Prime Purchases in February

 We didn't buy all that much on Amazon this month.  I did buy a bit of food for Alec's school's food drive but other than that we bought 7 items.   I'm slowly getting away from buying things on Amazon as I read more and more about their business practices (Ian had a paper for economics and picked Amazon as his focus and wow... not good! But is is so hard to resist the convenience). 

I bought some ice and snow grips to go over my shoes for hiking as well as a hiking first aid kit (it's small and lightweight and fits nicely in my pack). 

   Alec has a huge supply list for his SkillsUSA competition and so far we purchased the small notepad he needs to fit in his chef's coat pocket (I bought a set of them since I like having one in my car and purse too) and the flower nails he needs for decorating. 

He's already put the nails to good use!

Ian and I both needed a few crafting items.  He purchased some clear display cases for his model cars and trucks and I bought some poly-fil for making Alec's shirt pillow.

It took nearly the entire bag to fill this shirt pillow

Lastly I bought myself this fitness tracker since my old one died (and hadn't seen the light of day in years!) but with step being my word of the year I thought it might be a good idea to start tracking my steps. 

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  1. Those icing flowers are amazing. That first aid kit is perfect for your hikes.

  2. I have read about the way Amazon does business and it's not great.
    Great buys. The ice and snow grips are something you certainly need with the weather you've been having. x

    1. Yeah they are really quite sneaky and from what I understand so far your country does a much better job keeping them in line.

  3. Some great purchases! The frosting flowers are amazing!

  4. I hardly bought anything again this month. You got some useful things!

    1. That's actually a good thing! We're hoping to buy nothing at all on Amazon for the next month.

  5. Your son made the prettiest flowers. I use that polly fill too for my crochet projects.

    1. Aw, thank you! He's working so hard to perfect them.

  6. I love a good fitness tracker. I always say, if its not documented on a watch, did you REALLY step? LOL

    1. LOL. That is too funny. I rarely track steps but do keep my stopwatch app going as we hike so I know how long we're active each week.

  7. I also buy elsewhere as much as I can but sometimes convenience and quickness wins and I find both via

    1. It really is so quick and so convenient. We don't live near a lot of stores either so if I'm looking for something specific it can take a long time to find it shopping the traditional way.

  8. I have been toying with the idea of getting a fitness tracker so I can push myself to get 10k steps a day, I should check this one out!
    Those flowers look great too - what talent!

  9. Great finds this month. I know what you mean about the Amazon purchases. I have been trying to purchase more in stores (even if they are big box stores) because I figure it supports local employees. But sometimes Amazon is the only way to go for the more obscure items. Thanks so much for linking up!

  10. These are some great finds this month! We didn't buy much this month because Amazon temporarily suspended our ability to ship to APOs...but I did just order some new silicon rings for hiking!

    1. I just had to google those rings; I had zero ideas what they were! LOL. I guess I'm not a "true hiker" yet. :)

  11. I love that shirt pillow. What a brilliant idea,

  12. Some very practical purchases! Visiting you from the hello monday link up.

  13. I would love to know more about that paper - and what he learned. I want to get away from Amazon - but apparently I just need that extra nudge. Some "facts of the matter" would be a help. That said, I really need (uh, want) to order those snow grips for my son - and hiking in Alaska!

    1. Yes, I bet they would be real handy in Alaska! We spent hours Googling versions of the phrase "Is Amazon a Monopoly?" and while they technically are not (yet!) they have some practices that are very shady. They'll undercut the best selling prices on their website of their 3rd party sellers and 3rd party sellers are not allowed to sell under any other conglomeration on the web. They wanted to buy out a diaper company who refused so they kept dropping the prices (at a few million loss to them) until the company was forced to sell or risk going out of business entirely-- things like that. I'm sure plenty of other corporations do the same thing but one article pointed out that Amazon get's $1 out of every $2 Americans spend online.

    2. Wow - thanks for sharing. I'm going to do some goggling myself. Appreciate the heads-up -

  14. I don't have Prime so I'm very rarely tempted to buy anything from Amazon. My husband, on the other hand, would find something every day, but he messed up his Prime membership and can't rejoin! Saves on the budget!

    1. LOL. My mother in law buys us a Prime Membership (or renews it) each Christmas because I really did rely on it so much when I had 3 boys under age 6 underfoot. Now it's just habit and so much easier than shlepping out to our nearest stores (which aren't all that near).

  15. I never bought at Amazon but the fitness tracker sounds like a good plan.

    1. We'll see; today is my first day wearing it.

  16. Those flower nails are so practical and I can see he is so good at making the icing flowers! Good luck with Skills USA! My son competed as part of computer science/programming and made it to State, sadly the State competition was then cancelled due to Covid in Spring of 2020 :(
    I can imagine those snow grips for the boots are so practical!!

    1. Bummer! This is the first year that culinary/baking has been able to compete since 2020 because of the pandemic and being all virtual only certain fields could participate. That is wonderful that your son made it to the state competition.

  17. I enjoy hiking in the snow, but we're approaching flip flop weather here and I like that better : ) Enjoy your week!

    1. Oh I can not wait for flip flop weather!!

  18. Fun purchases ! Those icing flowers look so intricate!

    1. Thank you! He's been practicing them so hard.


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