to do it - & then dont.
    I love your nails - giving me all the bird egg blue feels

    1. OH yes, you really should. I often nab a cheap $10-15 bouquet from the grocery store and have had some of them last 2 weeks!

  9. What a gorgeous flowers! They do make a difference don't they! Enjoy your weekend.

  10. The weather has been lovely here too. Vest tops and 3/4 length trousers for me today.
    I hope Alec's contest has gone well. How lovely to catch up with old friends. They really have grown.

    1. Oh, it's not that warm here but I was able to hike again today without a coat!

  11. I can almost feel the spring energy in your pics - & your words. I hope your son went well in his test & love love love that blue, green & white jumper. Have a lovely week.

    1. I can not wait to hear how his baking competition went though he did text me to tell me he was done all of his projects for the day and would definitely do it again if he got the chance next year so I am thrilled.

  12. Spring is a wonderful time to get out for hiking and other outdoor fun activities. Great nails, too!!!

  13. Gosh, you pour so much into your week...I always feel like slouch after reading your blog! But, I so enjoy all of the photos! Have a fabulous weekend, Joanne!

    1. Thank you! That is such a lovely compliment.

  14. What a great and productive week you've had. Good to see signs of spring in your landscape photos. I hope Alec's contest went well. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. He came home all smiles and loaded down with baked goods so I'm happy with that but he won't have the results of his contest until next Friday. Thank you.

  15. Now that's a good week Joanne. Don't you love it when the weather warms up that way??
    And it always feels so good to have productive days.
    That's so great you get to walk with your mom those days.

    1. I love the warm weather but I'm kind of dreading this coming week.. weather back into the 20's! Yikes.

  16. SUCH a great post of positivity and SPRING in the air. I am back doing my link up every 2nd WEEK now, as a month gap was too long. So letting you know....and it's back this Monday 28.3.2022. Denyse #weekendcoffeeshare

    1. Oh wonderful! I'll be sure to check back in on Monday where I plan to share the books on my spring want to read list.

  17. I hope Alec did well at SkillsUSA! Love your nail polish color - it's a perfect spring color! Your hikes look wonderful and I can't imagine how beautiful all that scenery will look once things start turning green! Have a great weekend!

    1. I can not wait to see things start to turn green again. I hope he did well too but we'll see...

  18. You had a productive week. I hope his contest went good. I had never heard of that so looked it up. Your photos of your hikes are always so awesome. It makes me want to come hike with you. I was just thinking today about wanting to do some kind of spring color on my nails. I love chocolate chip banana bread.

    1. We had never heard of it either; while my son is going to the same school my husband went to they didn't participate in SkillsUSA back then.

  19. Hope Alec's day went well! So fun that you all still find new places on your hikes. The flowers are so pretty and do just cheer up a room!

    1. He had a great time! I love that after all these years we still manage to find new places to hike.

  20. "I am just over winter clothes and would rather be cold." haha that's the stage I'm getting to myself! Love your nails! :)


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