Eggnog Snickerdoodle Cookies

 Today I am joining up with the ladies for a delicious Christmas Treats Blog Hop.  I wanted to create a new recipe and have some fun in the kitchen.  

While I have never developed a taste for eggnog, I do enjoy baking with it.  In the past I've made eggnog cupcakes with cinnamon frosting & mini eggnog cheesecakes with cranberries. This year I thought it would be fun to make some cookies.

I've always loved snickerdoodles but have never made them before and thought I could easily combine the two flavors for a delicious cookie loaded with cinnamon sugar goodness and delicious eggnog flavor.  

They were pretty simple to make too!

Ingredients: (makes approx. 3 dozen cookies)

For the cookies:

3/4 cup butter; softened

1 cup granulated sugar

1/2 cup light brown sugar

2 eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla extract (you could use rum extract too!)

1/2 cup eggnog

2 1/2 cups all- purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

Cinnamon/ sugar mixture:

1/2 cup sugar

2 Tablespoons cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon ground clove

In my stand mixer, I combined the softened butter with both sugars until light fluffy.  I then added in the eggs, extract and eggnog.  

Once everything was well combined I added in the flour, baking powder, and salt.  

I scraped down the sides of the bowl making sure everything was mixed together well and then set my cookie dough in the fridge for 45 minutes to cool.  Preheat your oven after 30 minutes to 350 degrees.

Meanwhile I mixed together my cinnamon sugar mixture in a small bowl.  Adding in some nutmeg and clove for a more traditional eggnog taste.  

After the dough was chilled I used my cookie scoop to scoop out round balls of dough which I then rolled in the cinnamon mixture.

I put them on a cookie sheet-- now I HIGHLY recommend you use parchment paper for baking your cookies. I was all out and had a bit of a problem with my cooled cookies sticking to my tray since the cinnamon sugar mixture melts onto the pan a bit.  I know I would have had zero problems if I had lined my pan first!  

Once I had all 12 cookies I used my palm to flatten then before baking at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. 

Once baked I let them cool on the tray for at least 5 minutes before transferring them over to a wire rack.

Once cooled they quickly disappeared!  They were delicious. 

I hope you'll stop by and see what all my co-hosts are sharing today too!

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. What a perfect recipe for the holidays!

  2. I'm giving quite a few people cookies in a tin for Christmas this year (hope they don't read this!) I'm going to try this one to my list.

    1. I hope you like them (and they don't give you too much trouble sticking to the pan).

  3. Dear Joanne!
    Just the name "Eggnog Snickerdoodle Cookies" puts me in a good mood :-) Your recipe sounds very good, I want to do it!
    Enjoy the pre-Christmas season!
    All the best, Traude

  4. Hmmm, Joanne, looks soft and chewy combined with lots of holiday spices! My kind of treat!

    1. Yes, they were definitely soft and chewy and filled with spices.

  5. Not heard of these before but they look so yummy!

  6. Joanne,
    They look so yummy!! Thanks so much for taking the time to drop by!! I truly appreciate it!!Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. You're welcome! And thank you. My family thought they were great; I don't think they even lasted 2 full days in the house.

  7. These seem like a tasty combination of flavors. I'm not a fan of drinking eggnog either, but adding the flavor to treats like this sounds great.

    1. Yeah, I just can not past the texture of eggnog but I do love it in baked goods.

  8. I have heard of snickerdoodles before but had to Google what they were and I don't think I have tried eggnog before. They certainly look very tasty x

  9. Joannes, These cookies look so good and perfect for a Christmas time and parties.

  10. Love eggnog! The homemade kind is a million miles better so try that if you aren't a fan. As to those cookies - yes please and my grandkids would love the rolling them in sugar!

    1. I don't like the texture of eggnog (I'm not a milk drinker either) so even homemade probably would not be for me. I think we might have even tried making it once when my mini chef wanted to give it a try. He thought it tasted great! He's a huge eggnog fan.

  11. All that baking always sounds so good, but I'm not much of a baker. It looks delicious!

    1. I never used to enjoy baking at all but I am really getting into these last few years; probably has something to do with the enthusiasm of my no-so-little baker.

  12. I love snickerdoodles, but never thought to use eggnog in them. Sounds good!

  13. These cookies might actually get me to try eggnog!!! I'll let you know if I make them because they sound really good.

    1. I always thought I hated eggnog until we made an eggnog cake and then we made eggnog cheesecakes one year and I found that I like the taste of it... just not the texture of it as a drink.

  14. Snickerdoodles are one of my favorite cookie!! So I could see how the eggnog would make it even better.

    1. Funny enough I have never tried making snickerdoodles. I do like them though as I am a huge fan of cinnamon.

  15. Those look delicious! I have a soft sugar cookie recipe I usually turn into Snickerdoodles. I haven't even started my Christmas baking yet! I probably had better get going!

    1. I have a soft sugar cookies I turned into cinnamon bun cookies year (sort of the same thing I would think but my cinnamon was rolled up inside!).

  16. Oh. my. word. Eggnog is one of my FAVORITE things ever and nobody ever does recipes with eggnog! These sound incredible!

    1. I have two other eggnog recipes too--- eggnog cupcakes with cinnamon frosting ( & mini eggnog cheesecakes (

  17. Wonderful holiday cookies Joanne, so different than the usual. Happy Holidays

  18. Snickerdoodle Cookies are a family favorite here, we will have to try your eggnog recipe. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday, 567 and hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
    Miz Helen


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