Photos of the Week: December 18th

 Another fun week of prompts! I am pretty proud of myself that only photo this week was taken using my phone camera and the rest were taken with my Nikon.  I just had to snap a photo of the sunrise and all it's pretty colors and the phone was the only thing I had in the car with me.  

– color: pink-- We have had such beautiful sunrises in all shades of pink and red, purple and yellow this week.

– package-- All our packages.. tied up with "string". 

– starts with S---- The swamp near where we were hiking.

– the end-- The end of the waterfall was a bit of a disappointment; it was so small for the noise it was making.  

– your choice

Linking up with:


  1. The sky is so gorgeous! What great wrapping skills you have, too!

    1. Thank you! My grandmother taught me to wrap gifts and I really enjoy it (as long as it's a nice square or rectangle box).

  2. These are fantastic photos. The sunrise is just beautiful, the colours really are so pretty. x

  3. What a breathtaking sunrise, dear Joanne! And your packages look very loving. I wish you and your loved ones cozy Christmas days and a pleasant change into a hopefully great New Year!
    All the best, Traude ✨🕯️❣️

  4. Wow that sky is stunning! Fab photos again Joanne. Have a lovely Christmas. :)

  5. A wonderful painted sky! I love your choice too of the winter creek. CarolG

  6. I love your capture of the layers of sky in pink. Gorgeous! #MMBC

  7. That first picture is PERFECTION. The clouds, the colors. Just gorgeous.

  8. All very beautiful photos - even the swamp is pretty!

  9. Grabbing the phone to capture that sky was a great idea. What a great way to end the Monday Link Up Life This Week with your post! Thanks so much for joining in and I look forward to starting 2022 Life This Week on Monday 3 January 2022. Warm wishes and stay well! Denyse.

  10. Oh I love the sunrise and the 'your choice' photo. Very nice!


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