My Holiday Look with Ageless Style

This month's theme "A Holiday Look" was chosen by Carrie from A Simple Lovely Life.  Most years I don't wear anything special for the holidays as both my family and my husband's family are extremely casual.  But my husband's new job held a Christmas party where spouses were invited and while I knew I didn't need to get all that fancy, I wanted to wear something more holiday oriented. 

I ordered some burgundy velvet leggings and a few different black tops from Amazon and finally pulled a look together at the last minute that was both comfortable and stylish.  I love how soft the off the shoulder velvet sweater is! 

Sweater here/ pants here

My poor son struggled to get good photos of this outfit!  This time of year we really struggle with lighting.  Taking photos outside washed me right out but inside we lost a bit of the outfit definition.  

Hopefully you get the gist though.  I paired my black velvet off the shoulder sweater with my burgundy velvet leggings and a pair of black boots. 

I found the open shoulder and high neck made most of my necklaces fall funny so I decided to just wear some chunky gold earrings and my favorite rings. 

I can't wait to see what everyone else will be wearing this holiday season!  Do you dress up at all for the holidays?

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits

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Bo ~ Bo's Bodacious Blog

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Carrie ~ A Simple Lovely Life

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Daenel ~ Living Outside the Stacks

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Joanne ~ My Slice of Life


Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style

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Leslie ~ Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After

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Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle

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Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom

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Robin ~ Hello I am 50ish

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Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, Your Own Twist,


  1. Joanne, these velvet leggings are adorable! And that top is so fun and funky. This outfit looks so great on you! As for indoor photos, I have this floor lamp with a bendy neck that I move all around my house for indoor photos. If I shine it directly at myself, the indoor photos are so much better. This darn lamp doesn't even have a permanent place in my house. It just gets shoved into the back of a closet until I need lighting for indoor photos. Haha. But definitely worth it because it makes a world of difference!


    1. I've been debating about buying some sort of photo light for use in the winter.

  2. I may have to get a pair of those leggings! How do they fit? I bought a similar top but not velvet. It will make its appearance next month!

    1. I sized up and I am glad I did. They are very comfy though.

  3. I love this holiday outfit Joanne. Yes, it's stylish but comfy. I hope you had a good time at the party.

    1. Thank you! I had a great time at the party. I only knew my husband and his boss but everyone was very nice.

  4. What a nice top with that shoulder design! I went to pull one of my Christmas shirts out of the spare closest to wear out to dinner the other night, and I forgot that I barricaded the closet in when I was moving things around. Oops! Haha! I'm thinking they will not see the light of December.


  5. Looking great. I love your outfit especially those leggings. Very festive x

  6. I love those velvet leggings! They are perfect for the holidays. You look great, lady!

  7. what a cute holiday look. I love the leggings.

  8. You look great! We dress up for Christmas dinner and I will be wearing black and burgundy. It's a great colour combination.

  9. Your son did really well with the photos! Because I find black clothing is always the hardest to photograph, inside as well as outside!
    What a beautiful color choice for the leggings! I find burgundy to be such a pretty color for the holidays! And they look fabulous paired with the black sweater! I' m hoping to wear my burgundy floral blouse to my daughter's Nutcracker ballet, but haven't figured it all out yet.

  10. I just love all of the texture with the velvet leggings Joanne!! The winter has it's own issues with lighting, doesn't it??

  11. Velvet? Oh, yes! You look fabulous in this whole outfit! And, I think your son did a wonderful job with the photos. Your smile says it all!

  12. The color of those leggings is beautiful and I love the off the shoulder sweater. I think this is a perfect holiday look, friend!

  13. Those leggings are adorable! Could you please share the link? I would love to add a pair to my wardrobe. You look great in this outfit!

    1. Sure!

  14. My velvet romper and your leggings are the same color! Love them and what a great outfit! I would totally wear this to work even and then straight out to dinner. We have similar problems this time of year as the days are so short so taking outfit photos is challenging for sure and mostly done on the weekends because when I go to work and come home from work it's dark. One thing you can try to help with indoor lighting is standing with a window beside you so the light is coming onto you from the side.

    1. I noticed that your romper was the same color! Great minds think alike.


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