10 on the 10th; Questions About Spring

 For this month's 10 on the 10th's questions, I picked and choose which questions (and parts of questions) to answer since many of them seemed to duplicate other questions I've answered quite recently.  I do love spring though and I am so excited that spring is near.  

1. My favorite things about spring include the warm weather and seeing the sunshine more often.  I love watching the new growth and buds on the trees.  Everything starts to look green again and the snow and ice melt away for a few seasons.  I love hearing the birds chirping and spending long days outside.  In short I love just about everything about spring!  

2. My favorite shoes are my flip flops and I'll wear them just as soon as it warms up enough that I don't have to worry about snow and ice anymore and I pretty much wear them right through until the first frost or snowfall in late fall. 

3.  My shirt would say "Kiss me, I'm English" as my grandfather easily traced our ancestry back to the Mayflower.  

4. My favorite spring bouquet would be filled with tulips and lilacs.  

I know this isn't really tulips and lilacs but it's the closest photo I could find online on Pixabay

5.  I don't really do much spring cleaning.  I do tend to wash windows and I pack away our winter gear but that's about it.  I tend to clean rooms of the house throughout the year and don't feel the need to do a deep spring cleaning like I can remember my grandmother doing. 

6. I know I had several slinkies and played with silly putty a lot.  My boys and I used to make our own silly putty and play doh and all sorts of slime and things.  I guess I'd have to say my favorite toy from childhood was probably my Barbie dolls.  I had a lot of them and could spend hours dressing them and doing their hair. 

7. I don't see myself wearing canary yellow or hot pink but I am looking forward to seeing more lilac and light blue in the stores. 

8. I hope to get in an extra hour of hiking we spring forward; but that will really depend on the weather. 

9. I've just recently started thinking about a spring reading list. I made up a winter bucket list for reading and did really well at sticking to it.  I will definitely be reading 2 books that I've had in my nightstand for a few months: The Paper Garden & A Place for us.   These flowery themes are just perfect for spring!

10. I'm not usually one to like any sort of change (other than the change of seasons) so this quote about remembering that change can be beautiful is just perfect for me. 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud,


  1. That's some amazing slime you made!

    1. Thanks! We made little cups for all their friends for one of the boys' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle parties.

  2. Interesting questions and answers about spring. This bird picture is beautiful. Spring is all about nice weather...

    1. Thank you! I took that bird photo a few years ago and just loved that he seemed to pose for me.

  3. Good idea on flowery covers for spring reading! I was trying to figure out what makes a book feel springy to me! It's snowing here today in any case.

    1. Yeah, we had snow yesterday and woke to a nice covering this morning. Luckily, it's supposed to warm back up to near 50 so it should melt soon.

  4. Tulips are my favorite! They are just the perfect flower to me!

    1. My wedding bouquet was an armful of white tulips.

  5. That is a pretty silly putty. So festive. Those are beautiful flower. I can't wait for the flowers to bloom!

  6. Tulips and lilacs - so a pretty combination! I've noticed several tulip fans while reading blogs today:)

  7. I am excited for the trees to be full of leaves and birds again! The flowers at the market smelled amazing today!

  8. I like your bouquet, too, Joanne! I'm impressed you had ancestors on the Mayflower. I'd love to hear that story!

    Thanks for linking up!


    1. I don't much other that they were John and Pricilla Alden and they were my 9th great grandparents.

  9. Phew all that slime! You are a good mama doing that!

    I can't wait for spring hikes either!!

    1. Thank you! I enjoyed making slime with my boys-- we always tried to mix it up too with different colors or glitter or scent.

  10. I love this time of year and it feels like spring is almost here. The days are getting longer and the weather warmer.
    Tulips are my favourite too x

    1. It definitely feels like the day are getting longer and I am loving it.

  11. Pinned those beautiful book covers for future reference with the book club. I do judge books by their covers. If they have truly awful cover art, I won't give them a second look.

    I remember seeing you in flipflops in warmer weather. My feet get so dry when I wear them much at all that I tend to wear tennies more often in spring and summer. And flipflops only to the beach.

    Wish we could have played a round of Barbies together. Did you ever have the Barbie who was bald and came with a couple of wigs? She was my 'Ken.' I have made some slime with my grandkids. Most lately slime with glitter in it and fragrance.

    We had a very unexpected snow this morning. Flurries were in the forecast, but we got about 2 inches. And then by mid-afternoon, it was gone and the birds were back out chirping. While I have never been a bird fan, during Covid we had some unusual birds show up and they became the highlight of some of my days. Putting out food for them now.

    1. I judge books by their cover too! I never heard of a bald barbie that came with wigs! I had a Ken doll though he was almost always ignored as his clothes weren't nearly as fun and with his plastic hair I couldn't do anything with it.


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