Monthly Musings for December

 It's the last Thursday of the month and time for Monthly Musings with Holly and Patty. 

1. Favorite moments of 2021? I have so many favorite moments from 2021 (which I shared here).  Alec trying out track and just killing it at public school.  He is loving it!   

Spending lots of time with our family and friends-- at the beach, at the roller rink, at our home.

2. Favorite vacations/trips of 2021?  They were all my favorite! My husband and I went to New Hampshire (twice!) and Maine.  We took a family trip to North Carolina.

3. Do you make new year's resolutions? Do you want to share yours?  I don't normally make any resolutions; when I want to make changes to my life I just do it without waiting for a set day or time. 

4. Did you have a word/phrase for 2021? Do you have one for 2022?  I did pick a word for 2021; it was embrace.  I don't have my word picked out yet for 2022 but hope it will come to me soon! 

5. Favorite fashion trend from 2021? I don't keep up on fashion trends... maybe distressed/ripped jeans?

6. Favorite phase of 2021? Nothing comes to mind... 

7. Biggest surprise of 2021?  My husband sold his business and went to work for someone else. I knew he had been thinking about it but I was so surprised when it finally happened. 

8. Stay in or go out on New Years Eve?  Always stay in; this year we're hosting a little graduation party for my oldest that night. 

9. Stay up until midnight or crash early?  Always crash early; I don't think I've made it up until midnight since I was in college (once!).

10. New year's day-- football, stay in bed, or binge and chill? Definitely not football, but we don't normally do anything very memorable that day.  Depending on weather we might hike.  

Linking up with:


  1. I never make it to midnight either!

    1. That is just much too late for me. LOL. I'm usually up around 5 am.

  2. Crashing before midnight this year sounds perfect to me! Thanks for joining all year- so glad we became blogging friends! :)

  3. I used to love New Year's eve late nights, but somehow going to bed seems like a more sensible way to begin a new year

    1. It was always a struggle for me. I like my sleep.

  4. Happy almost New Year! I will have to answer these in my upcoming year in review post.

  5. Oh I always love your photos! What is the big yellow hotel? I need to know more. Thank you for always joining us for Monthly Musings and Happy New Year!

    1. That is the Mountain View Grand in Whitefield New Hampshire.

  6. I'm all for a New Year's hike too.

    1. After so much overeating with the holidays I am dying for some good workouts!

  7. Embrace is a good word! I am not sure what my word will be this year either. I like to stay in on NYE too! Have a great day! Happy New Year!

  8. A New Year's hike sounds pretty great! I'll have to see how I'm feeling since I'm hoping to get my booster on New Year's Eve...

    1. I hope you feel just fine even with the booster.

  9. I am not a resolutions type person, either. I did resolve to give up chocolate one year. I made it to February! I love these types of get to know people so much better!

    Have a wonderful, if quiet, New Year!

    1. LOL! That's about how well I used to do with my resolutions!

  10. I wish you a fabulous New Year's Eve! A short one, lol. And a fantastic 2022.

  11. I like destroyed/distressed jeans so much and just hated them at first. I still worry a little about wearing them at 63 but they are fun, and comfy and trendy and did I mention fun?? You look super in yours.

    I am back on Weight Watchers again. Want to get back to my monthly wellness posts and hope to write some about Weight Watchers. Gained 6 pounds in the last month of the year with a whole lot of emotional eating. Grrr.

    1. I hated distressed jeans at first too! I didn't gain weight but I haven't lost any either and I am redoubling my efforts with WW starting this morning. I did workout with weights for 30 minutes and have only eaten fruit and yogurt so far today.


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