Sentence a Day in January 2022

We had a pretty low key month of fun with lots of extra time at home.  It's been a cold and snowy month but we still managed to get out for quite a few hikes and walks.  Ian started college full time and the younger two boys continued making great progress in their work as well. 

1. A rainy day where we worked on urethanining the basement countertop, picking out a new sink and faucet for the area, and playing cornhole as a family. 

 2. After returning the sink (that didn't fit!) and getting groceries my husband and I decided to head out on a nice long hike.  We hiked for just over 2 hours all through Buck Hill. 

3. It was a rainy, cold day and after dropping Alec off at school I relished our return to a routine.  Evan and I worked on schooling with Ian prepping for his college Algebra course with a bit of review.  

4. The sun was shining and it was COLD but Evan and I decided to skip school anyway and head to Blackstone Valley for some shopping. I had some Christmas returns, we popped into Target, Barnes and Noble, The Paper Store, and Yankee Candle.  We picked up Panera on our way home and enjoyed a delicious lunch.  Alec had his first driver's education course after dinner. 

5. It poured all day and other than bringing Alec to karate I mostly worked on cleaning the whole house.  

6. It warmed up into the 30's today so Evan and I elected to finish schooling early and head out on a hike before the snow and real cold temps moved into our area.  

7. Alec's school had warned us Thursday night that today was going to be a snow day so I planned on letting Evan have it off too and instead spent the day working on cards and scrapbooking pages and baking up some banana bread.  

8. Alec elected to skip karate since he went on Wednesday instead and I spent my morning working on my diamond painting (I really hope this Christmas scene will be finished soon!), my blog, and my scrapbooking before heading out grocery shopping after dinner. Ian and my husband spent the day building new wood racks for our basement. 

9.  It rained off and on most of the day Sunday so we stuck close to home.  We filled the new wood racks and got the woodstove going in preparation for the freezing cold temperatures that were predicted for the week. 

10. After working with Evan on schooling and getting the upstairs cleaned, I worked on my diamond painting for a bit before stopping in to see my mother for a belated birthday visit.  She was excited to begin reading the books I had picked out for her and she was nice enough to share one of her Godiva truffles with me. 

11. It was a super cold day and I made sure to keep the woodstove going all day.  My mother in law stopped by in the afternoon and we played a few rounds of Rummikub before I had to leave to pick Alec up from school. 

12. Another cold day where I spent most of my time working on my diamond painting. 

13.  I finally finished my diamond painting and it warmed up enough for Evan and I to go on a hike after lunch. 

14. Ian, Evan, and I met up with our hiking group to hike around the Thompson Dam on Friday for a good hour and 15 minutes.  After school Alec whipped up a cheesecake for his party this weekend. 

15. I played chauffer all day shuttling Alec to karate and then back and forth to a birthday party for one of his school friends. 

16.  We were having an early birthday celebration for Alec with his grandparents. We spent our day cleaning house.  Alec had made a delicious strawberry cheesecake for his party and we kept it real simple with take out pizza.  He had a lot of fun making strawberry whipped cream with his new whipped cream maker too!

17. The boys and I slept in since there was no school on Monday and with a bit of snow and rain off and on all day I was happy to stay inside reading and blogging.  Ian did go out plowing to try and move the inch or so of slush off the road and driveways before it would freeze and Alec headed out to lunch with his grandmother. 

18. Evan and I decided to watch The Truman Show as part of his psychology lesson for school after finishing up his schoolwork.  

19.  Evan and I headed out on a hour hike after finishing up his schoolwork for the day.  

20.  Alec had a 2 hour delay so we had a nice slow start to our morning. 

21.  We had our hiking friends over for the morning just to hang out since it was much too cold to go hiking.  They brought some yummy, still warm coffee cake to share and all the boys went off to play video games.

22.  Alec got his learner's permit so he can finally start his practice driving to go along with this driver's ed. classes.  The whole family headed out to lunch at the Golden Greek to celebrate.  In the afternoon my husband, Evan, my mother in law, and I went on a nice walk/hike across the ice and through the woods. 

23.  After a quick trip to Lowe's my husband and Ian worked on installing our basement countertop and sink while Alec and I whipped up a few batches of homemade pasta (both a regular and a whole wheat version). 

24. Ian started his first day of classes and worked on trying to get ahead on assignments already.  Evan and I finished up schooling early and then after lunch we all played Rummikub with my mother- in- law before I headed out to the doctor's office for my check up.  

25. Evan and I decided to skip school and head to Moore State park for a nice long hike instead. It had snowed overnight and we had a few inches of new powder that we hike through.  Alec drove a bit after school with me; he was so nervous! 

26.  I spent my morning grocery shopping, cooking/chopping food for the week, and cleaning up the kitchen while still helping Evan with his schooling.  

27.  Ian has class in the building on Thursdays so with just Evan and I home we flew through his schoolwork and then spent the rest of the morning cleaning the upstairs.  I picked up some treats at Target and some books from the library. 

28. We hiked for nearly 2 hours with our friends and then headed out to a fabulous lunch at the Railside Tavern. 

29. We woke to a blizzard raging outside so I decided to make lots of comfort foods-- chicken soup in the crock pot, fresh bread, chocolate chip cookies.  I spent my afternoon watching movies and reading a book in front of the fireplace.  

30.  We woke to sunny skies and about 2 feet of snow (maybe? It's hard to tell with nor'easters as these snow storms come with high winds so we have some spots where snow it over 3 feet and other parts that are completely bare).  We worked on cleaning up the the yard and then my husband and I went snowshoeing with his mother, Ian, & Evan.  My husband and I dropped Alec off at a make-up driver's ed class and headed out to dinner at the Black Dog. It was a wonderful date night!  

Our snowshoed packed down the trail by about 1/2 by the time the last one of us walked through.

31.  I had great plans to get out and snowshoe again today but when the temps start at -11 it takes a while for them to warm up!  I did have a mammogram appointment in the morning and stopped to pick up a new book on CD at the library. 

How was your month?

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. The table is just beautiful and I know the pasta was a lot of work but it looks amazing!

    1. It was delicious and a huge hit with everyone... just not something we'd make every week.

  2. The counter looks amazing! And baking is the BEST way to spend a snow day. I hate ice (to walk on) but you make it look so beautiful in all your photos.

    1. It really is the best way to spend a snow day!

  3. I cannot believe how much snow y'all got. I wouldn't even know what to do with that! Two inches shuts everything down here in Georgia. Haha!

    1. Yep, lots! And it really only slow us down while the storm is raging.

  4. I’m loving all the snow you receiving.

  5. I love the counter your husband made and worked on. It's fun baking on a snowy day. I bet that homemade pasta was delicious tasting. I enjoyed looking at all of those beautiful snow scenes. Have a nice day Joanne.

    1. Thank you! I love how that whole area of the basement is turning out. He's been working so long and so hard on it.

  6. All that ice is just beautiful!!!!!
    That countertop is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGG
    That Diamond painting... I just want to run my hands over it

  7. I know I've said it before but that countertop is super fabulous. What a snowy month...EEk. Let's just say I don't miss that,

  8. I love how you just go on about your business with several inches of snow! We are about to get several inches, and you'd think people have completely forgotten about how to deal with snow! Those chocolate chip cookies look delicious! And, what fun your boys are having as they each grow into their own!

    1. LOL; it really is like old hat here! I was so grateful we didn't have our power wiped out like they were predicting.

  9. You had a great month! The Truman Show is great for psychology lessons!!

    1. Thanks! We thought so too; we've also started watching Brain Games on Disney+.

  10. Such beautiful pictures where you hike. Your month sounds so busy but it seems like you have a lot of fun. Hope your February is great.

  11. The weather has been terrible here too, thankfully we've had no snow, it's just been cold with lots of wind. I can't wait for the summer. lol The countertop in the basement looks amazing! Well worth all the work.

  12. Those countertops are beautiful! I love all the snowy pictures too, you really live in such a pretty place. And all the food photos are making my mouth water. Congrats to Alec on his learner's permit!

    1. Thank you! He's so nervous to actually drive but I know he'll get the hang of it.

  13. I still can't get over your beautiful counter top.

  14. So many great photos here. Love all the snow photos, we only had snow a few hours so far this winter. You counter top is amazing, love it :)

  15. Wow, that was a lot of snow. The diamond painting is interesting & so are all those unique forms of ice. Yum, strawberry cheesecake. Cute socks. careful walking at the ice...eeekkkkkkk. The basement kitchen looks like it's coming right along. Karen

    1. It was a lot of snow but it's raining today so a lot of it has already melted. I hate walking on the ice; I know it was plenty thick enough but I am always so afraid of falling.

  16. Wow that snow! So pretty but I'm not sure I'd cope with so much cold weather! That strawberry cheesecake looks amazing - how lucky to have such a keen cook in the family.

    1. It is wonderful to have another set of willingly helpful hands in the kitchen (really, he just takes over and I'm FINE with that!).

  17. Oh, Joanne, I just love your Sentence a Day posts for the beautiful photos, the delicious pictures of food, the family fun. That was some kind of snowstorm. Wow. Those poor birds just huddled up there near the window. Are those sweet potato fries and is that a seafood salad sandwich? Can you tell I am hungry?? Living vicariously through your photos!!

    The countertop and cabinets are so pretty. Love the dark and light wood together. Your homemade pasta reminds me of some delicious meals my aunt made years ago. Chicken and noodles. Chicken and dumplings. Oh, to have a plate again!!

    Congrats to the new driver.

  18. The month of every changing weather. Started off lovely. Then wet, then some snow....and then the blizzard. You just never know what a month holds in store! It was fun having a look back at your month. Here's to a Feburary that is just as productive and fun!

    1. Oh yes! That is always the way our weather sems to go.


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