Photos of the Week: November 20th

 I had a great time with this week's I Spy challenge!  Luckily we had a really nice week weather-wise and spent lots of time outside.  That always inspires me to take more photos. 

– house – (fall) quarterly pic

– brown-- Brown mushrooms we saw while hiking.

– stitch- A hand- stitched quilt my great grandmother made for me when I was just a baby. 

– architectural-- This stone 4- fireplace chimney is all that is left standing of the old General Nathaniel Lyon's birthplace homestead. 

– your choice

Linking up with:


  1. Your house in the fog is gorgeous!

  2. Great pictures once again! How nice that you still have the blanket your great- grandma made for you! What a treasure!

    1. I try not to use it anymore so it won't fall apart but we keep it on a blanket rack in our living room.

  3. I really do love the look of your house. It looks huge, easily twice the size of ours. x

    1. LOL it is a big house... which I love whenever I don't have to clean it.

  4. Fantastic photos Joanne! Love the capture of the lake, very autumnal.
    I love that you still have the quilt that your great grandmother made for you, what a lovely keepsake. :) #MMBC

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  6. Hi Joanne. I love your house and the pic is so atmospheric. Great fungi and that amazing chimney - what a house it must've been. As always, I love your view - it's to die for!! Cheers, CarolG

  7. Your house looks so pretty bathed in all of that fog!

  8. your baby quilt is charming - you're lucky to still have it

  9. Love the photo of your house, and of the fireplace chimney. How sweet that you still have that lovely quilt from your childhood!

  10. What an awesome architectural photo! Great house photo too. Fog always makes for very interesting pics.

  11. The first and last photo looks very November'ish.


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