January's Prime Purchases 2022

 I actually bought quite a bit on Amazon in January.  Two of my boys had head colds to start off the year and I couldn't find the medicine they needed locally so I ordered it with 2 day shipping.  We also stocked up on pantry items, bought a few things to get Ian's car model painting section all set up, and had a small mouse problem where I was buying mouse traps & bait too.  If anyone wants more specifics on those items I can provide them but for today's post I concentrated on some of the more fun purchases we made. 

1. This hair straightener is fantastic!  Just a few minutes and I have straight manageable hair with no flyaways. 

2. We bought some of the N2O chargers for Alec's new whipped cream maker-- he had a lot of fun making fresh strawberry whipped cream at his birthday party.

3 &4. I bought myself a fun new Valentine's day sweater and a few pairs of fleece lined leggings. 



5. Ian needed a graphing calculator for his math class.

6.  Ian also needed a nice bright lamp for his crafting table and picked this one

7. I ordered a new mop/broom organizer for our laundry room; the next room I plan on tackling.  

8. Our birdfeeder fell off the window and broke so I found this replacement; Alec used to have this same feeder and it lasted through several falls and for quite a few years. 

9. I love the Dionis brand of lotion and one of my favorite scents is the Caramel Pumpkin Spice and I ordered myself a replacement jar this month.

10. I needed a frame for my diamond painting that I finished up this month; a frame with the exact measurements didn't exist but this one came pretty close and I was able to make it work.

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. We have the same Valentine sweater- yeah! That was a great find!

    1. I am loving it! (and seeing it all over this year too).

  2. You know I love your heart sweaters! That brand of lotion is one of my favorites especially the pumpkin ones!

  3. I love the idea of a whipped cream maker. Beating and beating cream is a pain and I love whipped cream. #MMBC

    1. This makes fresh whipped cream so easy (though I found the instructions a bit lacking at first but once we used it once it really is quite easy).

  4. I love both of your Valentines jumpers! Very cute. The whipped cream make looks a lot of fun too.

  5. So many great finds. I'm really trying to NOT spend money on Amazon as much this year. It's so hard though. They have all the things you never thought you needed.

  6. I'm so happy I found your blog on Linda's link-up! I loved seeing your purchases, especially the leggings. I have been wanting to purchase some, so I am going to check these out. God bless you with a wonderful week!

  7. I'm really interested in getting a bird feeder. You got some fun things!

  8. I have a mop and broom organizer almost identical to that one and it is THE BEST THING. You will love it! And that graphing calculator is bringing back terrible memories. Haha. I haaaated math and I always dreaded having to use those things!

    1. Right?! I still have my old graphing calculator and was so bummed we had the next model down (that he couldn't use). I hope his teacher goes over how to use it in good detail because I really don't want anything to do with it. LOL.

  9. Ohh! Prime does come in very handy of you can't find things local to you and very helpful when it's things like medicine.
    I got a very similar hair straightening brush for Christmas, it really is fantastic and I love your heart sweaters!

  10. We have a window bird feeder we bought on Amazon and now our yard has become the IT place for birds this winter. LOL

    1. Yes! We had a good dozen birds fighting over it this week; with nearly 2 feet of snow on the ground they have been swamping our feeder (and in fact have eaten all the birdseed I had on hand).

  11. I like the sweater and the leggings you bought. Enjoy everything.

  12. I love your heart sweaters! I'd be curious to know your thoughts on the fleece lined leggings. They keep popping up as ads for me and I'm curious!

  13. I've been needing one of those broom organizers!!!

    1. We have an old one in a different style and most of the holders have broken. I can't wait to get my husband (or son!) to put it up for me.

  14. Lots of fun things here, Joanne! I need to do some organizing, too!


    1. I always feel like something needs to be organized.

  15. I love that diamond painting. I need to give that a try sometime. Thanks so much for linking up!

  16. Oh, the fleece lined leggings are the best thing since sliced bread. I bet you're surprised a woman in AZ would say that. But most leggings are just SO thin, and it's chilly here in the mornings. And I adore the sweater too Joanne,

    1. They are so soft and cozy! (but not warm enough to wear in place of ski pants... I tried that this weekend and it was not a great idea- LOL).

  17. I like the Valentine's Day sweater. And fleece-lined leggings sound like a wonderful idea this time of year! Visiting from Spread the Kindness link-up.

  18. I have that same broom holder....and ever since I redid the laundry room it's just been laying on the dryer haha. Need to get to that! And I bought that same light for my son for his desk at college....it's back at my house still in the box lol.

    1. LOL. I haven't put mine up yet either and my son has yet to use his lamp!

  19. Your hair looks great! I love that white and red heart sweater! It made me giggle to see that graphing calendars haven’t really changed since I was in high school. Thanks for linking up!

    1. I was really surprised they even still made them!

  20. that soap sounds heavenly. I love the two sweaters that you got from Amazon. Your hair looks great. I wanted to get one of those, but my hair dresser said I have too fine hair to get one. I am bummed.

    1. Thank you! I have fine hair but a lot of it (if that makes any sense... each hair itself is fine but I have lots of follicles)... though I never did think to ask my hair dresser about it.

  21. I really love that heart sweater. It's so cute and I've been debating adding to an Amazon order.

    1. It's nice and warm too. I find so many of the sweaters I find on Amazon are think and more like a spring sweater than a winter weight.

  22. You diamond painting is adorable. That will be a keepsake for Christmases to come and the frame is the perfect final touch. Now you need to do 2 more so each son will have one for his family in the future.

    Love love love the Valentine's looks. You look great in those leggings. Was thinking of breaking mine out today but scared to death they are too tight. Maybe if I use butter to grease up my thighs and behind??

    1. LOL! I actually wear my leggings when my jeans feel too tight (since I always buy leggings one size larger).

  23. You found some great things. I especially like the Valentine's sweaters!! I just donated one of those calculators!

    1. Thank you! I still had my old graphing calculator but he had to have one specific model and mine was not the same.


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