Monthly Musings- February 2022

 I almost didn't join in with Holly and Patty this month because I found these questions to be rather hard!  We're still very much in the middle of winter and while I want to think of spring I know it's going to  be several more weeks before I'll be transitioning anything into spring.  I like my photos of be full of photos and didn't think I'd have many to add to this post but I was pleasantly surprised by all the old photos I found on my blog. 

1.  Favorite spring pieces in your wardrobe? This green shirt; I love the material and the bell sleeves but it's long sleeved and warm enough for those cooler spring days.

2. Favorite colors to wear in spring? I tend to wear all shades of blue and green a lot once spring arrives.  

3. How do you transition your wardrobe from winter to spring? So painfully slow... I tend to swap out the really heavy weight sweaters and sweatshirts for lighter weight ones and pack away turtlenecks in favor of just regular long sleeved shirts.  Lastly I'll pull out capri pants and pack away my fleece lined winter clothes.  However, I do tend to break out my flip flops once the snow and ice are gone regardless of how warm or cool it is!

early spring

late spring

4. favorite accessories for spring?  I start wearing more bracelets in the spring and try to make sure my nails are always looking pretty.

5. Do you change handbags in the spring? I change handbags whenever throughout the year. I own a bunch of Vera Bradley ones in a variety of colors and sizes so I tend to pull out whatever one matches what I'm wearing or the size I need for the activity I'm doing. 

6. Best tips for off season storage? I like to story any off season clothes in clear bins so I can see what is inside them.  I also tend to keep tops together in one, bottoms in another, etc. so it makes it easy if I'm looking for a particular piece later on. 

7. Best tips for editing your wardrobe? If you don't love it don't keep it!  

8. What color just says spring to you? Pinks and purples!

9. Best basic spring transition outfit? Something like this-- jeans, a lightweight top, a cardigan and if I'm really lucky with the weather some flip flops (if not loafers).  

10. Do you have a favorite spring fragrance?  I wear sunflowers year round. Though I rarely think to put any fragrance on at all. It's more of a date night or a dressing up thing for me. 

linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. Ok blue and green are definitely your colors- I am obsessed with all of those tops on you and want them- ha! Keeping the faith- spring is on the way!

  2. I am so glad you joined us today. I live that green blouse and your nails!


  3. I had to skip because I'm just not that into fashion!

  4. I love all of your pretty outfits and I can't wait for spring. I like how you organize your clothes in the clear bins.

  5. It is hard to think about spring when it is still so cold out. I love your spring outfits. x

  6. I love when I can finally break out my flip flops & sandals... &I will live in them till fall!!!!

    1. Yes! I typically wear mine right up until the first snowfall (or it feels cold enough to snow).

  7. I bet your transition from winter to spring clothes is slow since it stays cold up there for so long. Meanwhile, down here we're flipping back and forth from shorts and flip flops to sweaters and boots several times per week. Lol.

    1. Yep! Very slow. But I am always fooled by early spring and start packing away all the winter gear and then and scrambling around for our gear when we get one last winter storm or cold snap.

  8. Yes to bracelets! When your wrists are free from layers, jackets, and mittens!
    That photo of Sunflowers took me back! I used to wear that scent.

    1. Exactly! Once my wrists are seen it's fun to adorn them with bracelets.

      I started wearing Sunflowers in high school and I've tried to switch a few times but my husband associates that scent with me (since we started dating in high school) and resists every time I start wearing something new.

  9. I am ready for spring after yesterday's warmth!

    1. Me too! This time of year I really start craving that sunshine and warm weather.

  10. I really struggle with that transition into spring clothes!

    1. I find I end up being a bit cold often since I tend to rush that transition but somehow I'm more willing to suffer when I know that warm weather is on it's way.

  11. Love your choice of outfits Joanne, you look fab in them all. I'm so ready for spring. :)


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